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Captain Atlantis


Rob King

Rob King

Alright, so I sincerely doubt any of you have heard of this comic book character. I just heard of him myself, and he's a bit of a local phenomenon.

(On the left is Captain Canada, on the right: Captain Atlantis (his mentor))

I'm going to be trying to find the graphic novel in the next few days and weeks, but one of the guys behind the character has provided enough entertainment for me already. He's the owner of the local television station here called NTV. There are other media outlets that he owns, but ... he's a strange one.

From Wikipedia:

"In some circles, Stirling is regarded as an eccentric for the way in which he has used his media outlets to promote a variety of personal interests such as eastern mysticism and intestinal health ... a variety of esoteric subjects ranging from pyramids to unidentified flying objects. When he watched his own television station he would sometimes phone Master Control to order that a favorite tape immediately preempt the current broadcast or that the technician apply a particular effect to the screen. One widely repeated story holds that Stirling once called the station during the NTV Evening News and demanded that they broadcast Inspector Gadget immediately, prompting them to play the cartoon in the corner of the screen throughout the remainder of the program."

What a freaking nutbar. I think I like him.

I just wanted to share that. But to make it something we can all talk about, and in the spirit of Captain Atlantis/Newfoundland, are there any really obscure superheroes, either from the major publishers or not, that you feel like sharing?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

When he watched his own television station he would sometimes phone Master Control to order that a favorite tape immediately preempt the current broadcast or that the technician apply a particular effect to the screen. One widely repeated story holds that Stirling once called the station during the NTV Evening News and demanded that they broadcast Inspector Gadget immediately, prompting them to play the cartoon in the corner of the screen throughout the remainder of the program."





Actually, he sounds a bit like a dick to me.
