Daily game Dec 09 : Zombie Trailer Park

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Staff member
<div id="GameName" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:bigger; text-align:center; padding-bottom:5px;"><a href="http://www.playedonline.com/game/599254/zombie-trailer-park.html" style="text-decoration:none;">Zombie Trailer Park</a></div><div id="GameWrapper" style="border:1px solid #C5CBCF; width:800px; height:600px; position:relative; margin:10px auto;">
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</object></div><br/><br/>Kill the zombies before they destroy your trailer (and kill all...)<br/><b>Instructions:</b><br/>Use the mouse. <br/><br/><div style="text-align:center; font-size:smaller;">Powered by dailygame.org</div>
This is pretty fun, but the same strategy works for ever stage, more or less. Here's my strategy for the last stage:

- Wait till you have enough to buy your first scrapyard
- Crank out farmers when they cross the bridge with zombies or hunters
- Get your next few scrapyards up, but crank out hillbillies when the Witches start coming. If they are attack your trailer, they'll ignore your units.

- When they start sending the big, fat ones out, call your Harvester when they cross the bridge. You want it to be a buffer.

- Once you have max scrapyards, get your Farmhouse out. Get a few Farmers out, then get a trailer out and get out 5 farmers.
- You'll probably need to Harvester again at this point. Use the time to get to 20 pop and get 10 farmers out.
- Get the garage out and try to have at least 2-3 Survivialists out. If they call fat guys out, Air Strike the area.

- If your available Yee-Haw ever hits 7k or more, go ahead and send out an Angry mob. The extra Farmers help lots and take no cap.

- Once you have the Garage out, get two more Trailers out. Ether get more Survivalists or more Farmers.
- Once you have 30 cap worth of Survivalists and Farmers out, just use your Yee-haw as needed. You'll be done in no time.

Here's my times!

Level 1 - 4:53
Level 2 - 7:14.8
Level 3 - 8:48.7
Level 4 - 8:48.8


One question... how do you tell the two sides apart?

My times:

Level 1: 5:01.3
Level 2: 6:32.1
Level 3: 6:52.7
Level 4: 6:37.7


Moonshine Bombers and Angry Mobs: a speed-runner's best friends.

New times:

Level 1: 4:02.9
Level 2: 4:34.8
Level 3: 5:21.7
Level 4: 5:45.7
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