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So last Thursday (the 23rd) I had a skiing accident where I hit my head really hard and now (still) have a mild concussion.. thankfully I'm not throwing up, but I am feeling pressure in my head. I've seen a Doc at the hospital and had an MRI which doesn't show any other damage. One of the effects of the concussion which hasn't gone away as of yet is an inability to speak properly.

I'm finding when I talk (verbally, not just typed here) after a couple moments my sentences rapidly decline to being broken english which I can't help.. it's like a frayed wire connecting my brain to my vocal chords is shorting out.. like hearing someone through a malfunctioning drive thru speaker.I can start a day fine, but it's like my daily allotment of time to speak normally is this really small glass now..

And it's all very frustrating and disheartening and I need some hope... =( :hide:




You aren't suffering any other symptoms, are you?

If you are it could be post concussive syndrome and you should get thee to a doctor!




I've been reading about this on Facebook. I'm hoping everything turns out okay. You deserve to have a break that doesn't include your head.




I got one hell of a concussion during a football game in high school. I had all sorts of issues for a few days afterwards, but eventually it went away. I think you'll be fine. If things get worse, or persist for another few days, I would do as LittleSin suggests and see a doctor just to be safe.


Philosopher B.

Oucha-magoucha, y'all. Here's hopin' your noggin returns to normal soon man, that shit sounds wack as fuck.




The unbearable lightness of being whacked in the head. Maybe take the occasional Sudafed + caffeinated drink of choice to restore brain function when you start petering out.





This is supposed to be done after the event then 24 hours after the first test, but if you are having issues getting a passing score I would say go back to the Dr.
http://www.pdhealth.mil/downloads/MACE.pdf Open this link and have a friend print it and go through the test.



I've been reading about this on Facebook. I'm hoping everything turns out okay. You deserve to have a break that doesn't include your head.
Yesterday was extremely frustrating.. As soon as I got done with my video, my head was hurting, and I couldn't talk fully again. It continued that way through the day, and I noticed it got worse with stress when 3 last minute customers wanted stuff done all at the same time.

Thanks for the info Doc, I'l see if I can have someone help me with it.. I did have a similar interview right after the accident at the ski resort. I also (forgot that) I filmed myself during that interview with my cellphone..watched part of it last night, and if I'd personally known my speech was THAT slurred at the time, I wouldn't/shouldn't have resisted a hospital checkout then and there. As it is, I waited several days.. I took it easy, didn't push myself on anything, but wondering if that had a difference in my recovery?




If you are still having speech issues you need to go to the Doctor, obviously there is still some cognitive function issues if it has been a few days since the incident. Take in a print out of the MACE exam if you want, it is what the Military uses to test for Traumatic Brain Injuries, and the NFL is using now too since the cooperative study on the effects of concussions.




This is a serious question. Can you sing?



yes, ... if you mean before the accident, yes, I can sing pretty well.. if you mean can I sing American Idol style, no I wouldn't want to.
In general, I can sing, but it also has a slight delay.. it seems to happen with more wordy sentences.. short replies "hey... howya doin'?" and such are fine.




The reason I asked is because different parts of the brain control your voice when singing than they do when speaking.

Though, sounds like you just need to get your head examined.



Just found a new, raised bump that's slightly squishy at the back top of the head. I don't remember having that before. About the size of a flat golf ball.. Dunno if it's just drainage? My mind feels a bit clearer.. Last night I had some convulsion/shivering fit that I thought was related to a gastric event, but now I'm not so sure. My followup is in the morning with the doctor.




So you are going to see the doc today? Thats great. Let us know how it goes. Prayers and good vibes your way man.




Jeez, dude. Going to the doc is a good call. At least you're headed in the right direction.
