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Staff member
My gf is moving back to our college town next week, and since we haven't gotten to do a whole lot together in the last 3 months, I wanted to take her out on an 'official' cutesy-wutesy date. As opposed to the normal "we go do things and they're fun" thing.

BUT! There's not a whole lot to do here, or if there is, I haven't really seen it.

ANYWAY! Super Contest Fun-Time GO!!

I have a few ideas in mind but let's see what my fellow Halforumites can come up with!

Give me ideas for a fun date!



Also! We've been dating for 6 MONTHS NOW WOO. THAT'S HALF A YEAR. 1/20TH OF A DECADE.



(inb4 :hump: )


Gotta gimme some help here- which college town and mebbe I can see what's going on in your area and come up with something cheap and cute FTW! :D

*then* :hump:


Staff member
Tuscaloosa, Alabama!

Not a whole lot, but I was looking more for just general ideas. I don't expect much from this thread but I WAS BORED.
Find some wandering teen girl alone, drug her, take her back to an abandoned farmhou....

Oh you mean what do we want to suggest for YOU to do on the weekend....

Um, *reads the other responses in the thread*

Yeah, have sex and stuff. :paranoid:
Find one of them romantic restaurants, the ones with candles and flowers and waiters in tuxes. Take her there.

Save up first.

Money, that is.
While I don't know your GF (I swear) and don't know what she's into and the type of girl she is, there's a lot of things you can do outside your house depending on what you're willing to do at a very economic rate. Avoid things like movies.

If the weather is nice, you can go out for a few activities. If you guys are the athletic type and have bikes, go bike riding or if not go for a small hike or nature walk. It's fun, you get to exersise and to be honest, you'll be spending a lot of time together. If you're not the atheltic type, then just go to the park and enjoy the sun, bring something like a frisbee, cheer her on when she does good throws. For dinner, you can bring with you a picnic basket, they are pretty easy to get and the stuff you need to eat is pretty cost effective. I'm sure there are places to go enjoy some ice cream and later on, do some star gazing.

If the weather sucks you may be stuck indoors. A fun date would be to do a slightly competitive sport, such as bowling. Women tend to love to bowl, make sure to cheer her on when she plays well and if she doesn't, just smile and encourage her. She'll appreciate your support. Bowling also tends to put people kinda in view of you, make sure to make her feel special. Some bowling places have disco nights and it can get pretty fun. Oh, win her a teddy bear if possible. For dinner, you can take her to her favorite place, if she doesn't have one or it isn't nearby, be thoughtful and find her another place that will suit her tastes. You don't have to be fancy smanzy, she's already you're girl and more likely than not, wants to spend time with you.

Good weather? Pack a lunch basket and go on a picnic. You & her in a park just talking and ignoring the world. Walk together holding hands and talk. Bonus: LISTEN to what she has to say!

Bad weather? Take the SAME LUNCH BASKET, let her know that you'd planned out this day, then clear out your living room, throw the blanket down and have a picnic inside.

Medium weather or not sure? :hump:
Photo scavenger hunt. Have a (trusted) friend prepare a list of things you have to photograph, such as a blue food, burnt out street light, etc. Make them seal it in an envelope so even you don't know what you're going to have to do until you both open it together. Makes you wander around even empty towns finding interesting things you never thought to look at before.

If not that, then I second Ed's picnic, and I'm also tossing in Miniature Golf, which is generally fun and gives time to talk (which you don't get with movies/tv).


stienman said:
Photo scavenger hunt. Have a (trusted) friend prepare a list of things you have to photograph, such as a blue food, burnt out street light, etc. Make them seal it in an envelope so even you don't know what you're going to have to do until you both open it together. Makes you wander around even empty towns finding interesting things you never thought to look at before.

If not that, then I second Ed's picnic, and I'm also tossing in Miniature Golf, which is generally fun and gives time to talk (which you don't get with movies/tv).

I did that once with my first wife. Her second item was a hobo with a gun.

I miss her.

Gill Kaiser

Midnight picnic on the grass at the top of a hill. Sit under a tree and look at the moon and the stars (bring a bunch of blankets and a thermos or something). Climb the tree and, if available, use wifi to play a game over LAN with laptops while in the tree.

Then have sex.

Philosopher B.

Who is this Sharkbait person. :paranoid:

As for the squirrels. I'm not, squirrel-ist or anything. It's just, you wouldn't want them trying to harvest your nuts by mistake while you were getting it on in a tree.
Philosopher B. said:
Who is this Sharkbait person. :paranoid:

As for the squirrels. I'm not, squirrel-ist or anything. It's just, you wouldn't want them trying to harvest your nuts by mistake while you were getting it on in a tree.
You're sharkbait, sharkbait. I suppose your right about the squirrels harvesting nuts though... if anything Shego would be the one that sent them to do their harvesting so she could swoop in and turn your girl gay. :twisted:
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