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Don't eat fake cereal! Kellogg's to laser engrave Corn Flakes.




From Kellogg's UK Twitter:
Now you'll always be able to tell your Corn Flakes from your corn fakes!

Yes, that's the real Twitter account for Kellog's in the UK.

Story from Consumer Reports

The company this week said that it plans to churn out several trial batches of monogrammed flakes to test the new technology, which involves a complex process that projects a concentrated beam of laser light onto a small spot on each flake.

From there, the company says, mirror galvanometers steer the beam to create multiple vectors that reflect the laser from different angles, ultimately creating the signature image. All that concentrated energy from the laser impart a darker, toasted appearance to the word \"Kellogg's,\" but without affecting the taste, officials insist.


Kitty Sinatra

That's freaking sweet.

And such a waste of money.




But... why?



because its cooooooool







Sure, it'll start with the word Kellogg's, but soon enough there will be monogrammed advertising on all cereals!


General Specific

General Specific

I look forward to see how they fit "Honey Nut Cheerios" onto those little Os




I look forward to see how they fit "Honey Nut Cheerios" onto those little Os
They won't. It'll probably be Buzz the bee that gets etched into the little Os.

Coco Krispies (Coco Pops in the UK?) is going to be the challenge. Small, already dark colored and highly irregular surface.


Kitty Sinatra

I look forward to see how they fit "Honey Nut Cheerios" onto those little Os
They won't. It'll probably be Buzz the bee that gets etched into the little Os.[/QUOTE]

"One Cheerio to rule them all, One Cheerio to find them,
One Cheerio to bring them all and in the milk bind them"
