computer is ringing like a phone

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well I was at work today apperantly my computer began repeatedly ringing like a telephone. dad called me and I had him hard shut down it. any ideas on what would cause this?


Well my computer at work sounds like a phone but only because it actually is a phone, any telephone-like functions on your CPU?
What, you didn't think of having him turn off the sound first?

Unless you meant it was beeping, then you must have some weird phones where you're from...
i was at work and in the middle of something, instead of trying to explain to someone who has no idea how to use a computer how to turn the sound on and off on a three stage audio system I had him just turn the computer off.


Staff member
That reminds me of the time my computer was mysteriously mooing, like a cow. I was sure I had a virus until I realized my friend could customize his sign-in sound on AIM. Every time he logged in "mooooo!".
I'll bet the ringing phone was from the DVD of the Matrix.

I did something similar once. After viewing the movie I turned my TV off, and left, but left the DVD and Stereo on. But the sound was really low... I nearly went insane trying to figure out where the ringing was coming from when I got home later that night.
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