Export thread




Frankie Williamson


Pretty much every bit of data-mined info was true.



/Conspiracy hat on

Or its all still part of an elaborate ruse! Just to punish us for data-mining!

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:31 pm --





Looks cool. The question is, if we have to quest through phased barrens will the chat be the same as low level barrens :aaahhh: . Also if we will have the ability to switch between phases.






Only LVL 85? Must be limited content zone areas.




They are going to increase the XP needed to gain a level I believe.



The Worgren can play so many father-fucking classes! Augh, I won't know which to play!




All those dipshits calling Scytherexx a liar and an idiot can shove it up their know-nothing asses. :smug:




No love for Gnomer though.


Shegokigo said:
All those dipshits calling Scytherexx a liar and an idiot can shove it up their know-nothing asses. :smug:
I ALWAYS believe what he says about WoW. Doing otherwise risks looking stupid.



Frankie Williamson

I was hoping there would be SOMETHING, anything new.

But it's all old news.

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:02 pm --

Ok, I'm wrong, this new guild level/talent system sounds awesome.

Talents such as lower repair costs, slower durability loss and guild mass ressurection!




Guild advancement (whatever the hell that is), and the profession were new.




There is ALOT more than just the features shown on that splash page, I assure you.



Frankie Williamson

I know, I'm watching Blizzcon. There's some little stuff but all the overall big announcement stuff was all leaked beforehand. It's a little dissappointing, like knowing all your christmas presents in November.

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:11 pm --


Southshore has been destroyed by the Forsaken!


-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:14 pm --

Garrosh is the fucking man, he's single handedly fucking owning the world.




Frankie said:

Southshore has been destroyed by the Forsaken!


That's awesome



Frankie said:
I was hoping there would be SOMETHING, anything new.

But it's all old news.

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:02 pm --

Ok, I'm wrong, this new guild level/talent system sounds awesome.

Talents such as lower repair costs, slower durability loss and guild mass ressurection!

Where is this information?!



Frankie Williamson

I'm watching Blizzcon live right now, it's on the panel.

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:17 pm --





Path of the Titans.

Wonder if this is going to be akin to the AA skill system in old EQ? I liked that idea and I think it'd be neat in WoW as well.




Dang, looks like I am going to forsake my original Dwarf Hunter and re-roll a Human one.



Son of a bitch, I'm at work which means no audio for me.



Frankie Williamson

Uldum = multiple dungeons and now an entire leveling zone.




What is the expected launch date?




Frankie said:
Uldum = multiple dungeons and now an entire leveling zone.
We may finally find out what broke out of there.




Also Goddamn, Worgen and Goblins look badass.







I wanna play again. WTB system that can handle WoW!




CynicismKills said:
Also Goddamn, Worgen and Goblins look badass.
It is about time the Horde got a Race with good posture...



Frankie Williamson

Hyjal is under seige by Ragnaros and being defended by re-awakened Malfurion Stormrage and his druids.



Pro-tip: I have my sister providing transcripts as she watches from home, since she's out of a job currently. So its like I'm getting 1/8 of the information you guys are.



Frankie Williamson

Also, anyone in the jTV feed. I'm fhorrigan, the guy making asshole comments every 2 minutes.



Oh yes, Heroic Deadmines. Thank the gods.



Frankie Williamson

Rated battlegrounds, for folks who hate arena (me) but like arena weapons (me).



Yay, guild levels...I enjoy it very much in WAR :B




Frankie said:
Rated battlegrounds, for folks who hate arena (me) but like arena weapons (me).
But how are the uberkids going to win? with out steamrolling a pug?




Any mention of how far from beta they are?



Frankie Williamson

No, it's all obviously incredibly early, they barely had roughed out maps and concept art for most of the new zones.




Yeah, they still have a lot of LK left. I was just curious.




Frankie said:
No, it's all obviously incredibly early, they barely had roughed out maps and concept art for most of the new zones.
So they should have waited till next year to pop the announcement.

Sometimes I'd like to see these MMO's fix the issues at hand before expanding content that will be broken too.




sixpackshaker said:
Frankie said:
No, it's all obviously incredibly early, they barely had roughed out maps and concept art for most of the new zones.
So they should have waited till next year to pop the announcement.

Sometimes I'd like to see these MMO's fix the issues at hand before expanding content that will be broken too.
Waited why? They always announce their expansions about 8-9 months before releasing them.

Aslo fix the issues at hand? Such as?




