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Does Fade hate it or love it?!?




Fade, there is a thing I love. I need to know... do you hate it or love it?

Mike Mignolas Hellboy.

---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ----------

*ahem* Since there seems to be some confusion, I actually appreciate Fades opinions (cuz agree with him or not he has good well thought out arguments) and honestly thought it would be fun here his thoughts on stuff I liked (or anyone liked). It's not meant to be "mean" or "calling anyone out" or anything of the sort.




Dear Fade,

I am a huge fan of the San Francisco Giants baseball team. Please tell me if you hate them or love them. Apathy is not an option in this thread.





So, Fade, do you love or hate mudkips? And kitties?




Dear Fade,

Anal? Yeah or nay?




So Fade, how do you feel about threads targeted at individual forum members?




I swear to Kirby, if fade does not like Hellboy, then he is dead to me. DEAD, DO YOU HEAR ME!?

Also, what's your stance on Killer Klowns From Outer Space?

---------- Post added at 07:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 PM ----------

Also, I goddamn love that pic. Hellboy's all like "sup bitches?"




I am a huge fan of Mignola in general. I love his quirky stories. I mean he uses the harbinger of doom as a good guy. How awesome is that? And his use of blackspace is amazing.

Hellboy? Fade loves it.




And his use of blackspace is amazing.
I just get lost in it. It's the most beautiful blackspace in the world.

Hellboy? Fade loves it.




Dear Fade,

I am a huge fan of the San Francisco Giants baseball team. Please tell me if you hate them or love them. Apathy is not an option in this thread.

I hate watching sports. It's like watching a movie with the same plot over and over and over. I don't quite get the whole team love thing, either. They're random guys, and probably not a single one is actually from your home town. But I'm torn, because I love SF. I spend a week there every year.




Espy pulls off the feared Reverse Ask Me Anything Thread!




And Fade meets the challenge with grace and style.





So, Fade, do you love or hate mudkips? And kitties?
Both are delicious in stews. I do like kitties. I have a Maine Coon that likes to wrap all four legs around my mouse arm and go to sleep when I'm at my desk.

---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------

So Fade, how do you feel about threads targeted at individual forum members?
Everybody loves talking about themselves. Fade loves fade.




Espy pulls off the feared Reverse Ask Me Anything Thread!
I better get a medal. A big medal.




Fade's status in my eyes: ALIVE.

For now. We'll see again in the lightning round.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Hellboy 2 was wildly disappointing to me.




Hellboy 2 was wildly disappointing to me.
Asking about the movies is a very different question form Mignola's work.




Hellboy 2 was wildly disappointing to me.
This is irrelevant to the discussion, especially now that we've already moved on from Hellboy upon discovering Fade's feelings on the character.

Thus, I present:
The Lovely Boner. Does Fade love him or hate him?




So Fade, how do you feel about threads targeted at individual forum members?
Everybody loves talking about themselves. Fade loves fade.[/QUOTE]

Good answer. :heh:




Ooh, good one, Hunster.
*awaits Fade's answer to decide once again whether he is dead to me or not*


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight



Philosopher B.

Dear Fade,

I am a huge fan of the San Francisco Giants baseball team. Please tell me if you hate them or love them. Apathy is not an option in this thread.

I hate watching sports. It's like watching a movie with the same plot over and over and over. I don't quite get the whole team love thing, either. They're random guys, and probably not a single one is actually from your home town. But I'm torn, because I love SF. I spend a week there every year.[/QUOTE]

Best answer EVAR.

Also, what is your opinion of the movie The Warriors.




Dear Fade,

Do you like me?

[STRIKE]bhamv [/STRIKE] err... Dave




This thread, and especially Fade, is awesome. :D





Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Your pal,
Gusty G.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

How do you feel about chiaroscuro?


Fun Size

Fun Size

I'm sad to admit that I got this far and was disappointed that Fade had dogged the anal questions.






Do you like anal?

If so, giving or receiving?

If giving, what's your number?

If receiving....what's your number?

Your friend,





Hellboy 2 was wildly disappointing to me.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Damn Dave, why'd you have to go and make it all creepy? Why not just ask his position on the feeling of flappy man-hooties resting on his back?

We're trying to have a tasteful, civil discussion in here.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Fade, how do you feel about tasteful, civil discussions?


Element 117

Dear Fade
Do you like the fact that I hate everything you like?


Chad Sexington


Dear Fade, this is my new haircut:

Do you love it or hate it?




Definitely love it. Insult fencing? You bet. I loved that part where you poke your head through the hole and find the original game, and Guybrush comments on how pixelated it is or something. Intelligent humor--it's what's for dinner. Especially if your dinner involves cannibalizing a hyper-intelligent clown.

---------- Post added at 07:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:35 PM ----------


Monkey Island 2 LeChucks Revenge

---------- Post added at 07:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 PM ----------

Yes. They also stew up nicely with a little paprika.

---------- Post added at 07:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 PM ----------


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Your pal,
Gusty G.
I hate that question. I can't stop trying to find grammatical meaning in it. I feel like Sisyphus. Every time I think I have it figured out, the verbal rock rolls back down the hill.

---------- Post added at 07:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 PM ----------

How do you feel about chiaroscuro?
I love that my Mac has a dictionary lookup built in.

