Yesterday, I finally broke down and bought the latest WWE game, Smackdown vs. RAW 2011. I fell in love with 2010, which was the first wrestling game I'd played for any length of time since....geez, probably No Mercy for the N64.
One of my favourite things to do with a wrestling game (much like an MMO and why I loved City of Heroes so much) is creating wrestlers. Or CAW's, as most fans call them. Chase Hunter, Kid Canuck, Captain Wonder, Gabriel DaePoche; the list goes on. I'd fill up memory cards quickly with just created wrestlers. I love the current run of games are even better for that, since they allow you to create entrances, too, complete with lighting pyro and even uploading your own music. Chase Hunter, for example, comes down to the ring to "Push" by Moist, which I'm surprised has not been used in real life for theme music.
Anyway, the previous game had the option of saving clips from matches, cutting them together, adding effects like camera angles and adding them to a character's entrance. Specifically, the clips would be seen on the big screen (the Titantron) while they walked to the ring. Another option - which I never took advantage of - was uploading these video reels directly from the game and onto YouTube.
This time, I did.
I'll probably start posting a number of these video reels. My first attempt with Toro (who is a goddamn beast and fun to play) was pretty good, though I don't know why the music didn't upload, as well. It was generic music from the game, which confuses me why it didn't.
So! After all that, I introduce to you, for a 20 second clip, the Mexican Monster...TORO!!
For those that know anything about wrestling, he's kind of a inspirational mesh of Tazz, Rhyno and even a little bit of Mantuar (seriously, search him on YouTube. Mantaur was awesome.)
Also, I'm not sure if this belongs in the Games or Art thread, but I figured since it was a video game, it'd be safe to put here.