Damnation! Work blocked Cracked.com! Now where am I going to waste my time!?!?!
My work hasn't blocked Cracked yet. They haven't blocked HalforumS.com either (So the name change was useful for something after all), which is a nice change. Still can't watch any youtube or flash video however...
So far my work work hasn't blocked any sites ( and I hope it stays that way)
Blocked for me here too, though Youtube used to be blocked but is now available. Not that it matters though, these PoS systems can't run video anyway.
I have access to a grand total of 3 web sites at work. The website of our employer, a linkhub for route planners (but not the actual sites where we could actually, you know, look up a route), and the government page detailing our rights and duties in the security sector. Whoop-dee-doo.