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Candlekeep Mysteries, or Mittens the Mighty Mauls a Missive.




STANDING ATOP A ROCKY CRAG OVERLOOKING the Sea of Swords, the massive citadel of Candlekeep has endured the elements for centuries and defied the degradations of time. Visible for miles around, Candlekeep has an eye-catching silhouette: a high wall interspersed with towers. This wall encloses a large space from which more towers rise. Those who behold the edifice say it looks like nothing so much as a cake decorated with an overabundance of candles.

The entrance to Candlekeep is a double gate that stands at the end of the Way of the Lion, the only road that provides access to and from the outside world. The route follows a lonely path across the peninsula where Candlekeep stands.

Those who gain entry discover a cloistered community of scholars milling around inside Candlekeep's walls, a place of enlightened conversation and friendly debate. No better place in the Realms exists for those who have a love for or a need of knowledge and who want to pursue such interests alongside fellow seekers.

Candlekeep has the largest repository of written lore in Faerun, including the collected prophecies of an ancient sage named Alaundo the Seer. Those compiled divinations make up a tiny fraction of the accumulated knowledge and secrets contained in the library's vast collection.

Not all knowledge preserved in Candlekeep is of historical importance. The library holds thousands upon thousands of lost recipes, old songs, collections of folklore, and journals written by folks whose time has long since passed. The abundance of these ancillary works makes finding notable tomes an exercise in patience and perseverance. Fortunately, a legion of scholars and sages called the Avowed look after the library and remain vigilant in the care and cataloging of all the knowledge it holds.

ENTERING CANDLEKEEP The required entrance fee for admission into Candlekeep is a work of writing not already collected therein. Those who show up at the gates without such a gift are kindly but firmly turned away.

The enormous double gates of Candlekeep are three times the height of a human and wrought of black metal magically warded to foil attempts to damage them. Both doors are emblazoned with the sigil of Candlekeep. One of the two gates stands open far enough to admit visitors during the day, and the other is kept shut.

Bedecked in purple vestments, five Avowed priests of Deneir (god of writing) oversee the front gates, examining and discussing written works presented by hopefuls trying to gain entrance. If a question arises, the Avowed send a runner to consult with a sage in the library. The runner eventually returns bearing a missive of acceptance or denial. Visiting scholars experienced in this procedure often bring a selection of possible donations to ensure admittance. Despite the stringent entrance requirements, the Avowed do accept rare editions of tomes already in the collection, journals of those who recount unique or insightful experiences, or the odd work that has been annotated by a prominent scholar outside the library. Once granted admission, visitors quickly discover that it's wise to assemble a "wish list" of works that members of the senior staff are interested in collecting, potentially reducing the guesswork of readmission on future visits.

Those admitted to Candlekeep, referred to as seekers, can request the assistance of an Avowed adjutant who acts as a guide and research assistant for the duration of their visit. This guide has access to all the resources of the library, with the exception of the vaults that contain the rarest and most dangerous works. Seekers can appeal to higher-ranking Avowed for permission to peruse these off-limits works.

Here begins the story of Mittens the Cat and the people it allows to follow alongside; @Squidleybits @Dirona @Eriol et al.




Todays adventure is brought to you by a DM rolling crap for 7.5 hours and awesome for the boss fight.




Battle of the DMs.PXL_20220709_155523411.jpg




After your last adventure, the party has come to realize that the staff of Candlekeep, are very concerned about preserving the knowledge of books inside the library, but are not too concerned about how the books ended up in the library.





@Eriol "I fireball the rug. ... Just in case."




Some additional items:

The body of Heluthe is a hook for another adventure, not found in the Candlekeep book. If you want I can flesh it out or if some one else wants to, that is also fine.

What is known for certain:
- the body of Heluthe has been taken from her grave
- the Baroness was researching hags
- you do not know what has happened to the Baroness

And now back to Candlekeep!

When you return to the great library, instead of the usual staff at the door, you find it locked up tight. It takes quite a deal of pleading for you to be let back in. They eventually do let you back inside, and are happy to learn that you are safe. Some express great interest in the notes about hags in your possession. After a few libations at the inn, you get the gist of the what has happened. Two days ago there was an attempted break in! While they are certain that nothing was taken and all books are accounted for, they are quite concerned about the incident. What concerns them most is that the thief or thieves were never seen or found.

After a long journey, a good rest is what you all need the most.

Unfortunately for Mari, this is not possible. For in the middle of the night, she wakes to find Mittens on her chest looking very happy as it presents the sleeping ranger with what appears to be an ear.




Shadows speak with a heavy newfie accent.




Shadows speak with a heavy newfie accent.
This should be no problem for Izzy. I'm sure she's met some newfies at Strixhaven!




While perusing the stacks, Sybil finds the following song.

Aquilonia the setting Sun

Aquilonia the fire of the West,
Towards our lands every three score.
From it’s flaming forgotten nest,
On the ocean wind it soars.

Aquilonia the setting sun,
Aquilonia the greatest wyrm,
Aquilonia your heat is never run,
Aquilonia your fire always burns.

Aquilonia it burns us bright,
From winters silent season.
The land burns with it’s might,
Aquilonia it gives us no reason.

Aquilonia the setting sun,
Aquilonia the greatest wyrm,
Aquilonia your heat is never run,
Aquilonia your fire always burns.

The King sent his men at arms,
The Elves sent theirs too,
They worked their charms,
But Aquilonia burned through.

Aquilonia the setting sun,
Aquilonia the greatest wyrm,
Aquilonia your heat is never run,
Aquilonia your fire always burns.

Aquilonia the setting sun,
Aquilonia the greatest wyrm,
Aquilonia your heat is never run,

Aquilonia your fire always burns.




Also, noooo! Not more songs!!!
At least this one is less creepy nursery rhyme....




The Yuan-Ti casts Suggestion...












I have Hugh charisma, so my singing must be good!




Such an odd typo.




Omg, that was terrible.




Oh, I assumed she meant Hugh Jackman levels of charisma.




Thinking about scrapping two years worth of storylines and replacing it with a quest to kick old man winter in the nuts.




Thinking about scrapping two years worth of storylines and replacing it with a quest to kick old man winter in the nuts.
Seems reasonable!








I LOVE that rainbow dragon scale mail shirt!


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

I'm confused by this thread and also atm a little intoxicated but I want in.

btw, I'm a necromancer if you can't tell lol














The trees name is tree!
