Describe your medical abnormalities

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Go on, ya freaks. What's wrong with you?


- When I was younger, I had a condition known as "Central Audio Processing Disorder." I don't know exactly what it did, but apparently it meant that I couldn't process things I heard for shit. Either that or I just didn't listen.

- I had way too many teeth as a kid. I was a fuggin' shark.

- I busted my ear drum! THEY GROW BACK! Thank jeebus. Sadly, thanks to further reinforcement surgery, it's actually better than my other ear.

-- My hearing is actually pretty terrible in general. People constantly hear things I can't. But, I am immune to mosquito tones ( - I can't hear a single one of these. My friends say they're excruciating.). Also, my right ear can't hear crickets. So if crickets are bothering me, I can just plug that ear and my world is silent. :D

Eh, 'sall I can think of right now.
I have no medical abnormalities. Zilch. Rien. Nothing whatsoever.

Never broken anything, either. I'm a pretty boring guy.
I can voluntarily control the acoustic reflex in the middle ear:

At any point I can reduce the sound coming at me by about 20 decibels or so. I got it lab tested and I'm able to hold it for a minute or so before it needs a quick rest (a second or so). It's pretty useful for when ambulances come blaring down the street and other...stuff...I guess.
- Generalized Anxiety, brought out by tramatic events in my life. Repeatedly.

- I have a set of webbed toes. My second and third toes on my left foot are joined together by a thick flap of skin and muscle, making them look conjoined.

- Until I had it surgically removed, I had an extra wisdom tooth.
I was dianosed with dyslexia when I was younger, and had tinnitus throughout my life. My vision has also been decreasing, although not too rapidly. Since I've bested the last two, I'm going in for laser eye surgery to correct my vision;it's the last affliction I have in my life to get past. :)
Mine isn't terrible uncommon, I sneeze when I walk out into bright sunshine. 18-35% of people experience this odd genetic trait.

For the longest time I was under the impression that it was something that happened to most people, but I was quite wrong.

Photic sneeze reflex
Mine isn't terrible uncommon, I sneeze when I walk out into bright sunshine. 18-35% of people experience this odd genetic trait.

For the longest time I was under the impression that it was something that happened to most people, but I was quite wrong.

Photic sneeze reflex
Holy crap. I do that too. My friend at work starts a count down everyday when we step outside for lunch. It amuses her greatly.

Great...chalk another one on the list :D
My ear canals are complete shit and I need to have them flushed regularly or go deaf from wax build-uo.
Right now I have about six (I usually have only one at a time every couple of months) swollen tastebuds on my tongue. It feels like my tongue has pimples, but at least they go away after three days.

I think it was that spicy chex mix I ate yesterday.....

Had hearing problems all my life and then the whole bleeding every couple of weeks thing too.


---------- Post added at 01:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 PM ----------

...but none of that stuff is abnormal so I guess I didn't contribute anything worthwhile to the thread. Boy, do I have a knack for that or what!
Ulcerative colitis. Gives me plenty of time to read. No one ever wants to borrow my books.

That and, like Frankie, massive amounts of ear wax.


I'm allergic to olives. I can eat food with olive oil BUT if I eat actual olive I start to bloat overnight which is weird. It is not fatal just scary looking.
I'm allergic to olives. I can eat food with olive oil BUT if I eat actual olive I start to bloat overnight which is weird. It is not fatal just scary looking.
Not to make light of what I am sure is an inconvenient and annoying condition, but I just see you eating an olive and turning into some pimento studded hulk.


I'm allergic to olives. I can eat food with olive oil BUT if I eat actual olive I start to bloat overnight which is weird. It is not fatal just scary looking.
Not to make light of what I am sure is an inconvenient and annoying condition, but I just see you eating an olive and turning into some pimento studded hulk.[/QUOTE]

LOL.... Yea. My wife finds it funny, then I have to go see my doc to get some shots ;)


I have mild OCD. I check locks & lights repeatedly, I have to touch things with both hands b/c if I don't it "feels" bad, & I try to do everything in even numbers. Like, I have to eat 4 crackers, but I have to leave an even amount in the bag too. I'll avoid things if I don't think it will even out somehow. I do this weird thing were I to rub or scratch my hands, each one 5 times, alternately, for a total of 10. But it's never been so bad were it's debilitating & most people don't seem to notice. Except for the hand thing, that's gotten some weird looks.

