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Dear men



who despite having full, thick, lustrous hair decide to shave or buzz your head,

I hate you with every fiber of my being. That is all.

I'm looking at you Justin Timberlake and Bradley Cooper.




I love you too, if I could mail you my hair I would :)



I love you too, if I could mail you my hair I would :)

Members of the military and police are excused.




Awwww, what happened, Chaz? Did someone shave your teddy bear when you were little?

*puts on his Freud beard and glasses*

Pleaze to lie dövn, Herr Vozel, zo ve ken dig through ze layers ov psykosis...


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I don't know if I count; I get mine buzzed to a two, which is very short, but still looks like hair.

But I'm not sorry. I used to keep it long and cut it myself, and I had worse hair than Scott Pilgrim.




What's that? I couldn't hear you over my awesome hair.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I used to hate men who shaved their head because they were going bald. I felt it was like cheating.

Of course, I did that some times last year and now my feelings are just like yours. But that's because I'm a hypocrite.



Frankie Williamson

Fuck I miss long ass hair and beards.





who despite having full, thick, lustrous hair decide to shave or buzz your head,

I hate you with every fiber of my being. That is all.

I'm looking at you Justin Timberlake and Bradley Cooper.
Amen! And who's Justin Timberlake?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I miss long ass hair
That's what the bidet was invented for.




I sometimes fear going bald. Grandpa on mom's side was bald, my dad has a bald spot, my big brother had a three-hair combover á la Homer Simpson until he chose to shave his remaining hair off in his late 20s.

I think I look decent without hair; had to shave it all off in the army. Have considered it sometimes after the army, but so far I've kept my natural curls.




I shaved my head when I started thinning. If I try to grow it back now, I might be a little thicker than Patrick Stewart. It wasn't obvious that I was losing my hair, even to me, really. It just wasn't quite as thick as it used to be. I had already shaved my head once when my mom was going through chemo and liked the look. So, when I finished grad school and was picking up my life and moving, the time was right. All my new co-workers and students had never seen me before so I could go completely bald and be the bald professor right from the start.

To be honest, while some days I don't feeling like razoring my head I don't miss my hair at all. I hated the color, I hated the texture, and I hated the stupid little wave it would get if it was too long. My head gets cold a lot more than it used to now but that's what hats are for. Good riddance, hair.



Awwww, what happened, Chaz? Did someone shave your teddy bear when you were little?

*puts on his Freud beard and glasses*

Pleaze to lie dövn, Herr Vozel, zo ve ken dig through ze layers ov psykosis...
No, my hair is thin and I'm forced to buzz it down every two weeks to keep from looking stupid.



Thinning + Upper and Frontal Male Pattern Baldness slowly creeping in? Yeah I'm a buzz head.




If my hair has started thinning, I haven't noticed it.




I've been told I'm no longer allowed to shave my head. I have full, thick, lucious, un-balding hair. :D

Wait, hang on a second.

*flips his hair in that GQ kinda way* Ahhhhhh!




Oh yea? well fu...

Members of the military and police are excused.
... nevermind. Nothing to see here.




I, for one, do not miss my white-boy 'fro in the slightest. It was eeetchy



Shaved heads are kind of a luck of the draw kind of thing. Some guys look ok, some look cool and some look like radiation victims.

Poor guys.




Shaved heads are kind of a luck of the draw kind of thing. Some guys look ok, some look cool and some look like radiation victims.

Poor guys.
I don't know, I think the same applies to women. The baldness thing, that is. Natalie Portman bald? Hot. Britney Spears bald? Not.



That is very true. I think it is just more a guy issue because it is often a choice related to actual balding.
My sisters exgirlfriend shaved her head, coincidentally right around when britney did which pissed her off, and she looked great. Well by great I mean it suited her. She looks like a man and the shaved head fits her look.




Fuck I miss long ass hair and beards.

This. D:



Frankie Williamson

I still have fantastically thick and amazing dirty blonde hair. I deserve to be able to let it grow! Damn you RCMP grooming standard, DAMN YOU!




