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DDO - Tips and Tricks



Ok, Please forgive the grammar, I figure I'll start a new section on tips and tricks for the new people to start and get the most enjoyment out of DDO for FREE (if that is the route you want to take) Please note that I'm a VIP player, so some of the stuff might be wrong, please let me know and I'll correct it on this FAQs :) This is my "first" official FAQs so go easy on me.

DDO - How to enjoy going free!

So you want to play DDO huh? Well, now is a good time. DDO has gone FREE. This mean that you can play DDO without having to pay for subscription, but there is a catch. DDO-Free does not have ALL the content vs DDO-VIP. You can find the difference on DDO.com Many of the neat features, you can use Turbine points (TP) to purchase. I will try to list stuff that is NOT free which is easier than trying to list that is going free. (again this may change as I learn more of it)

Rumors: Currently there are talks that there is only enough content to go up to level 12. I personally do not believe that. I believe you might be able to quest all the way upto at least 15 before having to buy the adventure packs beyond that. Remember folks, the level cap prior to going free was 16. Turbine has to make money somehow. So what do you do? well, there are two ways to go about this.

Option 1 - Play a LOT of characters and earn TP via favors. You get 25 TP per 100 favor. It is not much but it adds up. So far I'm playing 2-3 characters and notice I get notification that I earned 25TP. I am not sure how far that will go, but I am assuming at least your FIRST character will earn 25TP per 100 favors. You can earn upto 2500 (favored soul unlock) which is around 625 Favor points. This can take a LONG while to get that many.

Option 2 - Go VIP. I highly suggest that you DON'T just buy TP (but that is just me) you get 500TP per month on subscription base and gain access to "all" content.

What do you mean "all" content?

Well, there are some content that is not available even when you start with VIP.
1. Drow - 400 Favor unlock (total)
2. 32 point character build - 1750 favor unlock (stacks from previous total not addition to)
3. Favored Soul - 2500 favor unlock

yes, folks, this means that you can get drow for FREE while playing the game. You get favors by doing different difficulty of quests (they are not cumulative in the same quest)
Here is an example
Quest A gets solo = 2 favor, normal = 4, hard = 6, elite = 9 this means if you play solo, normal, hard and elite, your total favor gain is 9 not 21. Currently I'm trying to get the guild on Cannith to unlock drow by just doing quests. DDOwiki.com has tons of information on this stuff so I won't be covering it here.

Where do you start?
You start on Korthos island. Your first character will start in a place known as Snowy Korthos. You will NEED to finish the tutorial (not the island) first before you can skip it. Once you finish all the island quest and complete Misery's Peak, you can go to Sunny side Korthos. There is a catch, Snowy Korthos and Sunny Korthos character CANNOT team up together :( Normally, I just finish the tutorial with a "junk" character and just create a real one and skip the tutorial and play normally. You are not really missing anything out. Playing on Sunny side give access to Stormreach immediately which means access to mailbox and other character (to trade items and such) This is just my personal opinion. (more on this)

So what do I play?
http://ddowiki.com/page/Classes gives you some info on each classes, but since y'all are going free and content is not accessible to 20 (rumors) then might as well have a lot of fun and play what you want to play. I highly suggest some templates if you want to solo a lot or get most of your characters. Note: this is the FREE side of playing, if you are VIP, you can play other choices.

First is the "uber" classes. There are two that I'm currently aware of (that I read up) a friend of mine John (character Allithia) is a total pro in this. He is also on Cannith and in our guild. You can ask him any question about DDO and tips. He knows a lot more than I but doesn't like to post on forums :(

Note: Class # = Class Level # i.e. Ranger 3 = Ranger level 3

Ranger 18/Rogue 2 build (VIP Ranger 18/ Monk 2 )
This is known as Tempest build (well modified version) you can gain access to Tempest via Ranger 6, but to get most out of it, you can multiclass to get more stuff out of it.

Monk is only available for free via VIP or purchase. If you made a monk on VIP then go free, you would need to buy the monk class.

stats? 15/16/12/10/14/8 (Str/Dex/Con/Int/Wis/Cha I will have to test this. I use a drow which comes out differently) I suggest any race of your choosing, some get extra benefits.

