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Christmas present help!!



I guess I should start a thread on this. This is basically people asking for help to find present for their love one and friends.

Here is mine.

I am looking for an air brush. Except I don't know much about it. My wife is a part time artist and would love to have an air brush. She would work on jewelry and possible big project (like props) but I have no clue what to get. I was thinking of getting her a smaller item like this.




but not sure which one is good (sometimes higher price =/= better item sometimes) I figure with many artist on this forum, someone can point me to the right direction.




PAASCHE - friends of mine used those. It looks like it is much better built.

If she only wants it to goof off with, take the cheaper one. But if you think she is the least bit serious, take the PAASCHE.




Mine is a little more complex, but here goes.

Long story short, I'm going to be making a necklace for my girlfriend. What I'd like to do is make a solution out of my amplified FOXP2 gene, seal it into a tube, and then wrap some copper wire around it and make it a pendant for a necklace.

Does anybody know where I could get small, sealable ampules and/or small glass tubes I could close off with a crimp top?



Mine is a little more complex, but here goes.

Long story short, I'm going to be making a necklace for my girlfriend. What I'd like to do is make a solution out of my amplified FOXP2 gene, seal it into a tube, and then wrap some copper wire around it and make it a pendant for a necklace.

Does anybody know where I could get small, sealable ampules and/or small glass tubes I could close off with a crimp top?

I hope this might take you to the right direction.




http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/product.php?productid=17077 - I recommend this as a gift for any gamer you know.




Mine is a little more complex, but here goes.

Long story short, I'm going to be making a necklace for my girlfriend. What I'd like to do is make a solution out of my amplified FOXP2 gene, seal it into a tube, and then wrap some copper wire around it and make it a pendant for a necklace.

Does anybody know where I could get small, sealable ampules and/or small glass tubes I could close off with a crimp top?
Amazon has 2ml glass vials with crimp seals included. If you don't want a hundred of the darn things though, you could maybe try this?


Wasabi Poptart

I need help with presents for two boys age 4 and 7. They have everything under the sun. No, I can't give them gift certificates because I have presents for their sister and youngest brother.
The 4-year-old is a moody little "angel" who doesn't like anything unless someone else has it. The only thing I know of that he likes is Cars. He already has a ton of toys, clothes and games based on that movie.

The 7-year-old plays baseball, watches WWE, and likes skateboarding and Transformers, but he has so much stuff that I don't know what I could possibly give him.

Charity donation to teach them a lesson in giving rather than receiving? My sister-in-law already has all three older kids pick out a toy to donate to the local orphanage. The 7-year-old picked out two toys this year from what I understand because it makes him sad to think other kids won't get any presents.

They aren't into anything nerdy. Reading? The 4-year-old likes books, but the 7-year-old doesn't read unless he has to. No science stuff. No Nerf guns (parents said no to that idea). They have a few different video game systems, but I have no clue what they'd be able to play. I asked their mom and she said they'd like any present we buy for them. I know kids well enough to know that's bullshit.

Any ideas?



I need help with presents for two boys age 4 and 7. They have everything under the sun. No, I can't give them gift certificates because I have presents for their sister and youngest brother.
The 4-year-old is a moody little "angel" who doesn't like anything unless someone else has it. The only thing I know of that he likes is Cars. He already has a ton of toys, clothes and games based on that movie.

The 7-year-old plays baseball, watches WWE, and likes skateboarding and Transformers, but he has so much stuff that I don't know what I could possibly give him.

Charity donation to teach them a lesson in giving rather than receiving? My sister-in-law already has all three older kids pick out a toy to donate to the local orphanage. The 7-year-old picked out two toys this year from what I understand because it makes him sad to think other kids won't get any presents.

They aren't into anything nerdy. Reading? The 4-year-old likes books, but the 7-year-old doesn't read unless he has to. No science stuff. No Nerf guns (parents said no to that idea). They have a few different video game systems, but I have no clue what they'd be able to play. I asked their mom and she said they'd like any present we buy for them. I know kids well enough to know that's bullshit.

