So biggest rule of thumb, the higher the better. The higher your attack bonuses the better, the higher your defenses the better.
2nd general rule, when dividing always round down. If your hit points are 27, your bloodied value is 27/2 rounded down or 13. Your healing surge value is 13/2 rouned down or 6.
Since you mentioned it, more on actions:
Standard Action is the "biggest", you can do only 1 per turn (with some exceptions, more on those later), it is typically used for attacking or doing something very complex
Move Action is the "medium", you use it to move (dun dun dun!), a move is your character either walking your speed rate, running (speed +2) or shifting (a 5ft step that can be done safely in combat)
Minor Action is the "smallest", it is used for simple things like falling prone, grabbing a weapon, killing Rathkor, drinking a potion and what not
Now I have used some silly descriptions to help how you can substitute actions.
A standard can be replaced with a move or a minor action.
A move can be replaced with a minor action.
So in your Ravenloft game you have two moves or a move and an attack, that would be taking your standard to attack and your move to move, or taking your standard to move and your move to move.
So your total options on your turn are;
Standard, Move, Minor
Standard, Minor, Minor
Move, Move, Minor
Minor, Minor, Minor
Now the other types of actions are; opportunity and immediate.
On any creatures turn they can take actions that grant you a free hit on them, think of it as a guy stopping to answer his cell phone in a street fight. He gets clocked for being so foolish. You may only make one of these per another creatures turn, but as many in a round that are granted to you.
Immediate actions are special, they can occur at any time, but you may make only one per round. The most common example would be the wizards shield, an immediate interrupt that interrupts an opponents attack and goes before the attack is resolved most likely preventing the attack from hitting. They are normally very powerful and can quickly change the course of that rounds combat. Heck the entire fighter class is based on immediate actions.
And lastly are Free Actions; they can be used at any time you want (unless surprised or unconscious) and represent things like talking, whistling, looking around passively or yelling at the other party members.
Added at: 14:41
That's not bad. I can't find explicit descriptions of monk feats online. WotC really locks it all down, I guess. Anyway, I get the impression that there might be some feats that are STR based and some are WIS based? If there is no cleric (or other WIS-based character) in the group, I'd probably switch the STR and WIS scores. That would make Fort 13 and Will 16, I think.
Also, in Castle Ravenloft you have 2 surges for the entire group. Does everyone get their own surges now?
Yes, each character gets their own healing surges and they all have unique amounts and values. A fighter (defender/meatshield) might start with 12 surges per day, while a wizard only 6. Once you run out of healing surges it is really hard to get any serious healing performed on your character.
PC's can now self heal themselves instead of relying on clerics (and other leaders) to heal them. Once per encounter (or every 5 minutes out of and encounter) you can use your second wind and spend a healing surge and gain back the appropriate amount of hit points (normally 25% of your maximum)
Also your bloodied and healing surge values are based upon your maximum hit points not your current HP.