Starts off with Rogue, this will net you the highest skill points. Rogue has the highest starting skill points. I highly recommend that you max out Disable devices, search, spot, lock pick, and jump (you will have more but that is up to you where you want it) each skill DOES have a use. Swim is good, haggle is good (reduce prices toward NPC not auction house) Heal - (this determine how much you heal at each rest.) etc etc check the wiki ;)

Then level up ranger at level 2. max out disable devices and search if you don't have enough skill points (generally you do but it will eat up 4 points) and put the rest where you want it. This will allow you to lock pick most normal settings and even hard settings with no issues. pick up another rogue level at 8 to get evasion (that is your goal).

Feats: Dodge, mobility and spring attack in this order. You MUST have these feat in order to unlock tempest enhancement. Spring attack only available after picking dodge and mobility and be level 6 of a class. (+6 BAB) then the rest ranger

You will notice that TWF (Two weapon fighting) will hit the roof and evasion is NICE to have to save on reflex spells, traps, and even some attacks. woo! I know that Ranger gets it for free at level 9, but there is a reason to get rogue 2, to max out the skills for any other rogue skill you may not have gotten before. Then you can go pure ranger. If you have enough INT, then you might just want to have 1 level in rogue. Also the good thing about this class is that Ranger can use Cure Light Wounds wands (CLW) which is awesome! without UMD. (Use Magic Devices)

Barbarian/Fighter combo (level up to you depending on what you want to pick up)
Another class combo to look into is Fighter/Barbarian. Human makes a GREAT class for this one. This is a pure DPS build. The reason for fighter is to get weapon specialization and feats for free. As a human, you start off with THREE feats. This can be VERY powerful. This combo is just dead in the field with a healer in tow. I am not too familiar with this combo, but I read it is pretty popular. for VIP, a splash on monk 2 is nice for evasion and no armor bonus (dex + wis)

Rogue 2/Wizard 18 combo
This is one of my favorite combo. Wizard requires high INT and dex (for defense since they can't wear armor) rogue requires light armor or less to not have any penalty to use rogue skills. It is a win/win combo. Start off with Rogue first (for skills) and then take a wizard. You can level up to 7 (to get firewall) an then pick up 2nd level rogue for evasion. A wizard with evasion is VERY nice you will be pretty powerful at level 9 AND can pick lock, search, and disable devices. With int of 18 I get 6 skill points per level to use (2 into devices, and 2 into search, and concentration) Remember that you can't "break" a lock on failing, but you can break a box if you fail disable devices. Also, wizard gets HEROISM, which is nice. It is a bonus to skill and all other stuff. Also wizards get detect secret doors which is also nice to have (fast finding doors) so you just need to find boxes when running a dungeon. I recommend learn your instance since the boxes will be at the same place everytime (I hope this change in the future to make spot more useful)

note: Remember that wizard (and sorcerer but it is not worth it for sorcerer) gets a spell call Martial Mastery. Basically it gives the caster martial weapon feat (all of them) which happen to include GREAT SWORD ;) yes.... that is why my rogue/mage is using a greatsword. It is highest DPS two handed weapon in the martial catagory (and does minor sweep attack) so it is well worth it.

right now at level 5 wizard I can use extend and make the spell last 8 minutes (1 min/level) which is pretty good. So wizards don't even need to pick up a weapon feat. It works for any martial weapons so it doesn't have to be a great sword. Also, as a rogue, I can get backstab bonus with it. I crit a mob with 26 dmg + 6 points of back stab with a great sword. It is awesome.

Another good solo class to play is Paladin. A pure Paladin is deadly and can even ressurect dead with the right enhancement (use lay on hand to raise dead) you wouldn't believe how many time I use that to raise the healer. I always keep 1 lay on hand "on hand" just for an occasion. Also lay on hand is base on your CHA. So around 18 cha + item will practically refill your life to full from near dead from ONE lay on hand. It is very powerful spell (you get 2 to start but you can get more via enhancement) Even at higher level, your defensive, offensive, and resistance are at par with many mobs :) It is a very nice class to play. If you feel so incline, you can splash (multiclass) 2 level of monks (but no armor) or rogue (limited armor) for evasion, but for Paladins... I would say go pure.

I will post more when I get to work.