Hmm, this new expansion looks pretty cool. It might be the extra impetus I've needed to get back into WoW.


I'm curious about the old-world zones. Are they simply never going to exist again in the forms they are now? I have totally mixed feelings in that I can't WAIT to see how they all change, but at the same time I'll really miss the old world.

I really look forward to the new stuff but I can't believe I'm turning into one of those people who also wants a vanilla WoW server (and not a private one).


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Goddamn Goblins! So many awesome races in Azeroth, and we get fucking Goblins? I would've taken Troggs or Tuskarr over fucking Goblins...

Gilneas sure looks cool. Glad the Alliance gets something awesome, again. I don't play Alliance, but I at least messed with Dranei because they were cool. I'll likely do the same with Worgen. Sure not fucking playing Goblin...

I hope they will introduce race-change later though; I'd love to turn my Pally into a Tauren.



Frankie Williamson

Phasing. As you progress in the new story for each zone, they phase into their cataclysmic versions from what I understand.




escushion said:
Goddamn Goblins! So many awesome races in Azeroth, and we get fucking Goblins? I would've taken Troggs or Tuskarr over fucking Goblins...

Gilneas sure looks cool. Glad the Alliance gets something awesome, again. I don't play Alliance, but I at least messed with Dranei because they were cool. I'll likely do the same with Worgen. Sure not fucking playing Goblin...

I hope they will introduce race-change later though; I'd love to turn my Pally into a Tauren.
I'm staying on my Horde Tauren Shaman as he's "Grandfathered" as a High Warlord. I will say this, I will be "seriously" playing a Goblin Rogue as a "second main" and not an "alt".

Goblins have always been my favorite race to play in Fantasy games whenever given the chance, I'm damn glad to see them on WoW.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I played a Goblin in WAR because they looked cool; I don't really see that awesome asthetic in these screenshots. They look like the same globs of goo I've been questing for since I started.

Oh well, no sense in bitching; it ain't gonna change. Guess I can make a shaman toon now without worrying I'll want to remake it as a different race.




ZenMonkey said:
I'm curious about the old-world zones. Are they simply never going to exist again in the forms they are now? I have totally mixed feelings in that I can't WAIT to see how they all change, but at the same time I'll really miss the old world.

I really look forward to the new stuff but I can't believe I'm turning into one of those people who also wants a vanilla WoW server (and not a private one).
Looks like the Cataclysm is going to happen to Azeroth no matter what. The old zones will change expansion or no expansion.



Frankie Williamson

DarkAudit said:
ZenMonkey said:
I'm curious about the old-world zones. Are they simply never going to exist again in the forms they are now? I have totally mixed feelings in that I can't WAIT to see how they all change, but at the same time I'll really miss the old world.

I really look forward to the new stuff but I can't believe I'm turning into one of those people who also wants a vanilla WoW server (and not a private one).
Looks like the Cataclysm is going to happen to Azeroth no matter what. The old zones will change expansion or no expansion.
Yeah, I was dead wrong. Man, that's actually pretty awesome.




escushion said:
I played a Goblin in WAR because they looked cool; I don't really see that awesome asthetic in these screenshots. They look like the same globs of goo I've been questing for since I started.

Oh well, no sense in bitching; it ain't gonna change. Guess I can make a shaman toon now without worrying I'll want to remake it as a different race.
Except that races have been known to change aethstically during the beta phases, I would agree that they don't look much different than current goblins.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Shegokigo said:
escushion said:
I played a Goblin in WAR because they looked cool; I don't really see that awesome asthetic in these screenshots. They look like the same globs of goo I've been questing for since I started.

Oh well, no sense in bitching; it ain't gonna change. Guess I can make a shaman toon now without worrying I'll want to remake it as a different race.
Except that races have been known to change aethstically during the beta phases, I would agree that they don't look much different than current goblins.
True. Guess we'll have to see.




I didn't hear anything about a new shared capital city. I hope to god there isn't another Dalaran/Shatt.




There is
It's Deepholme, with entrances to the Planes of Elements.




Damn it.



Frankie Williamson

Holy shit, the class changes coming up are INFUCKINGSANE.
No more MP5, ArP, Def or Block Value.

Next Legendary is a two handed axe!!!

/happy Orc warrior/Death Knight.

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:23 pm --

Man, the changes are FUCKING vast.

Cataclysm is changing WoW more than BC/LK put together.




Finally home and I'm pissed. I can't go back into the stream and watch the panels that have already passed? BULLSHIT.




