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Daily game Sep 03 : Blockage




<div id="GameName" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:bigger; text-align:center; padding-bottom:5px;"><a href="http://www.playedonline.com/game/598641/blockage.html" style="text-decoration:none;">Blockage</a></div><div id="GameWrapper" style="border:1px solid #C5CBCF; width:640px; height:400px; position:relative; margin:10px auto;">
<object width="640" height="400" base="." codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.playedonline.com/system/files/blockage.swf"/>
<param name="base" value="."/>
<param name="quality" value="high"/>
<param value="always" name="AllowScriptAccess"/>
<embed width="640" height="400" src="http://www.playedonline.com/system/files/blockage.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" quality="high" allowscriptaccess="always"/>
</object></div><br/><br/>Put all the colored blocks in their right place.<br/><br/><div style="text-align:center; font-size:smaller;">Powered by dailygame.org</div>




How the FUCK do you beat level 16?!?




How the FUCK do you beat level 16?!?
It's a weird one. Hint:

The green one does not go in the green space, but it is the first one you need to move.

Complete solution: (Let me know if you'd rather have more hints)
Start with the tower of green, white and red blocks.

Move the green one space to the left. Move the red over two and into the pit. Move the white on top of the red.

Then teleport the green, through the left teleporter, and then move it into the pit and solidify it.

Next teleport the white with the remaining teleporter, and move it to the green color-change spot, and leave it.

Move the red into position, and then take the white/newly green and finish the level.




1. move the green square one square to the left
2. move the 2nd red square (the one on the right) to the left two squares and make it solid
3. move the white square on top of the now solid red square
4. move the 3rd square to the left 3 times (so you land on the transporter)
5. move the white square 3 squares right (onto the transporter)
6. Move the 1st red square (the one on the left) down the drop and on top of the green outline
7. move the green square down the drop and pick up the color changer and than move it on top of the white square
8. move the red square over to the red outline
9. move the green square to the green outline




Fuck. I did everything right but forgot the colored blocks could pass through each other!




18 was f'ing haaaard!
Uh-huh. I'm stuck on 19 now.




WOW. Hard game. Awesome.
