Comic-Con! Who else is going?

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The annual geek festival will be next week. I bought my four-day pass way back in November and I'm ready to go. I haven't attended in a few years so I'm looking forward to it. Is anybody else going?
If there's one thing I'd love to do someday in my life, it's go to the San Diego Comic Con.

That said, I've lived in Toronto for three years now and have yet to go to the annual con in August, here. Might try fixing that this year, but not sure yet.
i wish I could afford to go to the San Diego Comic-Con :(

At least I have been able to attend the Emerald City Comic-Con
Get fred phelps next to a scantly clad woman, then accuse him of casting eyes on a woman lustfully and stone him.
Are you saying I should look at Fred Phelps lustfully?

Seriously though, the Con sells out earlier and earlier each year. Even though I bought my ticket just a few days after Halloween the Con was 80% sold out. I can see why people want to move it to Vegas, although I cannot agree with such a move. It's ALWAYS been in San Diego and it should always stay there.

Wasabi Poptart

I will not be attending. I've only gone to one. It was fun, but I don't know that I'd do it again. I am not fond of crowds.
Are you saying I should look at Fred Phelps lustfully?

Seriously though, the Con sells out earlier and earlier each year. Even though I bought my ticket just a few days after Halloween the Con was 80% sold out. I can see why people want to move it to Vegas, although I cannot agree with such a move. It's ALWAYS been in San Diego and it should always stay there.
San Diego will fight to keep them in San Diego. The SDCC people will want to stay in SD for preferential treatment. If they move to Las Vegas, they're just another convention that takes place in Vegas.


Staff member
This is what I don't get... you actually have a set number of tickets for this kinda thing? Never heard of such in here... but then again, the Cons I've attended were small-fry compared to the SDCC.

Also, picture of you with your own funny, nerdy protest sign in front or among the WBC folks will be appreciated. An extra Internet if one of the signs says "I Like Pie".
If they don't limit the tickets, the already 12 trillion people that are going will have to wait in line 7 hours instead of the normal 6 to see the newest panel where the cast of Supernatural totally lets us in on the upcoming season.
This is what I don't get... you actually have a set number of tickets for this kinda thing? Never heard of such in here... but then again, the Cons I've attended were small-fry compared to the SDCC.
The year before they started having a set number, there were so many people the Fire Marshal had to come and tell them to stop selling badges onsite. If I recall correctly, when they stopped selling badges, they were 5-10% over fire safe capacity.
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