Frankie said:
Holy shit, the class changes coming up are INFUCKINGSANE.
No more MP5, ArP, Def or Block Value.

WTF. I could see ArP, but Def and block? That's just odd.



Frankie Williamson

Hunters are dropping mana and getting focus.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

What... why do they insist on fucking hunters? First the nerfs. Now, no mana? Hunters are good to use like they are; just alternate Aspect of the Hawk with Aspect of the Viper and mana isn't a problem...

Guess I better make as much money with him as I can now, while he's still useful.




escushion said:
What... why do they insist on fucking hunters? First the nerfs. Now, no mana? Hunters are good to use like they are; just alternate Aspect of the Hawk with Aspect of the Viper and mana isn't a problem...

Guess I better make as much money with him as I can now, while he's still useful.
If you read what they've said so far this sounds like a great change. It means less item budget spent on INT and more on Agility/Hit/other stats.

I'm stalling my Dwarf Hunter and waiting for a Worgen Hunter. Sweet.

Also, these new zones and events sound fucking awesome. Can't wait for more info (especially on Warriors!).

Also also, I think the Goblins are looking a lot different, thought I'm looking at them with a modeler/texture eye. Not to mention even the idle animation is leaps above the classic WoW animations they have right now.



Get your cameras ready. Rare moment:


I officially apologize.

I will never doubt your Warcraft knowledge again.

Let it be known that this shit is grabbing my ass back to WoW. FUCK! I've been WoW free for a damn year too!




Chazwozel said:

I officially apologize.

I will never doubt your Warcraft knowledge again.
Rexx, you've got a new sig!



ZenMonkey said:
I'm curious about the old-world zones. Are they simply never going to exist again in the forms they are now? I have totally mixed feelings in that I can't WAIT to see how they all change, but at the same time I'll really miss the old world.

I really look forward to the new stuff but I can't believe I'm turning into one of those people who also wants a vanilla WoW server (and not a private one).

I hope they phase old world content for people leveling from level 1.

-- Fri Aug 21, 2009 9:00 pm --

TeKeo said:
Chazwozel said:

I officially apologize.

I will never doubt your Warcraft knowledge again.
Rexx, you've got a new sig!





From what I've been reading I'm gathering that the sundering has set up new leveling zones.

So far Horde, for example, has Azshara as a lower level zone connected to Org. Also the Barrens is split between a higher and lower level zone. The images on MMO-Champion look like Mulgore has been walled off completely from Barrens.



Will I need the expansion to be able to experience the Cataclysm changes?

When the Cataclysm occurs, it will occur for all players, whether they have purchased the expansion or not--you will no longer be to play in the original version of Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms. However, certain features such as the new zones, new races, and new level cap will only be accessible to players who purchase the expansion.



rofl @ the justin tv cast..

dude the guy doing the hosting is fuckin hilarious, i cant remember his name but i know him from movies

dudes fuckin funny



Holy fucking shit. As a worgen, out of combat you get to choose whether you want to be in human form or worgan form. In combat you become worgan.




Chazwozel said:
Holy fucking shit. As a worgen, out of combat you get to choose whether you want to be in human form or worgan form. In combat you become worgan.
They also get a free Sprint as a racial, and always have a 1% damage bonus. Goblins have some nice ones too.




Wonder if they will keep wailing caverns easily accessible. Very cool that they are shaking everything up though. The beginning areas were getting stale, this should be interesting.



Frankie Williamson

Chazwozel said:
Let it be known that this shit is grabbing my ass back to WoW. FUCK! I've been WoW free for a damn year too!
I know, I've been WoW free for 6 months or so now and all I want to do is resubscribe right now and play some more.



It's like it's aimed right at me. Focus on leveling? Redoing the old world? A monstrous race that doesn't make me switch factions? ARCHAEOLOGY?

Where do I sign?




Don't worry, you all have a long time until the xpac come out.




Back from Day 1! Nice to see everything finally announced. I got some playtime with the new races and I have to say, I love them a lot so far.

Both starter zones need some fleshing in the quest department, but it looks like each zone is going to follow a similar progression as the DK starting zone. Rather then being a character just randomly appearing in the middle of a zone, each of you start off with a "reputation" already built and hinted by the NPCs.

