...is apparently yummier than peach yogurt melts. I can't get her to eat her yogurt melts, and I can't keep her *out*of the catfood.
much to Moth's dismay
aaaaw so cute :love:
That's cute!
I'm nauseated at the moment, so that's kinda gross to me, but the child is ridiculously cute.
Which is cheaper to give to the AWWWWW-inducing little munchkin?
I love catfood.
Wasabi Poptart
Those yogurt melts are gross, so I don't blame her.
Fun Size
That is simultaneously adorable and repugnant (the cat food thing, not the kid - she's all cute).
My mother says I did this as a child too. She didn't stop me when she caught me though, she thought it was too funny.
Now you've given your child a love of cheap food for life and you save money. Win-Win!
She's obviously an alien, or has been infected... fookin' prawn... move her to a tent outside of town before it's too late... or have her build you a battlesuit, whichever.