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Dear Diary...


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Today I wrote an entry in my often forgotten personal diary, and I thought about what other people do. I know I have some friends who have had one at some point in their life, I know of a friend of mine who has been writing hers since she was a little girl, I know of people who explain what has happened to them during the day, people who just use it to write whatever comes to mind, people who draw in it, or stick pictures on it's pages...

My personal diary is a medium black Moleskine in wich I write my personal thoughts in a sometimes almost automatic writing style and other times in a much more thought out and literary style. I may draw on it, ocasionally.
Sometimes, I discover myself thinking about the time it's published and I'm a famous (dead) person.
What I know is that I wouldn't like anybody to read it NOW...

What about you, halforumites? Do you have one? What do you use it for?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I use a LJ that's varying degrees of private. In middle school I had memo pads that I'd jot down stuff throughout the day. I called it notes to self from the movie "Dirty Work", but it was really kind of a proto-twitter. No one would really want to read it or publish it because it's basically entirely about tits.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Charlie Dont Surf said:
I use a LJ that's varying degrees of private. In middle school I had memo pads that I'd jot down stuff throughout the day. I called it notes to self from the movie "Dirty Work", but it was really kind of a proto-twitter. No one would really want to read it or publish it because it's basically entirely about tits.
So it's more like a proto-TITTER? Eh? Eh?


Philosopher B.

I've thought about keeping one, but honestly, what goes on in my day-to-day existence is not something I want to read about and re-experience.

I do write tons of stuff down though, like story ideas and suchlike. My notes and papers are all over the place.




Whenever I feel like writing what comes to mind I fire up a notepad and write it out. The next morning I reread it and delete the file in utter contempt.

Silver Jelly said:
[quote="Charlie Dont Surf":1pqcqcr7]I use a LJ that's varying degrees of private. In middle school I had memo pads that I'd jot down stuff throughout the day. I called it notes to self from the movie "Dirty Work", but it was really kind of a proto-twitter. No one would really want to read it or publish it because it's basically entirely about tits.
So it's more like a proto-TITTER? Eh? Eh?[/quote:1pqcqcr7]




I kept a diary when I was a kid, then I quit for a long time.

Now I have a notebook and an online journal. I just filled up a red notebook made of handmade paper that my folks gave me. Now I'm filling up a blue and green journal that Jake's brother and sis-in-law gave me for Christmas. In my handwritten journal, I write down private things I don't want in my blog and anything that happened that day. I try to be detailed, because things that don't seem too interesting now might make a nice memory later.

A lot of what's in there I wouldn't want other people reading.



I try... but sometimes I just don't know what to write.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I'll occasionally write in some notebook I got for a class that turned out to not need a notebook. Generally I just write game theory as it relates to whatever I'm playing at the moment.




I used to keep a journal, but then realized that I didn't care to write anything that no-one was going to read. So whenever I'd finish an entry I'd go show it to my parents.

After that I moved onto online blogs where my friends could read stuff, and now I can't be arsed. At most, I use twitter to chronicle my life now.


Rob King

Rob King

I write my journal to an imagined biographer, years down the road. I don't journal frequently, but I sure would like to get into the habit more, especially as I grow older. My father is a pretty decent writer, and I have charged him with writing an autobiography before he dies, so I have some hard record of him to hold on to and hopefully pass on to my children and grandchildren. I mostly journal so that at the end of my years, I can use it as a source when I complile my own personal history. Or, to act in lieu of an autobiography if I were to die suddenly.

I also blog occasionally, but those are much less serious, on the whole.

I have a Moleskine that I often jot down short bits of story that come into my head during the day. Sometimes I just fictionalize elements of my day, and write them in third person under a different name. Not sure why I do that, but some of them have actually turned out to be decent, and I plan on using them in some project or another in the future.




I keep a journal, mainly to give my fountain pens something to do.

I really only have two rules with it. Write something every day, and once a page is started, it needs to be filled by the end of that day. Doesn't matter how many pages are filled in a single day, but every page started is filled.

As for what, it's whatever. If I have nothing to write, but I have the urge to put pen to paper, I will often write down that I have nothing to write. A good gripe about having nothing to say can take care of a paragraph or two. :) When I started the journal, a good bit of it was nothing more than a running commentary about the pens and inks I was trying out that time. If nothing else, it gave me handwriting practice.

Hopes, fears, and dreams? Not here. This is writing for the sake of writing. Sometimes something profound comes out. Other times it's complaining about how the dehumidifier is baking me or why I can't mow the lawn today. More often the latter.




I use a LJ, but normally it's just a place for me to rant when I'm down/angry/whatever. Always friends only, sometimes private.




I have thought about keeping one...I'd like to, really. But, for the moment, I don't.




Writing with pen/pencil and paper has always been slow for me, and in the past decade it's been painful as well (in my brain, not primarily in my hand). That always kept me from keeping a journal when I was younger, though I tried several times. I've discovered that I'm no better at keeping on on my computer, though, but I'm going to start soon on another try.



I've had the same, Lion King themed dairy since I was 8-yrs old. I refuse to by another one until that one is all filled up, which will be a long time from now.

I write in it about every 2 years, and only to put an update of my life. I just never really care to write much about my life, it's not that exciting. And I never think to grab it to write my thoughts in. It's super cute though, with Simba and Nala on the front :rofl:
