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David Letterman's Top Ten




Last night's Top Ten was fucking hilarious. Harry Smith from CBS' the Morning Show had an on-screen colonoscopy. The top ten was the top thoughts going through his mind...

I fucking LOVE #8, 7 & 6!!


Kitty Sinatra

Must be old people humour.


General Specific

General Specific

My favorite Top Ten list is from April, 2000 after Dave had come back from some surgery:

The Top 10 Signs We're Out of Practice doing the top Ten List

8. Jokes out of order

10. perjon tpyohn9g lsit is drnukl

9. Jokes don't make sense Ted Danson monkey clown pie

7.Must pause part way through list to let drummer catch breath

6.Same item appears twice

5.Same item appears twice

4.And the number 4 sign we're out of practice doing the Top Ten List....
Same item appears twice

3.Accidentally end list early




Aw, poor Conan getting fucked :(


Wasabi Poptart

#9 was funny


Fun Size

Fun Size

As a long time fan of colonoscopy-based humor, I approve of these developments.




The Conan one got me. :laugh:




My favorite Top Ten list is from April, 2000 after Dave had come back from some surgery:

The Top 10 Signs We're Out of Practice doing the top Ten List

8. Jokes out of order

10. perjon tpyohn9g lsit is drnukl

9. Jokes don't make sense Ted Danson monkey clown pie

7.Must pause part way through list to let drummer catch breath

6.Same item appears twice

5.Same item appears twice

4.And the number 4 sign we're out of practice doing the Top Ten List....
Same item appears twice

3.Accidentally end list early

Is there a video for that? Tried YouTube'ing it, but failed.

My personal favourite? The Battlestar Galactica one, done by the cast.


General Specific

General Specific

no, I just found the script for it on a website by randomly searching.