Ok... Where to go and what to do?

Well, I highly recommend that you reach level 2 before going out to Korthos Island. You can do each of the quest on solo and normal (both net you +25% exp) and collaborator (solo and normal) this should get you to level 2 easily.

Couple of things to note.
1. Don't die. It is pretty easy quest (except crystal cause you just have to defend it from 15 mobs and possible a random boss) this will net you +10% each time you run the quest
2. Try to avoid leaving and re-entering the quest. This gives you another +10% exp
3. If you run the quest on each setting (some setting solo is not available) you will get +25% exp except elite, you will get +50% exp.
4. BREAK everything. This will net you another +15% exp
5. Kill everything. Conquest will net you another +25%
6. A rogue can find traps, disable traps and lock doors (I think) which will net you another +15% (if there are any, but this one is hard to do rogue/wizard has no problem with this.

While low level quest doesn't have a large base XP, but at higher level, these bonuses add up REALLY quick.

You cannot use hireling on Solo. So I recommend running stuff on normal. There is couple things of note.

If you are +2 level higher than a quest you get a negative exp (-10% for 1 level -15 for 2 I think and so forth) this also works the other way too. If the quest is higher level (like elite) and your party is lower level, you get BONUS exp.

You can do the quest 3 times in a row without penalty EXCEPT you get full bonus doing a new difficulty instead. example.

Cannith Crystal can be done on solo, normal, hard and elite. To truly milk it, you can do solox3, then normal x1, hard x1 and elite x1 which is 6 times, and on the 7th time you get the negative for repeating the quest (upto -90% I think)

many people do normalx3, hard x1, elite x1 in that order to milk as much exp as you can. If you do elite x1 then decide to do normal x1 and then hard x1 and do normal again (for reward) you will get a -10% for doing it 3 times already. weird huh? most people usually don't want to milk it much and just get the favor which elite unlocks stuff in game and gives you TP.

hirelings are your friend. They are cheap and pretty "reliable"
Barbarian - This is a good hireling. It is the only hireling that will go out and break boxes (most of them) they are good dps and well... mage friendly since many of the barbarians are Warforge which CAN be heal by repair spells.
Cleric - this is my 2nd fave hireling. If you can handle the DPS, then this hireling will keep you heal as long he/she has mana. Most of the time, the hireling does a good job. Don't put this hireling on aggressive since he/she will heal you less :(

Hireling is on a timer. Once activated it will last 1 hour login time with 5 minute cooldown time. When you summon, (you can only summon at the entrance of the dungeon or wilderness entrance only if you summon anywhere else, you will activate the cooldown and nothing happen) don't move or you will interrupt the summon and guess what? 5 minute cooldown wait before you can summon again.

There is a catch, if you decide to "solo" in the wilderness with a hireling, the hireling will stay with you until you enter down AFTER it expire (I test this out couple of time it seems to be the case) which is nice BUT if you have a contract that has a timer, it will expire when 1 hour is up. This is 1 hour LOG IN time. So if you log off, the timer stops (so it seems) This is a good way to finish many normal quests on your own which is doable to almost all classes.

By the time you finish Korthos island, you should be level 3 or 4 then head off to the island.

BUT.... here is a tip that I highly suggest (even some vet didn't think about this)

check out the item Archivist necklace - you can get 2 charges of Minor Mnemonic Enhancer PER rest (yes all charges/uses/skills) refresh once you rest. The only exception are one time use items like wands. Wands starts off 50 charges, but once you are out, you are out. The only exception are Eternal wands. You can see the item if it has 50 charges/rest or just 50 charges. Anyways, this item is GREAT for any caster class. It is an item you should consider getting since you will be using this item long after you break the set. you can restore from 10-35 points.. YES 35 points PER charge... that means upto 70 mana restore while you are in the field. This could mean 7 more cure light wounds, or 7 more level 1 spells. I haven't found any other item that restore mana with rest charges. There are pots (potions) but those are 1 time use.

