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[D&D 4th Edition] Heaven's Gate - Interest polling...




Campaign Information & Map - http://heavensgate.wikidot.com
Just ignore the Rules, Races, and Classes sections... those are for something else I'm working on.

I don't have a specific day of the week or time yet, but if I do run, games will probably be during week after 7pm eastern (GMT -5). If you're interested in playing, please read through the campaign setting information. Specifically this page: http://heavensgate.wikidot.com/the-midlands and the information about Arkel.

All PC's will be in the Arkel region and must have a reason for being there. Lvl 1, 22 pts for ability scores, 150g + Adventurer's Kit. PHB, PHB2, Martial Power, Arcane Power, and Adventurer's Vault. Swordmages are called Duskblades. Races: Human, dwarf, and eladrin.

Please post what days you're available. Don't worry about filling in all the roles, so play what you want to play. I will set a day and time once I know about the part time job I applied for and know what my hours will be.




Sure, I'll ive it a shot.

After this Thursday? I am free -anytime- except Sundays from noon to 5pm (possibly later but usually not). So if you can find more interested people, I'll play. One problem may be that your explanation does sound a bit restrictive, (I misunderstood, as you know.) so maybe message a few peeps to at least give it a shot if they can. The people from the "Wanting to Game" thread might, and I remember The Mike wanting to play in Dave's game..




Yeah... guess I should work on rewording that. You aren't forced to create a new character when your first character reaches level two. All it does is open a slot for you to create a second character. That way, if your main character is too high for a one-shot adventure, you can use a lower level character instead.