It was worse when I was younger though. I would have to touch things a certain amount of times or I thought something bad would happen & would panic. And I used to patrol the house making sure all the toilet seats were down, the brushes were faced w/bristles down & all the bathroom doors were shut.

Also, I'm so awesome the doctors don't know what to do :p
I try to do everything in even numbers.
I sort of do that. I eat grapes, raisins, mints etc in twos, one on each side of my mouth. If I end up with only one, like one grape left in the bowl, I'll bite it in half first. This results in painful teeth when I have one mint left.
I have sleep apnea. I literally quit breathing for about 15 seconds a couple of times an hour while sleeping. I have to sleep wearing a constant pressure air pump. I sleep pretty well now, in the past before diagnosis I'd wake up feeling more tired than when I went to bed.

Early this morning a thunderstorm rolled through, and knocked out the power. Then I was trying to breathe through a one inch hose, and a shut off pump. !!!


Staff member
I was born with a significant astigmatism in both my eyes. Imagine wearing coke-bottle glasses for most of your youth. I switched over to contacts, and I've needed special order ones that can overcome the large astigmatism.

I also have a protruding sternum, which basically means that the bones in my chest stick out a bit. I was born with an abnormally large heart, and the rib cage had to make room for it, so it pushed outward. Doesn't really cause a problem, though, which is nice.


Staff member
Fit as a fiddle. Healthy as a horse. bull.

Though my brother and I are convinced that our family has superhuman strength. We were always wiry, but we could hold off groups twice our size. Once, when we were kids, our sister got a full sized car (like a crown vic or something) and we kept her from leaving by picking the rear up off the ground. Just two skinny kids. I joke that it's a feral mutation or the result of someone sleeping with wolves, because we all have really pointy canines, too.
I only had 2 wisdom teeth, both of which were pretty easily extracted.

I'm the only person I've ever known to have cat scratch fever. A huge lump grew in my armpit over the course of a day or two. My doctor didn't have any idea what it was, but wanted it out immediately. I still have a nice scar from getting several lymph nodes removed and it took several weeks for the lab to identify the cause as cat scratch fever. Yep, it's real.

Oh yeah, for a couple months afterward, a lymph vessel or something in my arm was super tight, so I could barely move my arm backwards or extend it all the way. When I did extend it, the thing would visibly pop out at my uh... elbow pit (wtf is that called, anyway?).
As others have said I also have Photic sneeze reflex.

I am not sure when but sometime when I was little my ear drum popped due to a ear infection I never realized until I was at the doctors one time and he mentioned there was some scarring
I have a hyperactive Vagus nerve (family trait). During periods of stress or anxiety, it basically drops my heart-rate and my blood pressure dramatically. While there's no cure, a shot of adrenalin from being punched, slapped, cursed at or laughing can turn things around very fast. Part of why I do martial arts is to find ways to get adrenalin pumping when I need it.

I've also had LASIK eye surgery which has corrected my mild astigmatism and my terrible eye sight to about 20/15 which amazes the optometrists.
I have no medical abnormalities. Zilch. Rien. Nothing whatsoever.

Never broken anything, either. I'm a pretty boring guy.
Do you get followed around by a Samuel L Jackson look-a-like?

Mine isn't terrible uncommon, I sneeze when I walk out into bright sunshine. 18-35% of people experience this odd genetic trait.

For the longest time I was under the impression that it was something that happened to most people, but I was quite wrong.

Photic sneeze reflex
I have that as well, though it extends into the rest of the allergic reactions (wheezing, watering eyes).
I am bored at work, so I figured why not let people learn about the WoW fanboy.

When I was growing up I was suffering from Dyslexia. My parents sent me to a specialist out of the city to improve my reading ability. It was during that time I actually learned how to speed read, and wrote my first "book" at the age of 5, a childrens book about a sea monster that I think is still sitting in my old elementry school library. While I don't suffer from it nearly as much anymore, I still find myself getting "reversed" a lot with a few words and I have to double check myself.

I have a weird habit of my mind falling out of sync with my hands or mouth. I will accidently type words I had no intention to write in my mind. You might catch me now and then putting in a words that does not belong in a sentence, like "When I was going home I front that taking the expressway was a bat faster", but "front" was supposed to be "found" and "bat" was supposed to be "bit". I even do this while I talk and I can sometimes really confuse people.

