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Does all WiiWare suck?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I adore the Wii Virtual Console for giving me access to so many great games I either missed or lost. A while ago I bought the Pokemon Ranch WiiWare for my cousin and it BLEW.

And then I've downloaded demos for other WiiWare and they all sucked too, aside from World of Goo, but you can get that for $5 on the PC and it's still $15 on the Wii. It's essentially an expensive port, not a real WiiWare game.

Does all WiiWare suck?




I adore the Wii Virtual Console for giving me access to so many great games I either missed or lost. A while ago I bought the Pokemon Ranch WiiWare for my cousin and it BLEW.

And then I've downloaded demos for other WiiWare and they all sucked too, aside from World of Goo, but you can get that for $5 on the PC and it's still $15 on the Wii. It's essentially an expensive port, not a real WiiWare game.

Does all WiiWare suck?
Not all.

For your consideration, I recommend Mega Man 9, Dr. Mario Online, Tetris Party and Excitebike: World Rally.




Or if you like RPGs, the sequels to Final Fantasy IV.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I will look into those, film. Thanks.

Shego, are the FFIV sequels any good? Everything I read sounded really reaching to try and capitalize on it, rather than any necessity to extend the story.




Honestly? FFIV was my favorite all time "Numbered" FF, so they could have been much worse and I still would have gobbled them up like a starving fangirl.




Swords & Soldiers
Lost Winds 1 & 2
FFIV: The After Years (episodic, costs about $35 total)
Bit.Trip series
Mega Man 9 (MM10 has just been announced, should release sometime next year)

There are plenty of top quality WiiWare games, as long as you aren't expecting something amazing every single week. It's more like once a month for a really good release.




Final Fantasy 4: The After Years are a port of some cellphone games from a few years back. However, they are pretty decent... your just not going to LOVE them unless your a fan of FF4. It does continue the story though.




The Strongbad and Monkey Island adventures are also a lot of fun if you like those kind of games.



LostWinds 1 and 2 are some of the best games in the Wii's total library, not just wiiware.




The Strongbad and Monkey Island adventures are also a lot of fun if you like those kind of games.
Same objections to these as to World of Goo. The PC versions of Telltale games are cheaper and better, if your PC can run them.

Also, no mention of Bomberman Blast? It's got an 86 on metacritic, and Bomberman games are so much fun. Are the VC Bomberman titles a better option?



Frankie Williamson

Basically, all the good Wiiware games are games that weren't made specifically for Wii.




Even Lost Winds?



Even Lost Winds?
That would be the exception.




Basically, all the good Wiiware games are games that weren't made specifically for Wii.
What other platform are the Bit-trip games on?




Basically, all the good Wiiware games are games that weren't made specifically for Wii.
What other platform are the Bit-trip games on?[/QUOTE]

And MegaMan 9? Excitebike? Dr. Mario?




Basically, all the good Wiiware games are games that weren't made specifically for Wii.
What other platform are the Bit-trip games on?[/quote]

And MegaMan 9? Excitebike? Dr. Mario?[/QUOTE]

Mega Man 9 is available on both PSN and XBL. I have it on my PS3.



Swords & Soldiers is still my favorite Wiiware game, but I'm also having loads of fun with Pokemon Rumble right now. (also great to play together with the girlfriend)
I actually enjoyed all the demos.

www.nintendolife.com reviews every single Wiiware game, which can be pretty helpful.



Bit.Trip series
This is really all I need. Brilliant series.