I still have thick hair although it has receded slightly at the sides of my forehead. I'm hoping I don't go bald like my Dad, but my maternal grandfather kept all his hair so I should be okay. Right? RIGHT?!




I have very thick and curly blond hair and I hope it doesn't go anywhere anytime soon


Element 117







I have a full head of hair. I shave it a few times a year. I love it because you don't have to do anything to it. When it grows out it's a pain in the ass. I have the worst "bed head hair" you can imagine so if it's long I have to wash and style it every morning. When my head is shaved I don't even worry about showering. Also, I can shave my own head. There is nothing that I hate worse than spending $10 on a hair cut I could do myself. I usually go about three or four months between shavings just to remind my coworkers (many of who have thinning hair) that I shave it because of choice not necessity.




I'm rockin's the bald look until my nephew's cancer treatment is over.

Even afterwards, though, I normally buzz my head down to 21mm once a month, because I hate having to comb my hair. As soon as I have to even tuck it behind my ear, its got to go.



I'm rockin's the bald look until my nephew's cancer treatment is over.

Even afterwards, though, I normally buzz my head down to 21mm once a month, because I hate having to comb my hair. As soon as I have to even tuck it behind my ear, its got to go.

You are a billion times absolved.




Bradley Cooper shaved his head? :'(



The Expendables has more than its fair share of bald sexiness.




I still have thick hair although it has receded slightly at the sides of my forehead. I'm hoping I don't go bald like my Dad, but my maternal grandfather kept all his hair so I should be okay. Right? RIGHT?!
You may be in luck. Susceptibility to baldness is X-linked, so it comes down through the mother's side. Your mom has two X genes, one of which is from your maternal grandfather. If your mom has a lot of brothers, their hairlines will also give a hint as to what you might have.



I was reading this thread and a rogaine commercial came on.

I admit it. I lold.




I spent my early childhood while I had leukemia praying that I WOULDN'T go bald. I ain't about to start trying to do it on purpose now. In fact, I think the chemo I got may have given me mutant hair now, I swear this shit goes from newly cut to afro in less than a month!



I was reading this thread and a rogaine commercial came on.

I admit it. I lold.
Rogaine is pretty useless, it does nothing for frontal balding. Only upper.



I was reading this thread and a rogaine commercial came on.

I admit it. I lold.
Rogaine is pretty useless, it does nothing for frontal balding. Only upper.[/QUOTE]

picky picky picky


Philosopher B.

I get mine buzzed to a two, which is very short, but still looks like hair.
As do I. I grow hair like a demon, but I hate having to deal with a lot of hair. 'Tis inconvenient. I do know that if I started seriously balding like my old man, I wouldn't mind going completely bald.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I swear this shit goes from newly cut to afro in less than a month!
I'm more or less like this, except balding. It has a good thing, though: I had plastic surgery last year, covering my very important frontal baldness with these fast growing very curly hairs brom the back of my head. Now I can't shave my head anymore, because I have a huge scar where the hair was taken from, but the curlyness and growth rate of this hair give me a pretty good result!


Normal style:

check it out mornig style though:

(apparently, there was something interesting on the ceiling...)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm rockin's the bald look until my nephew's cancer treatment is over.
I just wanna emphasize it's really cool that you're doing this.




I am wearing my hair fairly long on top. I am mostly doing it as a last hurrah. I am currently sporting a huge fivehead, closing in on a sixhead, my forehead is a distant memory... Within a year or two I'll start shaving my head. I am a little nervous because of all the sports and crap that I was involved in, I have some scars and bumps.




I was reading this thread and a rogaine commercial came on.

I admit it. I lold.
Rogaine is pretty useless, it does nothing for frontal balding. Only upper.[/QUOTE]

And not even that sometimes. My brother's got a really stubborn bald spot that will never ever ever go away. So he shaved his head. It looks good on him, though. He's not too bumpy.




For all the balding guys on the forum...

BTW, SilverJelly, I just realized you look almost the same as my friend Borcheck. His eyes are a bit beadier, but otherwise it's a striking resemblence.


Philosopher B.