Any ideas?
While I was shopping for my nephew (he is only 1) I notice there is a cool toy made by Leapfrog. It is kinda like a "DS" with learning cartridge. That can work since CARS is one of the cartridge. There is one for the TV as well. (with a keyboard thing)
http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2302119 (this was on sale for 15$ at my Toys R us store)

http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2373746 (This was on sale for around 30$ at the time )29.99( prices may varies in stores.

For 7 years old? I saw a cool make your own roller coaster (with a mini web cam) cost around 40$ I can't remember the name so I can't give a link :(




I need help with presents for two boys age 4 and 7. They have everything under the sun. No, I can't give them gift certificates because I have presents for their sister and youngest brother.
The 4-year-old is a moody little "angel" who doesn't like anything unless someone else has it. The only thing I know of that he likes is Cars. He already has a ton of toys, clothes and games based on that movie.

The 7-year-old plays baseball, watches WWE, and likes skateboarding and Transformers, but he has so much stuff that I don't know what I could possibly give him.

Charity donation to teach them a lesson in giving rather than receiving? My sister-in-law already has all three older kids pick out a toy to donate to the local orphanage. The 7-year-old picked out two toys this year from what I understand because it makes him sad to think other kids won't get any presents.

They aren't into anything nerdy. Reading? The 4-year-old likes books, but the 7-year-old doesn't read unless he has to. No science stuff. No Nerf guns (parents said no to that idea). They have a few different video game systems, but I have no clue what they'd be able to play. I asked their mom and she said they'd like any present we buy for them. I know kids well enough to know that's bullshit.

Any ideas?
No to nerf guns, but what about foam swords/sticks (no hard parts inside, o/c)? They're really fun for playing cop&robber (if that's how the game is called... indians and cowboys?) and similar games, plus they're harmless.

Them not being nerds just means no one's bothered to convert them; give them a star wars boxset and some plushes :D

Another option is grabbing legos/playmobil.


Wasabi Poptart

I need help with presents for two boys age 4 and 7. They have everything under the sun. No, I can't give them gift certificates because I have presents for their sister and youngest brother.
The 4-year-old is a moody little "angel" who doesn't like anything unless someone else has it. The only thing I know of that he likes is Cars. He already has a ton of toys, clothes and games based on that movie.

The 7-year-old plays baseball, watches WWE, and likes skateboarding and Transformers, but he has so much stuff that I don't know what I could possibly give him.

Charity donation to teach them a lesson in giving rather than receiving? My sister-in-law already has all three older kids pick out a toy to donate to the local orphanage. The 7-year-old picked out two toys this year from what I understand because it makes him sad to think other kids won't get any presents.

They aren't into anything nerdy. Reading? The 4-year-old likes books, but the 7-year-old doesn't read unless he has to. No science stuff. No Nerf guns (parents said no to that idea). They have a few different video game systems, but I have no clue what they'd be able to play. I asked their mom and she said they'd like any present we buy for them. I know kids well enough to know that's bullshit.

Any ideas?
While I was shopping for my nephew (he is only 1) I notice there is a cool toy made by Leapfrog. It is kinda like a "DS" with learning cartridge. That can work since CARS is one of the cartridge. There is one for the TV as well. (with a keyboard thing)
http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2302119 (this was on sale for 15$ at my Toys R us store)

http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2373746 (This was on sale for around 30$ at the time )29.99( prices may varies in stores.

For 7 years old? I saw a cool make your own roller coaster (with a mini web cam) cost around 40$ I can't remember the name so I can't give a link :([/QUOTE]

I know they already have a V-Tech game system which is similar to the Click Start by LeapFrog (we have that one). It has a Cars game, too. BUT I also know they have a DS, which has a Cars game out now. That is a possibility.

The roller coaster game sounds cool, too. Do you know if you need a PC for it? My in-laws are not computer savvy. They have a desktop we built for them last year, but as far as I know it's still in the box.



