My laptop slipped off a table yesterday and landed on the power supply connector. The computer still works, if you stick a fresh battery in, but it cannot be charged up on its own. Rendering it mostly useless. The frame of the computer was dented in such a way that you can't really install a new power connector without getting a new frame.
The computer is a 3 year old Macbook Pro. I took it to the Apple store yesterday. They said it'd be about $150 ($100 + labor) for a new connector and another 150 for a new frame. But that if I went to an independent repair service I might be able to skimp on the new frame. Later I went to TekServe, where a friend of mine works, and he said A) they would definitely need to fix the frame, B) the whole price somehow came out to $500+, C) my computer made scary clicking sounds and excessive fan noise and basically could crap out at any time.
AppleCare also ran out, apparently in September. (Thought it was last week, actually, but apparently the school that gave me the laptop on opening day bought it two months earlier)
So.... I really don't know what to do here. I was anticipating getting another computer in another year or two, unless it crapped out on its own. The one I have works fine if I could just power it, but I'm not sure it's worth putting additional money into.
Basically, I am looking for a) some satisfying (hopefully but not necessarily logical) reason to commit to either fixing the current computer or getting a new one, and b) advice on what type of computer to get if I do get a new one).
If I'm getting a Mac, it's going to be the current 15" MacBook Pro for $1799 (possibly a used version, not sure how I feel about that).
For the first time in my life, I am actually open to the possibility of getting a PC. I'm aware of the advantages/disadvantages of PC vs Mac. If the price is equal, I prefer a Mac. But if someone can demonstrate that I can get a significantly cheaper PC with capabilities comparable to the MacBook Pro, I'd consider that. (I think my official coefficient of MacAwesomeNess benchmark is such that the PC would have to be $1200 or less).
The computer is a 3 year old Macbook Pro. I took it to the Apple store yesterday. They said it'd be about $150 ($100 + labor) for a new connector and another 150 for a new frame. But that if I went to an independent repair service I might be able to skimp on the new frame. Later I went to TekServe, where a friend of mine works, and he said A) they would definitely need to fix the frame, B) the whole price somehow came out to $500+, C) my computer made scary clicking sounds and excessive fan noise and basically could crap out at any time.
AppleCare also ran out, apparently in September. (Thought it was last week, actually, but apparently the school that gave me the laptop on opening day bought it two months earlier)
So.... I really don't know what to do here. I was anticipating getting another computer in another year or two, unless it crapped out on its own. The one I have works fine if I could just power it, but I'm not sure it's worth putting additional money into.
Basically, I am looking for a) some satisfying (hopefully but not necessarily logical) reason to commit to either fixing the current computer or getting a new one, and b) advice on what type of computer to get if I do get a new one).
If I'm getting a Mac, it's going to be the current 15" MacBook Pro for $1799 (possibly a used version, not sure how I feel about that).
For the first time in my life, I am actually open to the possibility of getting a PC. I'm aware of the advantages/disadvantages of PC vs Mac. If the price is equal, I prefer a Mac. But if someone can demonstrate that I can get a significantly cheaper PC with capabilities comparable to the MacBook Pro, I'd consider that. (I think my official coefficient of MacAwesomeNess benchmark is such that the PC would have to be $1200 or less).