Oh shit, y'all, Mr. God Hair has entered the building.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

BTW, SilverJelly, I just realized you look almost the same as my friend Borcheck. His eyes are a bit beadier, but otherwise it's a striking resemblence.
May we see some pictures of this very handsome friend of yours?

tribble head




I shave my head with a 1 because I live in Texas. it's hot and I hate putting product in my hair. I have a normally shaped head.




Teehee.... product.



For all the balding guys on the forum...

BTW, SilverJelly, I just realized you look almost the same as my friend Borcheck. His eyes are a bit beadier, but otherwise it's a striking resemblence.
Yeah, rub it in.

Show your titties off while you're at it.




I've been wanting to grow a beard, but I've discovered a good many Chinese girls aren't into it.

Something about "sensitive skin".


Chinese had some manly beards back in the day.

Check out Guan yu's bad ass beard



I've been wanting to grow a beard, but I've discovered a good many Chinese girls aren't into it.

Something about "sensitive skin".


Chinese had some manly beards back in the day.

Check out Guan yu's bad ass beard

Asians can't grow beards...




Best joke in Lost: Sawyer to Locke, "Are you kiddin'? All you need is an earring and a mop."

Also, I did this in February. Right after the photo in the photo thread was taken. I cut my long hair all off, because I thought I needed to to "grow up". I immediately regretted it. Finally, it's starting to get long again.




For all the balding guys on the forum...

BTW, SilverJelly, I just realized you look almost the same as my friend Borcheck. His eyes are a bit beadier, but otherwise it's a striking resemblence.
Yeah, rub it in.

Show your titties off while you're at it.[/QUOTE]

To paraphrase from In Bruges: Chaz, you're an asshole. You're an asshole now, and you've always been an asshole. The only thing that's going to change is you're going to be an even bigger asshole and crap out some asshole kids.




Also, I did this in February. Right after the photo in the photo thread was taken. I cut my long hair all off, because I thought I needed to to "grow up". I immediately regretted it. Finally, it's starting to get long again.
I gonna need to cut it once my receding hairline really kicks in... but i'm gonna do it in stages... one crazy haircut at a time...




The ads on this thread are awesome.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner




Is that a shiner boch i see hiding behind you?



For all the balding guys on the forum...

BTW, SilverJelly, I just realized you look almost the same as my friend Borcheck. His eyes are a bit beadier, but otherwise it's a striking resemblence.
Yeah, rub it in.

Show your titties off while you're at it.[/QUOTE]

To paraphrase from In Bruges: Chaz, you're an asshole. You're an asshole now, and you've always been an asshole. The only thing that's going to change is you're going to be an even bigger asshole and crap out some asshole kids. [/QUOTE]

I wouldn't want your hair anyway. I can afford to buy a shizu and train it to sleep on my head.




For all the balding guys on the forum...

BTW, SilverJelly, I just realized you look almost the same as my friend Borcheck. His eyes are a bit beadier, but otherwise it's a striking resemblence.
Yeah, rub it in.

Show your titties off while you're at it.[/QUOTE]

To paraphrase from In Bruges: Chaz, you're an asshole. You're an asshole now, and you've always been an asshole. The only thing that's going to change is you're going to be an even bigger asshole and crap out some asshole kids. [/QUOTE]

Why do you have old lady hair? Are you an old lady?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

By the way, here's a collage of some of the rare pictures of my buzzed hair:


Rob King

Rob King

I shaved my head back in ... April, was it?

I'm glad it's back. That's not to say I wouldn't do it again. Just ... I'm glad it's back.




I am too.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Is that a shiner boch i see hiding behind you?
Hell yeah it is. Don't mess with Texas.




By the way, here's a collage of some of the rare pictures of my buzzed hair:

Adam says keep it buzzed. You look regal shaved, plus the strong jaw is a nice offset for the round head.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

When I lose some weight (I'm heavier now and it doesn't look as good) I'll definately give it another try, scar on the back of my head or not!

(I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've been told I look "regal". I like it :p)




When I lose some weight (I'm heavier now and it doesn't look as good) I'll definately give it another try, scar on the back of my head or not!

