Dave's New Project

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Staff member
Okay, I was going to keep this hush hush for a little while, but someone talked me into making a reveal. This thread will answer any and all questions and dispel any rumors before they begin.

One of the biggest issues we constantly have here at Halforums is that it's very difficult to bring traffic here. Without Kanye West or a school shooting, people just seem to pass us by. FigmentPez gets people here with a couple of his threads, but as predicted when we moved, overall traffic is down. Granted, a good deal of this is due to the fact that we moved to XenForo and the redirects from the vBulletin site aren't working, but we are slowing down a bit.

I don't really care too much about that on a personal level, but it gets hard to justify the costs vs. the traffic.

So I started a new site. This new site is also a forum, but it has a specific focus and purpose. It's a site for pet lovers to post pictures of their furry (or scaly or feathery) friends and talk about them, the products they like/hate and stuff like that.

But why did I do it, exactly? Well, a niche market like that can totally bring in a specific clientele. It's also something that I can market in different areas and have an audience ready to go. One of the biggest problems with Halforums was marketing it. Since we have no real purpose or niche (no matter how hard we've tried!) it's frankly amazed me that we've grown at all. The new site will be the one that will hopefully pay for this one with ad revenue and stuff like that. In addition, I'm trying out a new type of revenue stream over there that does not rely on ads at all.

So let's talk about the rumors that will swirl.

  1. I am NOT closing Halforums down. I don't care if it ends up being me and two others throwing poop at each other, I'm not going anywhere.
  2. I will NOT be forsaking this place for the new site. I plan on letting it grow as best I can for a bit, then making a couple of active people mods and letting them run the show.
  3. I will be stealing people from here to go there. I don't think a lot of you will be going there. Compared to this place, that one will be stifling. It will be totally on-topic and heavily moderated. I assume we might get some pretty uptight people over there and I'm catering to that demographic. NO drama will be allowed and posts will be removed.
So that's it. I'm starting a new site that will be pandering to a specific demographic that might have SOME crossover here, but not as much as you might think. The new site will be very ho hum for a lot of you and will be filled with cute pictures of puppies and kitties. Yes, I know I'm being a whore. But I'm doing it for you. Because anything that helps me keep this place going is okay in my book.

Oh, and the site is http://www.mydogdallas.com

Now I have to work on this place's dark theme before Jay's head explodes.


Staff member
I did?


Nah. It's for pet lovers. And by lovers I don't mean in the physical sense. I mean that if you have a dog or cat you want to show of then that's the place. I'm niche but I'm not THAT niche!


So.. I'm still a little fuzzy in general.. is my "kitteh/n appreciation" thread and the like supposed to go over there?


Staff member
Holy shit Dave, that header... please tell me that's temporary.
Yes. That one is temporary until I get the one that is being professionally done. I threw that one up in about 10 minutes.
Added at: 22:17
So.. I'm still a little fuzzy in general.. is my "kitteh/n appreciation" thread and the like supposed to go over there?
That's the type of thing that would certainly fit over there. But I'm not going to move anything from here. Halforums and MyDogDallas are two distinct and different sites. They each have different tones and purposes.

The purpose of this place is fun and irreverent humor, games and just being silly.

The purpose of that place is to talk about pets.

Threads in this place can do whatever the hell they want and tend to wander far afield of the original topic.

Threads there are on topic and if people go off topic they will be asked to stop.

Some people might like both, but after being here that place will probably feel very restrictive. I only said something because I wanted to market the other on places like Facebook and I knew I would get questions.
Expect many pictures of my dog to invade your new site soon.

Also, have you thought about advertisements for Halforums? Get bumble or someone to make a banner and project wonderful that shit for a day.


Staff member
Expect many pictures of my dog to invade your new site soon.

Also, have you thought about advertisements for Halforums? Get bumble or someone to make a banner and project wonderful that shit for a day.
I have and plan on doing so. And since it's my site I don't need to PW it. I can instead just pop it up. I plan on talking to a few other people and having a banner rotation. They get free advertising and I get to look like I'm not pimping this site....even if I am.
I didn't mean on the pet site.

Advertise Halforums on like hark, a vagrant or whatever the best price/popularity page you can find.


So why exactly wouldn't you just have a link from that site to here?
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