Crossing the Finish Line (finals thread)

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Staff member
So finals are upon us. What's got you stressed or just exceptionally busy?

I have a final exam on Tuesday after Thanksgiving for Geology. I'm not worried about it, but I DO need to study sometime this week.

At the moment I'm working on my two 10-day thematic units that are due on December 2. One is on The Giver and one is on the Old South Baton Rouge area. I'm almost finished with the lesson plans for one of them. Now I just have to write up any handouts and tests that go with it.

I have barely started the other unit, but that teacher's had mercy on us and said we didn't have to write out our lesson plans since we've already handed in plenty of them. Instead we're going to write make a calendar and outline the activities for each day.

I don't have to be in bed for another 6 hours. If I work really hard, I can be finished my Friday.

What are you working on, students?
I work in a college library. I've had to break up two near-fights over students trying to use the similiar material, and we've had to flag 15 term papers as being bought over the net.


On the 7th I have finals for Geography and Humanities. On the 8th it's Algebra, and on the 9th it's English. I feel good about everything but the Algebra, I've already started studying for everything, but trying to double up on the Algebra.
I've got an 8 page (single spaced) paper due on the 4th, and a final the following week. Not too bad. I have only one more class next semester and then it's no more pencils, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks. Yippie!

Good luck to you all!


Staff member
Let's see, my final editing project is due soon. (It's pretty much done.)

I need a DP Reel (Cinematography Reel) compiling all the gorgeous shots I haven't fucking shot yet into one 3-minute video due soon.

I have a 2-3 page paper thingy due (so hard), and then a final 2-3 page paper thingy due in a few weeks.

And supposedly a psychology test int there somewhere but eh.
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