I just started using this one so I think I'll stick with her for a little while. Plus I always wanted purple hair. I'm always on the look out for something better though I might have to go check what's lurking on our old desktop since Gusto and Calleja both said they miss some of my old avatars.
Which one of your kids is your favorite? Be honest.
Serious question: What are some of your favorite stress relieving activities?
Depends on what we're doing. Noah, being older and an pretty intelligent kid for his age, is fun to have conversations with about books or science stuff. He likes dancing, too, and has a great sense of humor. Lily, on the other hand, is a perfect mix of princess and tomboy. She loves going outside to play and she is more physical than her brother was at this age so she's fun to run around with. She's also reached the stage where pretend play is a lot of fun for her (and me). I can't really pick a favorite because I love both of them for who they are becoming.
I'm kind of girly when it comes to relaxation. I like being pampered or pampering myself when I am stressed out. A pedicure does wonders for my state of mind. A candlelight bubble bath (alone) with soft music. A good book and some coffee. When we didn't have kids, Mr. Wasabi and I would wander around in bookstores for a couple of hours. Spending time outside, particularly at the beach, usually does it for me, too, whether I'm alone or with the whole family. Sunshine, waves, and sand are good for my soul.
Honestly, there are some days when relaxation means having two minutes in the bathroom by myself to take a few deep breaths and pull my head back together before I hear "MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYY!!!!" one more time.