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Do you know how fast you were going, sir?


Le Quack





No justice there at all. I mean, the officer feels like shit, but he was breaking the law and should be punished. A civilian doing the same thing would be in jail for a while and I can provide several links proving it.


Le Quack

Yeah, since he is a law enforcer, he gets special treatment.



That urge to kill is rising again, guys.


Fun Size

Fun Size

That urge to kill is rising again, guys.
To this day, I will never understand A) why people name their penises, B) why you would go with "the urge to kill" for said name and C) why you gotta tell is about it every time it rises.

Damned awkward if you ask me.




Yea... that is a lil' bogus.

That was an understatement!


Fun Size

Fun Size

It makes me wonder what the protocol is for cases where the police or ambulances are supposed to leave their sirens off. Either way it sounds like this wasn't one of those cases, but I always think to myself that it's a wonder there aren't more accidents when they have to do that.




For one thing they were speeding very quickly down a residential street with no lights or sirens. Second, the city had let TWO street lights burn out in the area and hadn't replaced them. Third, it was a Friday night so kids would have been outside due to it not being a school night. Fourth, there were TWO cop cars speeding - the one in front did the hitting. Fifth, the dash cam showed the kid about a second before being hit by the front bumper.

This whole thing is a big accident, but it was caused by the negligence of an officer who was breaking the law. The kid wasn't supposed to be out there and had indeed sneaked out of his bedroom to ride over to a friend's house. Fucking tragic, but justice in this case was not served.



Im not sure if im reading the case right Was this Cop in pursuit of a Crime or just driving?

If he was in pursuit it sounds like he made the mistake of not turning on his lights and was involved in a accident. Unforntantely a child was killed by his failure but I wouldnt lynch the guy over it. It sad and hopefully this will be a wake up call to others to make sure your lights/siren are on.

If its the other case where he was just driving and struck a kid he should be held accountable to the same set of standards that any citizen would be and most likely sent to jail/lose his license.




I'm starting to wonder if we should start a "%^&* the Police!" Thread in the politics forum for stuff like this. It seems like we come across this stuff a lot.




I'm starting to wonder if we should start a "%^&* the Police!" Thread in the politics forum for stuff like this. It seems like we come across this stuff a lot.








Im not sure if im reading the case right Was this Cop in pursuit of a Crime or just driving?

If he was in pursuit it sounds like he made the mistake of not turning on his lights and was involved in a accident. Unforntantely a child was killed by his failure but I wouldnt lynch the guy over it. It sad and hopefully this will be a wake up call to others to make sure your lights/siren are on.

If its the other case where he was just driving and struck a kid he should be held accountable to the same set of standards that any citizen would be and most likely sent to jail/lose his license.
They were on their way to a call. And I was wrong, there was NINE lights out on that stretch of road, which is a 4 lane road. The kid was hit by the FRONT LEFT bumper of the cop. Had he been going the speed limit or had his lights/siren on this probably would not have happened.



Frankie Williamson

Vaughn, who was hired in 2003
And he's a corporal already? Fuck, either he's the best cop ever or he's the finest ass kiss in the world. Column B is more likely.

I'd like to say if I did the same thing I would be crucified (and with due rights) but that's not at all what would happen. There'd be a tribunal, I would likely get a hefty suspension (or none), a transfer to somewhere far away from where it happened and it would be swept under the rug. Then Le Quack could find an article where I'm called out by some blogger.

What I'm saying is I don't agree with the punishment at all.

Edited a bit for clarification.




That's from a cop, folks. Thanks, Frankie. You realize we're not hating on the cop but the people in charge of the punishment, right?



Frankie Williamson

No, I get what people are saying, I was just giving my two cents on the whole thing and that I'm not surprised that nothing really happened to the guy. Dallas doesn't have the ability to make the guy disappear across the country to somewhere remote either. There's never an excuse to drive anywhere that fast without sirens unless you're out of city limits.




a transfer to somewhere far away from EVERYTHING

Although it seems if anything happens in the Mounties, you get transferred elsewhere. You may be able to correct this for me, but it seems if you're posted to a small community and you discharge your firearm, you get transferred pretty quick out of that community? We've had our share of movement, that's for sure.



So I'm not really of the cop-hating variety. I know there are a few bad apples, and I know that the job is stressful and dangerous, and I know that they are (for the most part) doing their duty to protect the populace.

But its times like these that I almost think that cops should receive heavier punishments *because* they are law enforcers. I know this won't work because there are always going to be cases of "omigod the cop beat me" in cases where the accused is desperately trying to wriggle out of punishment, but I mean, COME ON.


Le Quack

Since theres already a cop post on here, I'll just combine it with this video.


The youtube video is the video from the news story.




Excessive speeding is ridiculous. Cops, firefighters, ambulances should not be driving 30-40 mph higher than the posted limit. It's just not safe. This cop deserves to be brought up on charges.

As for the video,
That video is pretty tame. I wouldn't want that to happen to me, but I also would do EXACTLY what the cop said. Being a smart-ass to a cop or not doing what they say is dumb.

My dad was a cop in L.A. He's got some crazy stories. I'd rather him show excessive force than to not come home at night. Cops don't know what they are going to find when they show up on scene or pull someone over. I'm not saying brutality is okay, but resisting arrest or not doing what the cops say is asking for trouble.



Why would we need a "f--k the police" thread when Le Quack is here to post these stories all the time? Do you want him to have nothing to do?

This cop's punishment is far from adequate, but I can't blame him for that, just his negligence.



Frankie Williamson

a transfer to somewhere far away from EVERYTHING

Although it seems if anything happens in the Mounties, you get transferred elsewhere. You may be able to correct this for me, but it seems if you're posted to a small community and you discharge your firearm, you get transferred pretty quick out of that community? We've had our share of movement, that's for sure.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's pretty much spot on.

---------- Post added 10-22-2009 at 12:04 AM ---------- Previous post was 10-21-2009 at 11:59 PM ----------

Since theres already a cop post on here, I'll just combine it with this video.


The youtube video is the video from the news story.
After reading the article, I'm changing what I'm saying here. NOT following what the officer is saying during an arrest will get you a boot or two. There doesn't have to be a lot of force involved, just enough to get the message across. What if one of those guys had a weapon. These were two cops without a squad car having to arrest people during a drug deal. I'm not really for kicking people on the ground but when a guy isn't listening to your commands you have to reinforce them. These guys had 0 backup.

I don't like the stepping on the guys head or legs, but the knee on the ass and the swift kick (that doesn't have to be very hard) to the side were wholly justified.




I'm all for bad cops being disciplined, properly. It makes the job of the good cops easier.

Not sure why this is such a sore subject.




I'm all for bad cops being disciplined, properly. It makes the job of the good cops easier.

Not sure why this is such a sore subject.
LeQuack listened to Bulls on Parade one too many times.



This cop's punishment is far from adequate, but I can't blame him for that, just his negligence.
this is pretty much how i feel.
