Documents concerning Auschwitz guards found

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This could have been an interesting article. But it fails for 2 reasons.

1) It doesn't tell us ANYTHING! Below is the entire text.

WARSAW, Poland – The Auschwitz memorial says that documents related to the daily life of the death camp's commanders and guards have been found at a nearby house.

Museum spokesman Pawel Sawicki said Monday that historians have checked through documents such as food coupons, a map and death certificates, and they have more to look through.

The documents — more than 200 in total — were found recently in the attic of a house being renovated in the southern town of Oswiecim, where the Nazis built the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp.

Between 1940 and 1945 more than 1 million people, mostly Jews, were killed in the gas chambers there or died of starvation or disease while forced to perform hard labor at the camp.
2) Jesus Mary Joseph the fucking comments! I knew that Yahoo comments were bad but holy freaking hell the stupidity!!


Staff member
Dave, you can't really fault them for the article itself, which just states the news that these important docs were found. I'm sure that as soon as they are assessed there will be a feature on it, somewhere.

Also, not even gonna bother with the comments.
I really don't see much good out of this. I'd wager very few of the guards are still alive, so all we'll be doing is bringing shame onto the their families, who really aren't responsible for this mess. The time for vengeance has passed. Let the cowards who escaped justice live.
I really don't see much good out of this. I'd wager very few of the guards are still alive, so all we'll be doing is bringing shame onto the their families, who really aren't responsible for this mess. The time for vengeance has passed. Let the cowards who escaped justice live.
Well, the article doesn't say anything about prosecution or even guards. Finding any documents, even food coupons and blank death certs, is nifty historical find.


Staff member
The idiocy of Holocaust deniers is known to me, and it has no limits.

I remember commenting on some douchebag calling Schindler's List propaganda and Inglorious Basterds trailer an example of Jewish world conspiracy. Three months later I comment on some other movie (must've been a trailer for the Pianist or something)... and two days later I get a hateful rant from that guy calling me a Mossad-hired stooge who "patrols" YouTube in an effort to "silence the truth".

I wish I was kidding.


I always thought you spent your time forging mithril vests and slaying orcs. Color me disappointed :(


Staff member
Wolf, I said that this guy thought me to be some kind of undercover operative because I commented against his brand of bullshit. In YouTube, of all places.

Also, there hasn't been much forging of mithril anything lately. Something about a pandimensional lawsuit concerning whether we can call it mithril or not...
I really don't see much good out of this. I'd wager very few of the guards are still alive, so all we'll be doing is bringing shame onto the their families, who really aren't responsible for this mess. The time for vengeance has passed. Let the cowards who escaped justice live.
I wouldn't judge those guards so harshly. It's easy to say they were monsters and that we would never do such a thing, but the truth is many of us would have done the exact same things if put in the same situation.


I really don't see much good out of this. I'd wager very few of the guards are still alive, so all we'll be doing is bringing shame onto the their families, who really aren't responsible for this mess. The time for vengeance has passed. Let the cowards who escaped justice live.
I wouldn't judge those guards so harshly. It's easy to say they were monsters and that we would never do such a thing, but the truth is many of us would have done the exact same things if put in the same situation.[/QUOTE]

there are followers an there are leaders. In any given society, you either follow the rules of the place you live in or leave. Of course some places they kill you (like China)
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