Downloads section

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Staff member
Okay, I've brought back the downloads section...sort of.

I say sort of because right now you can upload but not download and the only thing you can upload is .mp3 files. Why did I do this? Because of the MP3 BB Code:

[MP3] - Peacemaker.mp3[/MP3]

Now I have to figure out how to EASILY link to the files...

Kitty Sinatra

Holy crap you like that song, spamming it everywhere the way you are.

So . . . we upload and share songs . . . is this not gonna get you in trouble in some way?


Well, GJ on the new BB tag.

Just an advice: somehow, (on FF 3.5 at least) the last line of your post (the "Now I have to figure out how to EASILY link to the files..." part) was eaten by the player.


Staff member
Gotcha. Right now I took down the downloads section to work out some bugs. And as to getting in trouble, that's why I've got it set up right now to upload but no download.
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