[Gaming] Chris Roberts returns?!

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I remain cautiously optimistic, and hopeful for the future. With luck, the folks leaving Bioware who are still into the idea of making games might follow a similar path back to the fold of PC gaming.

In other news, I will now be hunting for ALL THE COMPONENTS for a hyper-rig... my computer will explode in terror the moment it catches a whiff of the requirement for this game.

Which I will be trying to get.

Because I am Chris Roberts' bitch.
Like I told my friend, let me know how it is in two years when it's not just a request for money and Molyneux-esque claims.
Yeah, but unlike Molyneux, when it comes to games, Chris Roberts has almost always delivered good stuff.
This game sounds like what he wanted Freelancer to be, but couldn't make happen a decade ago.

Also, he produced stuff like Lord of War so his film career wasn't entirely terrible.
Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I'm stoked for this. I grew up on the Wing Commander games. Can't wait to see what Roberts has in store for us with two decades worth of improvements to games.

With that said, does he own the rights to Wing Commander itself? If any series deserves a full-on reboot, it's that.
Broadsword, hell: Bring back the Raptor! Old-skool, what what?!

Or even a Scimitar - I don't give a shit what Iceman said: I cut my gunfighting teeth in the Scim. Thing was a beast, yo.
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