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Dear Photoshop Artists


Skinny Santa

Hi all I know I'm kind of a lurker and I dont post here much but I was hoping someone could do me a favor. A friend of mine is going through some troubles right now and just had a massive allergy attack on top of it and I was hoping someone could make something to help cheer her up. Shes a huge fan of the Old Greg sketch and I was hoping someone could un an image of him through a watercolor gradient (or whatever its called) for me and send me an image of it to try and print out (its a part of the sketch). I would try to do it myself but I think i just mess it up if I tried to learn to do it in gimp.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

(image link http://boozeblogger.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Old_Gregg.jpg)




I would help if I had either the program or the skills.






Element 117

hoping someone could un an image of him through a watercolor gradient (or whatever its called)
1. that's really vague. Could you be more specific? What do you want the end image to look like?

2. Usually an accurate "watercolor effect" isn't a "gradient" or even a single button/ macro... there's 6-15 steps involved in even the most basic watercolor effects, if not an hour's worth of work or more in it. So, what are you willing to give us ( the forum as a whole, not me) in return? Maybe post more often, huh, make us feel a little less like your inlaws that you hate? ;)




2. Usually a "watercolor effect isn't a "gradient" or even a single button/ macro... there's 15 steps involved in even the most basic watercolor effects,
I just stuck the pic in Illustrator -> Effects -> Artistic -> Watercolors and then messed with the options, but damn it Crone. I'm a scientist, not an artist.


Element 117

I've adjusted the original post. Cry some more, Bones.








I'M OLD GREG! Look at my watercolors.

This is Bailey's as close as you can get to it without getting your eyes wet.


Skinny Santa

oh wow I didnt really realize it would take that long I remembered something like a watercolor filter from something my friend showed me once and assumed it would be fairly simple. Thanks for the efforts so far one of those will work fine.




Hmm, will have to acquire vodka before I make my Photoshop requests...