Worgen start out in Gilneas, which has taken a very Transylvania aesthetic that you would see in an old movie. The men wear long black coat, the women black dresses with little fancy hats, etc... You are actually captured by the other Gilnites and a few of the NPCs want you killed, but one of the NPCs has to much faith in that he can "cure" you. He ends up using a potion that turns you into a human, but it's only a semi-change, as you are still a Worgen and can transform at anytime. This is when you start the quests to push back the Forsaken.

Racials are pretty simple right now. They have less time under the effect of curses, a sprint ability, better skinners both in skill level and even a skinning time boost, and the most interesting, is the "Two Forms" ability, allowing the Worgen to transform into a human or back again, the animation is great, I could start around all day just making myself transform. The only downside is you can NOT choose your human form, it will be made based on which Worgen options you pick (my blond braided Worgen, as a human, was a balding old redhead.)

The Goblins on the other hand started on a island just east of Durotar. The place if very tropic with monkeys and raptors, and has some hilarious quests. I had one in which I had to clear out the monkeys, so I threw out bombs disguised as bananas, blowing them sky high. The Goblins keep most of the style they have developed over the years, which insane makeshift gadgets, improvised housing and weapons, etc... They have some funny animations, like I swear when they cast a spell they look like they are throwing it like a baseball.

Racials are actually my favorite of the two new races, with only Two Form being close for the interest scale. Goblins get a "super discount" on vendors, meaning they always pay price for items after exalted discounts, even if they are not exalted. They get an attack and cast speed boost, alchemy specialization, and something else involving money I am drawing a blank on. However, the two skills that stole the show for me were Hobgoblin Servant and Rocket Belt.

Hobgoblin Servant is a big dumb ogrish creature that you can summon every 30 minutes, and allows you access to your bank. Makes them a very good option for a bank character just for that alone. Rocket Belt has duel uses, you can either launch the rocket as a weapon, doing some decent damage, or my favorite, use it to rocket jump. I had way, WAY more fun then I should have with that ability. Getting chased by 5 raptors? Rocket Jump! Need to get on a rock a little out on the ocean? ROCKET JUMP. It was a lot of fun.

Graphics wise the whole thing looks beautiful. If no one noticed, play the trailer and look at the WATER. During the Art Panel the artists shows that they redid the entire water system for the game. It looks GREAT. That is all I can say, just take a look at it.

Also, I want to say one thing. The idea of changing the surface of the planet for EVERYONE was weird to me at first, then during the preview panel they won me over with one word, FLOW. Outland and Northrend have a great leveling "flow" in which zones easily lead to other zones of the next highest level. Old World, however, was very random in the zone design, not having a clear flow from various zones to others. You often would feel like you were running around all over the place.

Blizzard is redoing the zones in order to redesign them with a better flow system, meaning leveling will be easier, less time consuming, and more focused. Considering how much more I love the leveling after hitting Outland/Northrend, I have to say I would love Old World to play like that.

I am a bit tired so that is all I am going to write for now. I may post more in the future as I play the races some more.




I hate you so much right now Scythe. Nothing personal.



I had been playing WoW on and off since Stress Test / Release, quitting a number of times before each expansion. I came back before BC with a refreshed outlook on the game and really enjoyed most of it. I quit before LK, and came back a bit after it was released. When I quit just this past Feb, I pretty much resigned myself that I won't be coming back. I'd check in on WoW's website, reading all the info of the upcoming patches, and none of it really inticed me to come back.

When Sythe came on here and gave us the possibilty of the new races, I was interested to see how they'd fit. When MMO-Champion pretty much leaked the rest of the info on the new expansion, I was interested. However, none of this really made me want to get back into the game.

Seeing the trailers, the completely revamped zones, how the new races look, and all this new / confirmed info... I really do want to play a Worgen Druid. This expansion may get me excited enough to get back into the game a few months before it releases, just so I can be around when they do the major crossover patch.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm looking forward to the big patch event.

Not looking forward to all the servers breaking again, but I've come to accept that as a constant whenever something changes in WoW. Considering the scope of changes... there are likely to be a lot of growing pains.



escushion said:
I'm looking forward to the big patch event.

Not looking forward to all the servers breaking again, but I've come to accept that as a constant whenever something changes in WoW. Considering the scope of changes... there are likely to be a lot of growing pains.

I don't think this Xpacs coming out any time soon...




Umm from how they have released them before I think it will be late Q1 or early Q2 of next year for release...

Im betting Arthas will be out in like 3 months and 3 or 4 months after that will be the xpac.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Chazwozel said:
escushion said:
I'm looking forward to the big patch event.

