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Thread for all things Caprica... Spoiler if you feel like you need to please.

Turns out to be a pretty cool retelling of Frankenstein.



I'm really digging it so far.




I like it, but can smell its demise a mile away.


Rob King

Rob King

I'll be interested to see colonial society before the Cylon war, but I don't hold too much hope for this series.

It IS on Sci-Fi (I will not refer to it by that name) though, so they won't have the rug pulled out from under them. Which means they'll at least be able to put together a cohesive narrative. Probably.


Zumbo Prime

Isn't this the movie that was already released?




It is an ongoing series, for now. So far it is the pilot and the premier episode which aired last Friday. I think USA is running the show too.



Hey they already have them posting on Hulu :pop2: Yay!




Kinda too into the whole "One True God" thing... which in BSG, by the end, looked more like it was brought by the final five to the cylons.

But it fine so far.




As I recall, the 7 new models (with the exception of Cavil) were the ones into the One God, not the final five.

Actually, since Cavil erased all memory of the final five from the other models, it seems unlikely that the One God stuff would have any connection to them and instead originated with the "new" cylons, consistent with the Caprica series thus far.




Well the Caprica series says that it originated with the humans actually (no Cylons yet).

But i was thinking more along the lines that the 5 introduced the belief (they where saved from the nuked Earth by the angel apparitions), but weren't as fanatic about it as the "new" humanoid models, which would explain why Cavil wasn't into it (being against the final 5's teachings). The memory erasure could easily just have not included the parts about the One God (as they did know about the existence of a Final 5).
