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Christmas Tragedy (Salvation Army)


Rob King

Rob King

Just saw this news. The last time the 'Army has had an officer actually killed it was in Pakistan. That makes sense to me: Pakistan isn't very friendly to Christians. But this ... is just senseless.

Further words escape me. I feel stupid for complaining about unappreciative or rude clients now. At least nobody's pulled a weapon on me.

Whatever your religious affiliation, please keep Major Wise's family in your thoughts and/or prayers over this Christmas season.




That's just awful. Those poor kids and his wife. :(




knee jerk reaction: shoot the dumbass.

thought out reaction: shoot the dumbass in both feet, knees, elbows and hands, and testicles, then let him rot in prison while letting salvation army workers hit him every day with a baseball bat.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand begin capital punishment/gun violence argument!

Merry christmas!




Things like this are why I favor capital punishment, public executions, and a returning to burning at the stake as a means of carrying out sentences.



Last I checked, the Salvation Army was largely opposed to capital punishment. One of their core tenets is that anyone has a shot at redemption and (surprise, surprise) salvation if they are willing to seek it, so it would be decidedly unfair to take that away from them.

Not a theist, but this chap and his family're definitely going to be in my thoughts.


Rob King

Rob King

Yeah, capital punishment isn't an argument that goes over well in Salvation Army circles. The real tragedy of the situation here is that the man who was shot was definitely working indirectly for the benefit of the two men that shot him. But it's quite likely that he was actually working directly for the benefit of them or their families.

On a philosophical and religious level I always argue that man is not basically evil, because we are intended to and capable of choosing to do good. But things like this remind me that some people just choose evil, which is the part that I cannot reconcile.


Kitty Sinatra

In time, though, Rob, after serving their punishment (and hopefully get some effort of rehabilition), they might become decent people. Their consciences may never be eased, but in trying to perhaps they do some charity work themselves and further the cause their victim worked for.

They did evil, but they can still do good.