Not looking forward to all the servers breaking again, but I've come to accept that as a constant whenever something changes in WoW. Considering the scope of changes... there are likely to be a lot of growing pains.

I don't think this Xpacs coming out any time soon...
Yeah... still going to break the hell out of the game when the time comes, and server resets, and blah-de-blah... Never said it'd be soon.




I thought I had heard Metzen has said something like "Blizzcon 2010 we're gonna hear Alliance whining about these new Goblin Rogues" or something, so I'm wagering on Spring 2010 for this xpac. There's also art for Icecrown in the images on mmo-champion, so Icecrown can't be more than a couple months off, either.

I haven't been this excited for anything WoW-related yet, and the new "flow" of the old zones has me raring to start a Goblin of some sort and a Worgen Hunter.




The goblin racials are making me feel terrible about my gnome. Rocket jumping sounds so cool!



So for the 4th xpac, I'd love to see a more.. open system of factions. Have each side splinter, maybe mix up the combo of races, like move humans to horde with orcs and tauren to alliance and such

Less safe zones or at least make the number of horde/alliance zones that are right next to each other a bigger number

Or better yet, split it into a 3 faction system, each faction having 4 races (there will be 12 total after worgen/goblin are added)



Frankie Williamson

Mav said:
So for the 4th xpac, I'd love to see a more.. open system of factions. Have each side splinter, maybe mix up the combo of races, like move humans to horde with orcs and tauren to alliance and such

Less safe zones or at least make the number of horde/alliance zones that are right next to each other a bigger number

Or better yet, split it into a 3 faction system, each faction having 4 races (there will be 12 total after worgen/goblin are added)
I could not disagree harder with everything you just said.

You want to splinter guilds of people who have been playing together for years "just to mix things up"?




Because he wants WoW to be an open PVP world, even though on a pure PVP server it already is.



Shegokigo said:
Because he wants WoW to be an open PVP world, even though on a pure PVP server it already is.
Oh no no no Sheg, it's truly not. I play a dorf warrior, I cannot attack Humans, Gnomes, etc of my faction, outside of agreed-upon-duels.

Take away killing faction restrictions and WoW would be PERFECT

-- Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:14 pm --

Frankie said:
I could not disagree harder with everything you just said.

You want to splinter guilds of people who have been playing together for years "just to mix things up"?
It's been done in other mmo's that have started to grow long in the tooth. 5 years of playing the same factions? The same race combos? Conflict of choice has always been the great part of guild politics. Who do you follow? The guild splinters into groups, the choices you make affect how you will play. Shit like that is what really makes the metagame awesome both in terms of gameplay and player to player interaction for server politics and alligences




You're right, games like UO and Shadowbane are doing fantastic with that style of gameplay and games like WoW are just doing it wrong....

Seriously, you can already fight half of the server, you're upset cause it's not 75-90%?




New mechanics and raid/dungeon info are showing up on mmo, and it all sounds spectacular.




I'm diggin' (har har) the archeaology and path of the titans stuff. Man, this is making me want to play again... except that all the stuff I want to do isn't actually available yet.




Raemon777 said:
I'm diggin' (har har) the archeaology and path of the titans stuff. Man, this is making me want to play again... except that all the stuff I want to do isn't actually available yet.
Yeah, and allowing race changes makes me happy. I've gotten really tired of my NE, but I still love playing a Warrior.



wonder if they will allow Worgen and Goblin race changes right off the bat...


Gadzooks said:
wonder if they will allow Worgen and Goblin race changes right off the bat...
Given how many people will be rolling them at first, my guess would be no.

I usually get into the Blizz betas but I am going to have to see if I can't push my connections on this one.



Cross server LFG - You will be able to look for groups through multiple servers! It should be out for patch 3.3.0.

Cross server LFG - You will be able to look for groups through multiple servers! It should be out for patch 3.3.0.

Cross server LFG - You will be able to look for groups through multiple servers! It should be out for patch 3.3.0.


I so called this back in BC, made sense with PvP, make it PvE too



Gadzooks said:
Cross server LFG - You will be able to look for groups through multiple servers! It should be out for patch 3.3.0.
This is another nail in the coffin to get me back. Part of my problem is family plays on one server, raid capable friends on another... it's just annoying. I want to be able to chat across servers if I know account names (harder now that you can register a b.net account and use your email address as an account name) like we used to do in Diablo. Now, at least I can call up my sister (plays on a different server), tell her I'm in LFG, and she can look for me. So, I can't quest with people across servers, that's fine, but to run instances would be great.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Gadzooks said:
wonder if they will allow Worgen and Goblin race changes right off the bat...
Have they been mentioning any race changing?



