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Cop tears teen's testicles off during stop and frisk


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?

If I was black in this country, I'd be terrified to go outside.

Oh, fun addendum--the teen is being charged with assault and resisting arrest.




There has to be more to this story, right? That's so grotesque that I have a hard time fully accepting it as reality.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

There has to be more to this story, right? That's so grotesque that I have a hard time fully accepting it as reality.
nah, the police are monsters





Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

reminder that the police side of the story is coming from the police




reminder that the police side of the story is coming from the police
No shit, Sherlock. But your dislike of the police does not mean you shouldn't at least hear their side of the story. You don't have to believe a word of it, but you should hear it before deciding anything.




reminder that the police side of the story is coming from the police
Woah, hold up, you're telling me when someone else gives their side of the story, it will be from their point of view? Well fuck me running, that's going to keep me up at night.




Ok.. I'm actually on cds sides this time around. When I worked in the prison I saw some shady shit by some people on offenders that they didn't like. That being said only a small percentage of police officers are like that but the good ones I believe do cover up for the bad ones with the blue line.




No doubt. I just found his comment funny and I had to be a butt head in the process.




but you should hear it before deciding anything.
nah, the police are monsters
That's what he believes, how does everyone keep forgetting this. To him it doesn't matter what the truth really is, just that the police are always bad and the victims are always innocent. The last time his hypocrisy on this subject was brought up to him he left the forum.




Ok.. I'm actually on cds sides this time around. When I worked in the prison I saw some shady shit by some people on offenders that they didn't like. That being said only a small percentage of police officers are like that but the good ones I believe do cover up for the bad ones with the blue line.
Psychology nerd time:

See: Stanford Prison Experiment by Dr. Zimbardo.


Institutional evil is a hell of a thing.

The Lucifer Effect is one of my favorite books of all time. While not the best experiment in the world, it certainly sheds some light onto the way in which people react when put in percieved roles.




...oooooooooooooooow. It hurts to READ!


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

The last time his hypocrisy on this subject was brought up to him he left the forum.

the last time I 'left the forum' was over Last Vegas, lmao





the last time I 'left the forum' was over Last Vegas, lmao
Every time I hear that title, I keep thinking it's a shitty made-by-Asylum post-apocalyptic film made by Fallout fans in an abandoned mall-park somewhere near Los Angeles.





the last time I 'left the forum' was over Last Vegas, lmao
Yeah, I think the cop hypocrisy was the 1st or was it the 2nd forum quit? I lose count.




Ok, so....
A) If there were male cops around, why was he frisked by a woman? That's literally illegal in many countries (I actually thought the US too?). It's also an open invitation for a sexual harassment claim - and anyone denying that should just reverse genders and think again - a cop making a semi-random arrest, then copping a feel.
B) If there had been much of any violence/destruction/resist from the guy, there'd have been a report. A report stating "no damages and no injuries" is really pretty much a guarantee that he wasn't actually resisting anything.
C) Seriously, WTF?
D) CrimsonSoul, I know opinions differ, but no, the "good" cops don't cover up for the bad ones. The mediocre ones may cover up for a bad one, and a good one might cover up a mediocre one's oversight or mistake over something insignificant. No definition of "good cop" I can agree with would include "keeps quiet about a colleague who yanks off a guys testicle. Or any sort of physical abuse, really. We're all being told over and over again in TV shows that there's a lot of grey area (and there is, just not where the TV shows often place it): Mentalist, Castle, Wire, Shield,... Ends justifying the means, we have to get them, whatever. We're also being told that "ends justify the means" with regards to terrorism is big enough to deny people their legal and human rights - and more and more, we're accepting that. Things like entrapment, framing someone for coercion, torture, blackmail, tampering with evidence and/or documents,... are unacceptable (I've the Mentalist literally do all of those. How the fuck is he not in jail? Even in a fictional universe!).
E) Guy gets 'nads torn off, thread derail at post #3. Whoohoo! Can we now just ignore some people's opinions on some other people's opinions?




Dear God.
