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Dating Sims, Beach, Barcode and VR.. what do they have in common?



You can take your VR girlfriend to on and scan 2D barcode..... (I'm not sure how that work) but here is the article
Japanese Resort Caters to Men with Virtual Girlfriends

I found it via BBC TechBrief
BBC - See Also: Tech Brief

Interesting. So, a player of this game can take their virtual gf to the beach and there are 13 physical location where you can scan and it will interact with your VRGF.

It is not a new idea per se. There is a place call Great Wolf Lodge that has "MagiQuest" MagiQuest-Home-Live the Game! It is pretty fun. My wife and I try this out. Basically there are paintings and statues around the hotel (mainly in the back area) and couple of large screen TV where you can do your quest. You run to different floors looking for stuff via clue IN ORDER and turn them in. You can't do them out of order (the object will tell you so) so there is a lot of running.

I guess what I am trying to say is that it is pretty neat that physical places are trying to incorporate games into the hotel. You can actually play more Magiquest online too.

I can totally see Blizzard someday might expand their convention to include booth where you can take "adventure" of your favorite character and gain more stuff ;)

There has been some talk on our convention (Project A-Kon) that we might do something similar, but the cost is pretty high to set up so we might scale down to more of scavenger hunt style with a game theme..... still in the works.




As an adventure game, I can see it as being kind of a nerdy version of Geocaching. But virtual girlfriend? Cripes, that's it's own level of sad.
