Crazy Cat Capers and Stories

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So I was helping my friend pack today in preparation for a big move on Thursday, and one of his cats went missing. We thought at first she had run off, so we alerted neighbors and friends to be on the lookout for Mocha, who is wearing a harness and comes when you call her name. Mocha's favorite hiding spot has been under the box frame of the bed, which is actually made of wood.. not sure how she got under there, but anyway, we were packing things up as normal, and I went to lift the mattress and I'm looking at the ceiling trying to avoid this huge queen size mattress and I hear Mocha's bell, and I think she's behind me... she's not. Somehow, she crawled UNDER the mattress, which had had the box frame REMOVED last night, ... so somehow she crawled UNDER this heavy mattress and I think gotten a little stuck or hanging on to the mattress (I heard her claws go down, hanging on the mattress, a couple pops) with her claws as I had lifted it up.. she was upside down and she was quite dazed because when I picked her up, she did not protest, and she HATES being picked up, even hissing, growling and attempting to claw.. She seems to be ok, I was worried that she would be compressed, flat, or crushed by just the mattress alone, let alone if anyone had SAT on the mattress or put anything on it!

Kooky cat! I'm glad she's ok, she's a black calico mix and weighs about 15 lbs.

I guess she was so afraid of all the moving she decided to hide, but wow, what a bad place! And they do have travel cages, but hadn't had a chance to put them (they have two cats) in them yet.

What's your Crazy Cat Caper?
My cat loves human food. One time my brother was home by himself and he had a bag of chips on the couch next to him while he watched TV. Anyways he heard a crunch and looked around and there on the floor was my cat with a chip. He had snuck up and stolen a chip without my brother realizing it.


We had a cat named Angel Kitty back in the 80's.. I don't remember exactly what happened that she got locked in by mistake, but she was supposed to be outside, which is where we had put her food and at that time, we had no pet door for her. Thankfully we were only gone for the weekend, and we discovered her INside, and she had at least discovered the butter tray and had eaten it clean. She had water from the toilet LoL!

I miss that cat.. shortly before or after (I forget which).. she came down with an ear infection which would affect her for the rest of her life.. she was a darling cat, loved to sit on your lap.. but if she did, you'd want to have a towel - she'd drool nonstop and uncontrollably. Like I said, darling cat, LOVED hearing and feeling her purr, but you wanted a bathmat to wear first! =)
One of my cats does this weird thing. We have a set of cabinets in the bathroom. One of these cabinets opens downward rather then sideways. The cat has trouble getting into it unless he has someone pick him up and put him in, or he has something outside the cabinet to stand on. So the cat learned that if he opens the lower cabinet, which is a sideways door, he can then pull down the downward door, which sits on the sideways door, thus forming a little platform he uses. Very odd watching him set it up. He also has learned to move objects around to get more jumping height.

Only cat I ever owned that figured out how to move things to reach places he couldn't reach otherwise, little bastard.


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Never owned a cat myself, probably largely because my mother absolutely detests them (mostly because 1.) we had trouble with neighbourhood cats peeing all over our garden and 2.) a cat almost suffocated me when I was a baby). But there's a fair number of house cats in the old neighbourhood, so this happened one year when I was in my teens:

The neighbours across the road in our cul-de-sac had just gotten a new addition to the family: a cute, black-and-grey kitten. One early summer day, the little thing went missing. Now, my parents have something of a reputation for disliking cats, because they keep asking the neighbours to keep them off our yard, so at some point at the day the little girls next door come to him and ask "You didn't kill our kitty, did you?". Heartbreaking, truly heartbreaking. But I can understand why. To a five-year-old my dad, a 6' man with broad shoulders, hairy arms, thick eyebrows and a gut the size of a boulder can seem quite intimidating. Of course he did no such thing; the man's a gentle giant in every meaning of the word.

But, at some point during the evening me and dad are cleaning up the workshop when we hear this god-awful, almost painful meowing come from the garage. We go there and find the little kitten cowering under the car, all scared and sad-looking. The poor little thing must've gone exploring and had slipped in the garage when the door was open, and had then gotten locked inside. My dad just picks up the little thing, rubbing him behind his ears as he holds him on his arm. He then just walks over to the neighbour's house and gives the little kitten back to the girls, and explains what had happened.

Sometimes I really, really get pissed off at my dad. He's got his flaws and annoying traits, but things like this remind me why most of the time I look up to him.
One of my friends has a cat that will fetch. You throw a ball, he runs after it, grabs it in his mouth, and then brings it back to you. The only explanation for it is that when he was a kitten, he was around a lot of dogs, so it probably is a learned behavior.
Never owned a cat myself, probably largely because my mother absolutely detests them (mostly because 1.) we had trouble with neighbourhood cats peeing all over our garden and 2.) a cat almost suffocated me when I was a baby).
Man, I thought cats stealing the breath from babies was just an old wives tale. :wtf:


Staff member
Never owned a cat myself, probably largely because my mother absolutely detests them (mostly because 1.) we had trouble with neighbourhood cats peeing all over our garden and 2.) a cat almost suffocated me when I was a baby).
Man, I thought cats stealing the breath from babies was just an old wives tale. :wtf:[/QUOTE]

Wait, does that mean that North Ranger is an old wife?
My cat has decided that he is now too good for his litter box. He now wakes me up at 4 AM usually with a little love bite on the nose and keeps on running around like an idiot until I let him outside.

Fortunately he doesn't claw on the window to be let back in otherwise I would have him stuffed for being such a bastard.
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