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Christmas kidnapping miracle.




PHOENIX -- Phoenix police Officer Mike Burns had just finished searching a desert area for signs of a 5-year-old girl and the man who had kidnapped her as she played with her sisters on Christmas Day.
No luck. But as Burns drove down a north Phoenix street, he spotted a truck that matched descriptions of the kidnapper's vehicle, and a man and a little girl inside.
When the truck made an abrupt turn and sped off, Burns knew he couldn't let it out of his sight.
\"There was no doubt in my mind,\" Burns told reporters on Saturday, \"If he disappears, we may not get her back.\"
About 10 minutes later, 45-year-old Larry Jon Ladwig was under arrest, and the frightened girl was rescued and taken to a Phoenix police facility that aids young victims of crime, where it was determined she had been molested. The girl was treated and is back home with her family, police Sgt. Andy Hill said.
Ladwig was booked into jail early Saturday on charges of kidnapping, sexual molestation of a child, aggravated assault of a police officer and felony flight. It's unclear whether Ladwig has a lawyer, and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office did not immediately respond to a request to interview him.
Statistically, Hill said if police don't recover a child abducted by a stranger within the first several hours, \"chances are slim of recovering them alive.\"
\"We really did have a Christmas miracle,\" he said.
The girl was rescued at about 9:30 p.m. Friday, more than seven hours after police believe Ladwig kidnapped her while she was playing outside a Phoenix apartment building.
The Associated Press is not reporting the girl's name because she may be the victim of a sex crime. The AP had named the girl after her abduction Friday.

When Burns' spotted Ladwig's pickup, he gave chase and alerted the force. Officers put spike strips across the road several blocks away that punctured Ladwig's tires, causing him to crash on the roadside.
Ladwig took off on foot but was caught and arrested a block away after a brief struggle during which Hill said he punched an officer in the face.
I'm so glad I'm not a cop; I'd beat every son of a bitch that I caught like this to within an inch of their miserable lives with my baton. I'm glad they caught this piece of shit before he could do any worse.


Chad Sexington


Definitely glad they caught the motherfucker. Man, that's sick. Good on the cops for being so vigilant!




Wow! Glad they got the kid back so fast! Awesome!



chalk up one for the good guys, very nice


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I am both glad to hear that story and glad you're not a police officer.




I am both glad to hear that story and glad you're not a police officer.
Here we go again :rolleyes:




Wow. Miracle indeed.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I am both glad to hear that story and glad you're not a police officer.
Here we go again :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

I could say the same thing to almost all your posts? My opinion on beating the shit out of suspects isn't a gimmick.




It's as gimmick as anything I post.



Come on guys.. The kid was saved, bad guy taken down, and its the holiday season, we all win in this one. Do we really need to have it devolve into a bitchfest? This was supposed to be a good thread..




*shrug* Apparently that's where Charlie wants it to go.




I have noticed that Lequack has neglected to make a post commending the officer for his bravery and quick action.

Joking of police naysayers aside, I'm happy that the family had their child returned. There are monsters out there and i'm glad that this one has been arrested and will hopefully not see the light of day ever again.



I am both glad to hear that story and glad you're not a police officer.
My name is Charlie, but inside my head:

Don't worry, Chuck. I'm sure the pedo-rapist will likely get murdered by his own cell mate once convicted. Justice served.

---------- Post added at 06:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:20 AM ----------

I am both glad to hear that story and glad you're not a police officer.
Here we go again :rolleyes:[/quote]

I could say the same thing to almost all your posts? My opinion on beating the shit out of suspects isn't a gimmick.[/QUOTE]

Mine is.


Le Quack

You know, I must commend this officer for his quick acting and bravery. He really deserves to be recognized. There are so few good cops left. Good for this guy.




You know, I must commend this officer for his quick acting and bravery. He really deserves to be recognized. There are so few good cops left. Good for this guy.




I'm so glad I'm not a cop; I'd beat every son of a bitch that I caught like this to within an inch of their miserable lives with my baton. I'm glad they caught this piece of shit before he could do any worse.
I know exactly what you mean.

While I know their stay in jail would be hell... personally I don't want them to live.




I'm so glad I'm not a cop; I'd beat every son of a bitch that I caught like this to within an inch of their miserable lives with my baton. I'm glad they caught this piece of shit before he could do any worse.
I know exactly what you mean.

While I know their stay in jail would be hell... personally I don't want them to live.[/QUOTE]

Not quite. The kiddie lovers go right into protective custody. Prison is where they get their due.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

to put it in terms that nerds can understand:

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”




to put it in terms that nerds can understand:

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”
What a pretty sentiment. It's a pity it has no practical value here on Earth.








Why does everyone always seem to want child molesters to die? What kind of punishment is that? Seems like they are getting off easy.

And I don't know why you even commented Charlie because Chaz himself said he was glad he wasnt a cop. He admits that that behavior would be unacceptable.