I have a photographic memory. Something I read or watch I can remember and play back in my head. As a downside though, my audio memory is piss-poor, don't expect me to remember anything you say to me in an hour, it will fly out my head. The only strange exception to this rule is music, but I think that is due to repetition. I watched the Munsters so much as a kid that I can hum the whole theme song without missing a beat. My wife hates it when I sing the Thundercats theme in the shower.

As for more physical complications. I have a genetic skin condition that means when under high stress, patches of my skin become ultra sensative. Just having my shirt hang on that area of my body will bring either dull or intense pain. I had a few cases so bad that I had to leave work early just to go home and take off my shirt. Thankfully, such outbreaks are rare, since I am a pretty mellow guy. Only reason I know it is genetic is because my Mom told me she suffers the same thing. Other then those two things, I am a pretty healthy guy.

Here is my weirdest problem though...

I have what I call "Digital OCD", mostly because I am not an OCD person out of my virtual space, but I am HORRIBLE on my computer. All my music must be listed in the right folder in the right drive, all my icons must be properly organized by usage and use, I must always put the icons over a black background and never over a graphical wallpaper (I always use wallpapers of a lower resolution for that reason). Even with WoW, I can't stand not having my characters listed in perfect order by race. I literally made my characters with the intention of orcs > undead > tauren > troll > blood elf, and when they added DKs I made mine a blood elf just because I had to keep the blood elves together at the bottom. The only reason I am allowing my tauren druid to be converted to a troll druid is because she is right next to my troll shaman on my character list. Don't even get me started on my guild bank. I am a guy that does laundry and then just throws all my shirts on the floor in the closet, yet I can't live without my gems being color coded from epic > rare > common. I still don't understand how that works.
I have a form of delayed echolalia that used to cause me to mumble things when I was a kid. TV shows, movie dialogs, even previous conversations that I had. I wouldn't say them out loud, but I'd think about them, and my mouth would go through the movements of speaking them. This also caused me to often repeat things I had just said, albeit silently the second time around. I learned to cope with this by simply keeping my mouth shut whenever I wasn't talking. I've never been diagnosed with anything to attribute the echolalia to, though I have had doctors tell me that I may have an extremely mild form of Asperger's. Too mild to consider actually having the condition.

I also have Ankylosing Spondylitis, a genetic disorder/autoimmune disease that causes an inflammation of all the joints (think arthritis) as well as a gradual fusing of the spinal column. It's hereditary (thanks Dad), but I have the good fortune of being told that I'll never have it as badly as my father. His spine is completely fused, and there isn't doctor that's ever looked at his x-ray and wondered how the hell he's still walking.


Staff member
Let's see now...

I only had three wisdom teeth instead of the regular four. Apparently that's a family trait, since my sister had the same number. Unfortunately, the three wisdom teeth gave me plenty of trouble, as they somehow managed to get my jaw locked from the right side so that I would have to crack the jaw back in its right place.

My father suffers from sleep apnea. And as a fat guy who snores, it is possible I might one day suffer from it as well...

I tested positive for HLAB-27; a genetic defect that basically means that in some of my joints I have the wrong kind of tissue. When I was younger, they suspected it was juvenile rheumatism, and it hurt me like hell: my left shoulder was sensitive to stress, draft - even certain kinds of foods - and would start aching so terribly I could not move my arm without crying out in pain. I have a standing prescription for pain medication, but even though they helped when I was younger and the pains have since lessened (only appearing 2-3 times a year, while when I was a teenager they could happen almost daily), I am quite the expert at cataloguing pains on my shoulder and other joints:
- "Morning pains", might be due to draft or having slept on that shoulder. Don't really hinder my movements, and will disappear within an hour or two.
- "Mid-pains", likely brought on by physical or mental stress. The shoulder feels swollen and sensitive to touch. Limited mobility. Usually disappears with one pop of a painkiller.
- "Serious pains", complete and utter inability to move my upper body without searing pains radiating from my left shoulder. Shoulder is swollen, and the whole arm is practically useless, even slight movement causing pain. Usually demands a short diet of painkillers.

Luckily, I've not had serious pains in years now; mostly I just get morning or mid-pains.
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