Wildsoul: I don't remember the name, but I have to go back to Toys R US and look for it. I try to search via Roller coaster +/- cam I don't think you need a PC, just need a TV or something. It is pretty cool display.


Wasabi Poptart

Wildsoul: I don't remember the name, but I have to go back to Toys R US and look for it. I try to search via Roller coaster +/- cam I don't think you need a PC, just need a TV or something. It is pretty cool display.
I found [ame="http://www.amazon.com/KNex-12082-Speed-Coaster/dp/B001721YTG/ref=pd_sim_t_6"]a set by K'Nex [/ame]for about $18 that could work just fine.

Thanks for the ideas!



Wildsoul: I don't remember the name, but I have to go back to Toys R US and look for it. I try to search via Roller coaster +/- cam I don't think you need a PC, just need a TV or something. It is pretty cool display.
I found [ame="http://www.amazon.com/KNex-12082-Speed-Coaster/dp/B001721YTG/ref=pd_sim_t_6"]a set by K'Nex [/ame]for about $18 that could work just fine.

Thanks for the ideas![/QUOTE]

Cool. I think that might be it. ;) but we were more interested in toys for 1 year old for now and I just happen to walk pass the webcam+rollercoaster toy and went "ooo" wife goes "noooo" and continue walking :(




Am I the only one troubles by a 7y/o watching WWE?




I'm looking to make a ring box (the typical "Marry me!" kind) that has no ring in it but makes a ringing sound when you open it.

She "gets mad" at me when I buy her expensive stuff, so when I tell her there's a ring in the box, she'll enjoy the, er.. "gift."

Thing is, I don't know quite how to do it. I know they have those cards that play music when you open them but I've never seen one that rings. Mostly because I don't think I see any reason for a card to ring..

So, any ideas on how to make this happen?




I'm looking to make a ring box (the typical "Marry me!" kind) that has no ring in it but makes a ringing sound when you open it.

She "gets mad" at me when I buy her expensive stuff, so when I tell her there's a ring in the box, she'll enjoy the, er.. "gift."

Thing is, I don't know quite how to do it. I know they have those cards that play music when you open them but I've never seen one that rings. Mostly because I don't think I see any reason for a card to ring..

So, any ideas on how to make this happen?
Maybe buy one of those bicycle bells that have a lever you push to ring them, put it inside the box and MacGyver it so that opening the box pulls the lever?



I'm looking to make a ring box (the typical "Marry me!" kind) that has no ring in it but makes a ringing sound when you open it.

She "gets mad" at me when I buy her expensive stuff, so when I tell her there's a ring in the box, she'll enjoy the, er.. "gift."

Thing is, I don't know quite how to do it. I know they have those cards that play music when you open them but I've never seen one that rings. Mostly because I don't think I see any reason for a card to ring..

So, any ideas on how to make this happen?
The closest thing you can do is get one of those cards that allows you to record your personal message. You can then put the device under the ring "mount" (whatever they are called) and the trigger "usually a trip of plastic/paper that pulls the device to make noise" taped to the roof of the ring box. When it is open, it will play your personal message. In this case it is a ringing noise that you record earlier.




I'm looking to make a ring box (the typical "Marry me!" kind) that has no ring in it but makes a ringing sound when you open it.

She "gets mad" at me when I buy her expensive stuff, so when I tell her there's a ring in the box, she'll enjoy the, er.. "gift."

Thing is, I don't know quite how to do it. I know they have those cards that play music when you open them but I've never seen one that rings. Mostly because I don't think I see any reason for a card to ring..

So, any ideas on how to make this happen?
The closest thing you can do is get one of those cards that allows you to record your personal message. You can then put the device under the ring "mount" (whatever they are called) and the trigger "usually a trip of plastic/paper that pulls the device to make noise" taped to the roof of the ring box. When it is open, it will play your personal message. In this case it is a ringing noise that you record earlier.[/QUOTE]

Oh right! I forgot they had the record-your-own ones! That's probably what I'll do! Thanks a bunch! :D