However, in my opinion, if someone is completely pleased with this outcome "oh he was caught, well yay justice was served" then he is a fool. Yes, she is home and yes, she is alive but let's face it, the damage is done and no amount of therapy is ever going to make that girl whole again. To not want to shove your foot so far down that bastards throat that you kicked the shit out of his ass, that is messed up.



The problem is that the child molesters will eventually get out and do it again. Is it worth another child being molested, to pat ourselves on the back for being 'humane' and not giving a molester the death penalty?




I for one wouldn't exactly call getting molested a miracle...


And the poor are prone to crime...




Life-long sentences tend to cost less tax dollars than death sentences. lawyer fees and extra trials and what-not.



I understand that, @li3n, and I'm not actually a believer in the death penalty, except when it comes to child rape/molestation. My post was in answer to Makare1's. I don't really want to see a molester 'suffer'. They are already mentally tormented. I just want them kept from doing it again. A law that gave a child molester life with no hope of parole would be preferable, but I doubt we'd ever see it.

And that fact that the little girl got back home, and has a chance at life is a huge miracle. The poor kids that get snatched rarely get that. Thank God for that police officer.



to put it in terms that nerds can understand:

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”

Yeah ok Gandalf,

That's a great statement in a book where it directly foreshadows upcoming events to a story, but here on Earth child molesters are very, very, very likely to be repeat offenders. Perhaps you'd like to talk to Jaycee Lee Dugard about how awesome it is to give child molesters a second chance. Maybe Megan Kanka? Nope, sorry, I don't believe people who do these sorts of things to children deserve to live. If you offered me a job to execute pedos and child molesters for a nice salary, I'd do it with a smile. There is value to human life, these people don't qualify for it.

I for one wouldn't exactly call getting molested a miracle...


And the poor are prone to crime...

I for one think you're an idiot if you think that's what I meant by the title of the thread.

Why does everyone always seem to want child molesters to die? What kind of punishment is that? Seems like they are getting off easy.

And I don't know why you even commented Charlie because Chaz himself said he was glad he wasnt a cop. He admits that that behavior would be unacceptable.

However, in my opinion, if someone is completely pleased with this outcome "oh he was caught, well yay justice was served" then he is a fool. Yes, she is home and yes, she is alive but let's face it, the damage is done and no amount of therapy is ever going to make that girl whole again. To not want to shove your foot so far down that bastards throat that you kicked the shit out of his ass, that is messed up.
I hope the fucker get shanked in prison with a sharpened toothbrush.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

But you can see how the wording's kinda... not best.

Maybe Christmas rescue miracle would've been better. Or Christmas Cop Clamps down on Kiddy-toucher Claus!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I never, ever said child molesters should be released from prison.




I for one wouldn't exactly call getting molested a miracle...

I for one think you're an idiot if you think that's what I meant by the title of the thread.[/QUOTE]

Unless you where going for black humour i stand by my point.




So it's ok for you to create a fantasy world of justice but not others?




So it's ok for you to create a fantasy world of justice but not others?

Isn't that how it's always been in RL?!




I understand what you are saying about wanting to inflict pain on these creeps. Story below a twice convicted sex offender abducted a 2 year old and when police found him his pants were undone and her panties were off. A couple of years ago in Tulsa a woman ran into a QuickTrip and left her baby in the car seat. When she came out the baby was gone. She went into panic mode and a few customers began to search and they found the abducter behind the Quicktrip with his pants down and the baby's diaper off. If I remember right he was pretty well worked over by a few of the customers by the time the police showed up. Is there any cure for these sex offenders or should they be locked up for life? I mean, you have to be screwed up if a toddler gets you hard.


Tulsa Police: Divine Intervention Led To Sex Offender's Arrest
Posted: Aug 13, 2009 8:32 PM CDT
TULSA, OK 08/13/2009 Related Story: Convicted Child Molester Caught With Missing Toddler

The officers weren't searching for an abducted child. They weren't trying to match a suspect description. They were just patrolling an unfamiliar road.

"A lot of what we do is good cop instinct. And, a lot of it is luck. Last night had nothing to do with both. It was divine intervention, completely," said Tulsa Police Officer Mark Wollmershauser, Jr.

Officer Mark Wollmershauser, Jr. says a divine hand steered him and his partner Officer Stephanie Blann to a deserted gravel road.

Officers say they barely saw Marcus Berry's truck that was parked far off the road. They say 30 minutes later, it would have been dark. With all of the tall grass in the area, they never would have seen it.

But, Officer Wollmershauser caught sight of a tail light out of the corner of his eye. The two officers approached the truck and said they knew immediately something wasn't right.

"He was acting really weird, and at one point, put it in reverse. So, we thought he was gonna flee or run us over. We had no idea there was a kid in the car," said Tulsa Police Officer Stephanie Blann.

Both officers shrug off the hero talk. But, they are frustrated that a two-time convicted sex offender would even have the opportunity to hurt another victim.



I for one wouldn't exactly call getting molested a miracle...
What is this I don't even.