(I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've been told I look "regal". I like it :p)
It it a scar with a sexy story? That always helps.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Nope, it's plastic surgery to actually have some hair on the top of my head...

...I MAY have to invent something sexy, though. Or, even better, something REGAL :p




Nope, it's plastic surgery to actually have some hair on the top of my head...

...I MAY have to invent something sexy, though. Or, even better, something REGAL :p
There's a certain amount of irony in the fact that you'd be shaving your head, showing off a scar caused by surgery to gain more hair...


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I know. Maybe I can say I got the surgery to be ironic? That would be so nineties!




I know. Maybe I can say I got the surgery to be ironic? That would be so nineties!

You could be the Silver Hipster.




You should say you got it in a knife fight.



Teehee baer




Being in a knife fight is preferable to being surrounded by hipsters - unless you're the one with the knife.


Element 117

For all the balding guys on the forum...

BTW, SilverJelly, I just realized you look almost the same as my friend Borcheck. His eyes are a bit beadier, but otherwise it's a striking resemblence.
Yeah, rub it in.

Show your titties off while you're at it.[/QUOTE]

To paraphrase from In Bruges: Chaz, you're an asshole. You're an asshole now, and you've always been an asshole. The only thing that's going to change is you're going to be an even bigger asshole and crap out some asshole kids. [/QUOTE]

I wouldn't want your hair anyway. I can afford to buy a shizu and train it to sleep on my head.[/QUOTE]

You two need to settle this like men. Whip out your penises and duel.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I know. Maybe I can say I got the surgery to be ironic? That would be so nineties!

You could be the Silver Hipster.[/QUOTE]

I'll have to start having some other stuff from that chart, though. So far, I only have my ironic surgery and the old-school chuck taylors!



For all the balding guys on the forum...

BTW, SilverJelly, I just realized you look almost the same as my friend Borcheck. His eyes are a bit beadier, but otherwise it's a striking resemblence.
Yeah, rub it in.

Show your titties off while you're at it.[/QUOTE]

To paraphrase from In Bruges: Chaz, you're an asshole. You're an asshole now, and you've always been an asshole. The only thing that's going to change is you're going to be an even bigger asshole and crap out some asshole kids. [/QUOTE]

I wouldn't want your hair anyway. I can afford to buy a shizu and train it to sleep on my head.[/QUOTE]

You two need to settle this like men. Whip out your penises and duel.[/QUOTE]

He'd lose. I have all that bag lady hair to grab at. Fat guys don't fair too well in fights.

Pudzianowski vs Eric Butterbean




I don't care about "beating" Chaz, or being better liked, or whatever. I just think he's a thoroughly loathsome asshole by any standard. Nothing about that needs to be settled, it just is. To me, he will always be equivalent to a pool of vomit the janitor somehow missed.







In the interest of maintaining civility, I give you swirling ass




Damn, look at that thing go.

I'll be in my bunk.



Frankie Williamson

For all the balding guys on the forum...

BTW, SilverJelly, I just realized you look almost the same as my friend Borcheck. His eyes are a bit beadier, but otherwise it's a striking resemblence.
Yeah, rub it in.

Show your titties off while you're at it.[/QUOTE]

To paraphrase from In Bruges: Chaz, you're an asshole. You're an asshole now, and you've always been an asshole. The only thing that's going to change is you're going to be an even bigger asshole and crap out some asshole kids. [/QUOTE]

I wouldn't want your hair anyway. I can afford to buy a shizu and train it to sleep on my head.[/QUOTE]

You two need to settle this like men. Whip out your penises and duel.[/QUOTE]

He'd lose. I have all that bag lady hair to grab at. Fat guys don't fair too well in fights.

Pudzianowski vs Eric Butterbean[/QUOTE]

Eh. Tim Sylvia's pretty chubby and


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

"Dear men: sexy girl in Spiderman panties."

I'm Silver Jelly and I approve this message.



Nah, Tim Sylvia has some muscle under that flab. He's conditioned himself; you can tell that much. Butterbean is just a fat piece of shit.