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

I'm sad to admit that I got this far and was disappointed that Fade had dogged the anal questions.

I love being anal. I'm doing it right now. What? I mean I have to answer every one of the questions or I'm not satisfied. I keep pounding away at them, thrusting forward verbally. Some of the responses are a little tight, but I know I can turn my responses into a Dirty Sanchez, and that keeps me going.

---------- Post added at 07:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------

Damn Dave, why'd you have to go and make it all creepy? Why not just ask his position on the feeling of flappy man-hooties resting on his back?

We're trying to have a tasteful, civil discussion in here.

---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:44 PM ----------

Fade, how do you feel about tasteful, civil discussions?
Oh, a real one. I hate being forced into convention for convention's sake. If I'm at a geology conference, and someone says "cummingtonite" (yes, that's a real mineral name), I'm going to giggle like a schoolgirl, dammit.

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

Dear Fade
Do you like the fact that I hate everything you like?
I hate that because I like you, and I like to like you, therefore the hate.

---------- Post added at 07:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

Dear Fade, this is my new haircut:

Do you love it or hate it?
I also love Balki!




Fade, just one thing:

Back to the Future.

Love it or hate it?


Element 117

Dear Fade. MMO's?




Dear Fade. MMO's?
Hate them. Well. That's not entirely true. Every so often I find myself wanting to return to the game, and I try it again. Then I get bored after about 2 weeks. I don't like the whole mechanic. The "kill X of Y" or "collect 3 blanks that drop 1/100 kills" bit is really tedious and really repetitive. You sit there and hit the same keys in the same rotation over and over again. They're so easy, too. Even if you die, it's a minor setback at best. I have tried WoW, CoX, and DDO. Out of all of those, I liked CoX the best, but mostly on mood and story elements. Despite the Trade Channel bitching on WoW, they're more or less the same mechanic and the same classes. I think the music and mood of CoX is more immersive, and you get a better feel for actually RPing a superhero (starting with the excellent character generator), whereas on WoW, I rarely even read the quest text, even when I tried to care. Plus PUGs actually exist(ed) in CoX, whereas everyone seems to solo in WoW, despite the 11 million or whatever subscribers.

You know what I do hate? That when I complain about WoW, fanboys tell me something annoying like "the real game starts at 80". Really? So what's the point of 1-80? The real game should start when I double-click the WoW icon the first time. I shouldn't have to do what amounts to work before I have fun. The furthest I've gotten in CoX was about 45, and the farthest I've gotten in WoW was about 51 (a troll shaman). It pained me greatly to do that, and at the end I felt like I was playing because I was too cheap to let the subscription sit unused.

You know what else I hate? All the thought and time people invest in the game trying to squeeze that last 1% out. Or how there's only One True Talent Build. Or calling people out on trade chat because they didn't lead the instance the way you wanted. Etc. etc. It's supposed to be fun, but I guess I covered that above.

---------- Post added at 01:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 AM ----------

Oh, I also hate the linear scaling and the homogenizing of them. It almost doesn't matter what class you play, because they're so homogenized. Leveling essentially amounts to changing the pretty lights on the screen, because the monsters level at the same rate, and stay about at the same comparative difficulty. No, those calls don't come from hyper-analyzing numbers, because I don't care. They come from playing multiple classes, and basically feeling like I'm doing roughly the same thing, but with different lights.

And that brings me to another thing I hate. Twinking out your low-level character. Or making alts just for professions or bank slots. That makes an easy game even easier. Why bother playing at all? Just get one of those birds that rocks back and forth and aim it at the "Lightning bolt" or "fireball" or "wrath" button.




Can't say I argue with you at all, Fadester. I used to play CoX a lot when it first came out. It gradually became a once in awhile thing to a once a week thing then a take a break for a few months thing and then eventually never looked back thing. Tried WoW and found it was the same grinding crap, only with no fun of character creation.

Now that we got that outta the way: Gremlins! (1, 2 or both). Love or hate?

Please do keep in mind that this is on my list of "Will Fade be dead to Nick?"


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Dear Fade
Do you like the fact that I hate everything you like?
I hate that because I like you, and I like to like you, therefore the hate.[/QUOTE]

I feel time itself unraveling.


General Specific

General Specific

One of the questions I ask everyone: Fade, is there any question you will not answer and if so, what is it and what would the answer be?


Element 117

Dear Fade
Do you like the fact that I hate everything you like?
I hate that because I like you, and I like to like you, therefore the hate.[/QUOTE]

You hate MMO's. I like them. it is the way of the universe. Officially, I suppose I hate you on a professional level, just to keep the yin and yang in balance. ;)




You know what fade hates? Seeing "pointless off-topic comments" on my reputation list every time I log in. I don't get angry too often, especially regarding internet posts, but that one gets under my skin because if you click on it, it goes to a post that directly addresses the topic of the thread. I mean, "off-topic" couldn't be more wrong. Maybe you disagree with my opinion, but that hardly makes my opinion either pointless or off-topic.

---------- Post added at 07:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:41 PM ----------

I know I made a big to-do out of that in the cosplay thread already, but I just saw it again, and I really don't want to go back to the cosplay thread, because apparently I'm not allowed to find Belle Chere's bland, doughy face bland and doughy. She does have a beautiful body, mind you.