Race changes will be available shortly after Faction changes. There is no point in not allowing that since you can't really prevent people with multiple accounts to play both side on PvP servers anyway.
All races will have updated racials with Cataclysm, they should be similar to what the Goblins have. (Increased health/mana potion effects, etc ...)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Then my pally shall be Tauren then.




Man, if I had money.....I played WoW for the first year it came out, then quit and never looked back. But all of this shit looks so damn good, it's pulling me in.



Dieb said:
Man, if I had money.....I played WoW for the first year it came out, then quit and never looked back. But all of this shit looks so damn good, it's pulling me in.
this, yeah?



HoboNinja said:
Umm from how they have released them before I think it will be late Q1 or early Q2 of next year for release...

Im betting Arthas will be out in like 3 months and 3 or 4 months after that will be the xpac.
It's Blizzard. November 2010, for Christmas.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I would say the same, except they actually got Lich King out on time. No delay, nothing. I was amazed, as if Arthas had extended Northrend into hell and it froze over.



I have to agree, it'll be around Christmas of next year if we're lucky, early summer of 2011 if we're not. Personally I'm very sad I didn't get to go to the con this year, as Cataclysm looks absolutely awesome, and I'm really hoping to get into the beta to test out the Worgen (maybe the goblins too).



Shegokigo said:
You're right, games like UO and Shadowbane are doing fantastic with that style of gameplay and games like WoW are just doing it wrong....

Seriously, you can already fight half of the server, you're upset cause it's not 75-90%?

I gotta agree here. WoW is kind of blazing the MMO trail as far as what should be done in these games. UO and Shadowbane have dwindled due to rehashing the same stuff. EQ2 follows that same path. Now that I've given it more thought, the push for revamping old world zones permanently is a good one. The game's been out for looong ass time already. 5 years! That's ages for a video game. New players would be just as exposed to the new lore as we were back in 2004 when the game came out, and for old players, a revamp is a welcome refresher. Plus, implemented on a larger scale, this phasing system is going to be huge.

I'm excited. This is going to be like pretty much playing a sequel, not an expansion.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Gkbur said:
I have to agree, it'll be around Christmas of next year if we're lucky, early summer of 2011 if we're not. Personally I'm very sad I didn't get to go to the con this year, as Cataclysm looks absolutely awesome, and I'm really hoping to get into the beta to test out the Worgen (maybe the goblins too).
I'm gonna call you on that. That's a good two years from now. That would be 4 months short of 3 years after Lich King's release.

WoW to BC was 2 years, 2 months.
BC to Wrath was 1 year, 10 months.

I find your numbers unlikely, especially since they've clearly been working on it, and the Goblin/Worgen zones were up for play. I don't know when it will come out, but I think you're stretching it.



I'm guessing Christmas of next year, in fact I'm 99.999999999% certain it will be, but this is Blizzard, they don't release until it's ready, and if something occurs, or there's something they decide to add they may delay it (you know, if we're unlucky), do I think it'll happen, no, but it's always a possibility. I chose early summer as a time period because it seems to be a big launch time.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Their intentions sound like summer of 2010. I don't think it'd be delayed for an entire year.



Shegokigo said:
You're right, games like UO and Shadowbane are doing fantastic with that style of gameplay and games like WoW are just doing it wrong....

Seriously, you can already fight half of the server, you're upset cause it's not 75-90%?
UO's still going, and Darkfall was released not to mention Mortal Online coming down the pipeline..

Upset, no. I still play the game but I'd love it literally a 100000% more if that fellow Alliance guy standing there annoying me, could be ganked with a swing of my axe. I mean really, thats my only gripe with WoW..


Mav said:
I'd love it literally a 100000% more if that fellow Alliance guy standing there annoying me, could be ganked with a swing of my axe.
I can't say I disagree with this sentiment. I guess I just go and take it out on the opposite faction (yes, I play both) when I get that fed up. I mean in any group of ten or more Horde there's going to be some dickhead who's as bad or worse than the Alliance guy, and I don't mean just because he plays Horde.




Considering the timeline on patch 3.2.2 is November (Onyxia = 5 year anniversary gift to the fans), I'd anticipate 3.3 around March/April 2010. If there isn't any planned LK content after 3.3, Cataclysm could be ready as soon as summer/fall 2010, likely no later than winter.