You can only get ONE necklace period regardless how many time you finish the quest so choose wisely (from the set)
You CAN however repeat any other quest so far and keep getting more loot (which is random according to your class unless you uncheck the choices in your options and you can just get random). Which mean YES, you can get all the items from the mayor (Sacrifice quest) and outfit your character. You can also use many hotbars and just drag and drop items and switch out on the fly EXCEPT armor (robes you can switch on the fly) I use 9 total

I usually have like 3 bars dedicate to my items. Top row is what I wear all the time for combat, 2nd and 3rd rows are for special circumstance. My rogue has goggle +5 search when I can't find stuff and +5 disable goggles to use. This helps a lot. You can even "rapid" switch out ring. (yes 1 ring) which is on your right side. The left side you have to manually change it so keep that in mind.

This is basically your own little playground or your party members. You will NOW get lots of exp when you kill X creature and compete each tier. Generally there are 4-7 tiers (10,25,50,100,200,400,800,1500 etc etc) Known as Slayers. You can also get bonus XP exploring ALL the places and beat all the rare monsters. Also remember that all rare monsters have chest = more loot possibility. There is no end reward for wilderness but it is a good place just to run around and kill stuff to gain more loot. Like Korthos island, there are quest in these areas. Some gotten from outside the wilderness and some INSIDE the wilderness. Do check them out when you can. All wilderness are free around the market place and harbor.

Houses - these are higher level quests after you hit around 6+ each house has their own little world and quests. Do check them out.

There are plenty of stuff to do and most of them you can do on normal without much problem (solo or with hireling) but with a group. it is easier. I try to keep my character within the guild level so we can quest together and John, Rob and I will help you out when we are on. Also remember, if you see me loot any item that you need, feel free to ask :) even the good stuff ;)




You should submit this to GameFAQs for sure!



Gameplay Tricks - (some might be repeated)

Many of the tricks are built into the option menu but I'll list some of the popular one.

- Creating a sigil and mailing to yourself or your friends /guild recruitsigil You can create 1 every 2 minutes.

- You can only respec your enhancement once every 3 days. It cost you gold relative to your level.

- You can only change your spell as a Bard, Sorcerer, Favored Soul once every 3 days. Yes that is right folks, that is ONE spell regardless of level every 3 days. So choose wisely.

- You can change your feat once every 3 days (notice the pattern?) you will need gold (depend on your level) and a sibryl shard. You can change fragment into gems via the altar next to the bank (can't miss it. It is a huge circular thing) you need imperfect (100 fragment) for level 1-4 and it grows from there. 1000 fragment for 5-8 etc etc

you can buy an extra medium bag for 80k gold in House J (was exclusive which mean you can only have ONE per character) not sure if that change yet. you can find large/huge via drops or buy them from DDO which BIND to character now :(

House D favor offer ammo at 75 you can get a "larger quiver" which holds 4 of 1000 each I think and then at 150 favor you can get a larger one and RETURNING arrows with a minor chance of breaking (so basically buying 2k will need replace some every week)

You can buy normal quiver Wide or thin at harbor top left corner of the map. Which the store next to it, you can buy inscription component for spells. you can BUY scrolls in the marketplace (not too expensive) level 1 and 2. You do get 2 free spell per leveling up.

house K favor open another tab for your bank for 5k gold (need 75 rep cost may have change, I haven't unlock on new patch yet) and another at 150 favor

Coin lord 75 favor gives you a new FREE tab of inventory. 150 favor open the 5th tab but you need broken portable hole and 10k gold (It was 10k) This is the easiest to get first since a lot of the quest are Coin lord.

Which you can hit P to find out how much favor you are getting (basically rep) remember each quest has a max per quest on elite. Usually ranging from 6,9 or 12. Some higher level quest gives 20 favor for that house (rare)

turn off auto attack, just hold down right click to attack. I usually have 7 most popular attack/spell on 1 hot bar (ctrl-1) and have no problem control my character.

You can have multiple hotbar (upto 20 I think) but I don't go over 9 or 12 (depending on which character) cause well.. too many clutter the screens.

Auto gather feature on bags and quivers will automatically put that item into your bag...... save space!! yay. You can have multiple quiver. remember that arrows/bolt DOES not auto reload from different quiver. You have to swap it.

You can item swap (like bracers) in your hot bar just by clicking it. It is nice for a quick change. right now there is not "outfit" mod/feature like WoW :(

Thus far, you can't expand Account level bank (purchasable) even with VIP. It is only 20 slot (which is plenty if you are just moving stuff) alternatively, you CAN mail stuff, but remember to spell it correctly or it will take 3 weeks for it to come back.

