Concstant Cell Phone Static? -OR- Help me pick a smart phone.

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Staff member
Hey all. Been searching the web, can't find anything.

My phone has begun crackling through the speakers constantly whenever it's in use. Not just when I'm talking to someone else, but if I press a button or anything like that, it crackles. If I switch to speakerphone mode, the crackling stops, which makes me think that it might just be the ear speaker. But, anyone I'm talking to can hear it as well, and it makes it near impossible to talk to me.

Any ideas, or just time to get a new phone?

And if THAT's the case, should I try getting a smart phone? And if so, what should I look into? I feel like I would rarely use any apps, but things I think I'd love:

- Adapted Reality (or whatever, where you point the camera at something irl and it does something fun)
- Something like Pandora Radio on my phone. If I could set up Pandora to run on my phone and hook up hedphones or play through my car speakers, that'd be wonderful
- GPS : Let me know where I am or where I'm going or what's nearby

Can't think of anything else.

Thanks if anyone can help!
What carrier are you on? Being the resident android fanboy, people already know what my answer will be.

Ps: android can do everything you mentioned.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
If you like to (and don't mind needing to) "tinker" with your phone to get it set up just the way you like it, Droid is good. Also good if you don't want to use AT&T.

If you don't need to , want to, (and don't mind not being able to easily) tinker with your phone, get an iPhone. Also if you don't mind being stuck with AT&T.

Both have several models to choose, from $99 to $$$.

I recommend doing some serious testing in the store before committing to a 2 year contract.

Otherwise, both fit your needs.

Nuff said. (If you don't like the keyboard, you can actually wirelessly connect a WiiMote as your controller, there is also a GENdroid and GBAdroid)
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