Elemental weapons trumps + weapons. If I have a long sword of pure good is way better than +3 longsword. elemental weapons always do that extra damage upon hit. +3 longsword does give you +3 to hit and +3 damage, but elemental can do extra.

Pure Good (PG) weapons are most sought after. Since we are fighting evil or neutral monsters, these weapon will ALWAYS work on them. I don't think there are any "good" monsters out there. thus, extra damage always occur. You can get PG on anything.

vorpal weapon, bane weapons are usually level 10 item. Yes... roll a 20 on a monster that needs a head (like human) = instant death.

Rapiers are most sought after item in terms of elemental since they crit on 19-20. With a feat, you can expand that to 17-20..... it can get ugly :)

Unlock drow at 400 favor regardless of account. Our guild should almost hit that soon. I will try to help to get as many favor as y'all needed. Drow is essentially your first 32 point build. (still 28 points distribution but they have higher base score). you can't use 1750 favor 32 point build on a drow ;) that would make it a 36 point build which is not possible.

+1 tomes are random drop after level 10 quests in chest AND end reward

you get a single FREE +2 tome of your choice once you hit 1750 favors

Tomes are eaten (literally) and highest one is active. So you if you eat a +1 int and later eat a +2 int, total bonus is +2 not +3 you can eat 1 for each stat. thus you could raise all your stats by 1 if you eat all 6 (it can get expensive)

Always put your permanent stat (once every 4 levels) into your primary stats. You can get upto +6 stat item that you can wear at level 20. +1 and +2 at level 1-4 +3 at level 5 etc etc there are exceptions that you can get a +3 item on level 4 but will be race restricted (rare)



What is Free? (might as well start making a list. I am trying to break into sections and hoping people will read this stuff (yea it is long)

Korthos Village + Island (can get upto level 4 easy) + wilderness

Harbor quests (all should be free) including irestone inlet and one wilderness.

Marketplace - most quests are free EXCEPT Sharn Quest, STK, and Catacombs (so far that I know of) all others are free. There are two wilderness here.

House D -

House K -

House J -




So what does $15 a month get me besides the Warforged?




So what does $15 a month get me besides the Warforged?



So what does $15 a month get me besides the Warforged?

Paid monthly gets you access (instantly) Warforge race and Monk Class.

Drow Race and Favored Soul Class has to be either unlock or purchase. lets say you made a Warforge Monk as VIP account, then you decide to let it "slide" and go free account. You are down to 2 character slots (instead of 10) and you get to choose TWO characters you want to play the others will become inactive. You can't choose Warforge monk because those have to be purchase (not unlockable)

BUT lets say you unlock the Drow and Favored soul (2500 favors.. that is a lot of work) and you made a Drow Favored Soul and let the account slide. You can still play them since you unlock them.

Now there is something you should know, unlocking ONLY works on that server you are on BUT purchasing them works on ALL servers. I believe that all adventure packs work this way also.

So basically if y'all want to go VIP for a year. You will earn 500x12 = 6000 points you can pretty much buy a good amount of content (prices varies but I can't see them since I'm VIP) Not a bad deal.

The coolest thing I like so far is the Account level bank. It is 20 slot bank that ALL your characters on the SAME server can access. As long the item is not bound to character, you can trade among yourselves :)

Of course content wise, VIP has access to all the cool quests = cool loot.




So what does $15 a month get me besides the Warforged?

I guess I'll look at it when I get home, then. Thanks anyway! :D




Well, you didn't say you couldn't get to DDO's site at work...

Chibi's got you covered. You also get priority over everyone else if there is a queue.




Well, you didn't say you couldn't get to DDO's site at work...

Chibi's got you covered. You also get priority over everyone else if there is a queue.
I wasn't being sarcastic. I was just wondering. I really can look when I get home and I really do thank you for the link.




Well, you didn't say you couldn't get to DDO's site at work...

Chibi's got you covered. You also get priority over everyone else if there is a queue.
I wasn't being sarcastic. I was just wondering. I really can look when I get home and I really do thank you for the link.[/QUOTE]

I know:tongue:



Well, you didn't say you couldn't get to DDO's site at work...

Chibi's got you covered. You also get priority over everyone else if there is a queue.
I wasn't being sarcastic. I was just wondering. I really can look when I get home and I really do thank you for the link.[/QUOTE]

I know:tongue:[/QUOTE]

The website is not very clear on what is "free" vs "VIP" in terms of content. I am slowly learning which areas are free and which are paid. I should probably make a free account so I can tell easier ;)




As soon as you get to Stormreach Harbor you start encountering adventure packs that must be purchased. Which is, of course, not to say there isn't tons of free content to keep one busy.

I figure by level 4 I will at least know whether it's worth it to me to pay for the next level tier (if I haven't gotten a sigil, since I'm still not clear on that). Right now I'm all "Cool! I love it! VIP plz" but I was that way with WAR too.



As soon as you get to Stormreach Harbor you start encountering adventure packs that must be purchased. Which is, of course, not to say there isn't tons of free content to keep one busy.

I figure by level 4 I will at least know whether it's worth it to me to pay for the next level tier (if I haven't gotten a sigil, since I'm still not clear on that). Right now I'm all "Cool! I love it! VIP plz" but I was that way with WAR too.
The leveling Sigil is random end loot drop (completing the quest and turn it in) there are tons of places to go. If you are on Cannith, most of us are now level 4-5. I have been trying to run people quests (faster with a group even on normal, hard, or elite) Cernalian hills is free area. Irestone inlet is free (pretty fun place but hard with just two need healers even on normal) These are the other quests that are outside the harbor.

Marketplace has three paid content which is STK, Sharn, and Catacombs.




Irestone inlet is free (pretty fun place but hard with just two need healers even on normal)
I know that's right. Ashburner and I ran that on normal, with just me and him playing two Clerics on Sarlona. There was a lot of death, and we all (us, a barbarian hireling and a cleric hireling) wiped once.




I have a feeling the less solo-friendly the game becomes, the less interested I will be.




Irestone inlet is free (pretty fun place but hard with just two need healers even on normal)
I know that's right. Ashburner and I ran that on normal, with just me and him playing two Clerics on Sarlona. There was a lot of death, and we all (us, a barbarian hireling and a cleric hireling) wiped once.[/QUOTE]

Barb hirlings are worthless past the first few levels. Clerics are always useful... when they listen to you anyway.

I have a feeling the less solo-friendly the game becomes, the less interested I will be.
If you take a Cleric hirling with you, you can handle most missions on Normal... assuming your not a cleric yourself.



There are two hireling I highly recommend (even at most levels)

If you are a healing class - bring a barbarian - they are good at DPS, but keep you busy healing them (which is not bad) Barbarian ALSO will break boxes as they come along which is nice. I have try fighter and paladin, but they are not up to snuff. I didn't try the casters (sorc and wizard) mainly I usually play DPS type or healing type.

Clerics coding is MUCH better now (more or less) remember that you don't want them fighting cause they suck totally. The colorful armor they are wearing might as well be tissue or robe (same thing) but they do keep you heal.

Hirelings are good when you are soloing in normal mode. The only reason you want to go hard and elite is for favors to unlock more stuff, but if you just want to play and get loot, normal is the easiest way to go.




I've been playing a Drow wizard for a couple of weeks now. I'm up to level 4, almost level 5, all solo. Drow wizards rock! You get racial ability to use rapier, shortsword and shortbow, which means I can actually melee kobolds and the like without too much fear.

I always take a cleric along (for the Divine Vitality ability to recharge my spell points, mostly), and I haven't had any trouble soloing the dungeons in Korinth, or in Stormreach Harobor...i haven't hit the marketplace quests yet.




The Marketplace is where things usually get hard and you start needing a team.




The Marketplace is where things usually get hard and you start needing a team.
Noticing that.

However, I'm now a level 5 drow wizard, and I usually take a level 5 cleric hireling with me (Kendra, to take advantage of her divine restoration ability to give me back almost all my magic points once per rest). I can summon a hellhound (and, less useful, get an Iron Defender from enhancements). I've been able to still solo level 3 and 4 quests, but I notice that I'm not able to really solo the level 5s any more.
