Dr Horrible 2

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Came to post this very thing. For once I don't mind being beaten.

All I have to say is:

Fuck. Yes.


Staff member
They say he wants to make it a full length thing. Personally, I wouldn't care. Awesome!
Okay, story guessing time. What are the chances of Penny coming back to life for revenge? And would that ruin the movie? I think so.
I recall Felicia Day saying a few times that they plan on somehow bringing her back. Whether that means her as Penny is another thing altogether. Maybe Dr. Horrible will try cloning her, which turns out to be incredibly imperfect.
I will buy so much of the songs on itunes. In fact, I should do that for the original sound-track! Why I didn't do this before is beyond me.
I'm Michael Connors internet attorney. Are your squee priveledges being threatened? If so, you may be given legal compensation. Call 555-SQUEE!
I hate to say it, but I'm not sure if I want this to be made or not.

I mean, the original was a well contained story with a great ending. Joss isn't the best at bringing back characters who're dead.

IE, any character he brought back in buffy, INCLUDING buffy.
I hate to say it, but I'm not sure if I want this to be made or not.

I mean, the original was a well contained story with a great ending. Joss isn't the best at bringing back characters who're dead.

IE, any character he brought back in buffy, INCLUDING buffy.
But the end of season 1 was awesome :trolol:

Season 6 might have been saved if Joss was actually involved in it for more than 3 episodes. Blame Firefly for that one.
I hate to say it, but I'm not sure if I want this to be made or not.

I mean, the original was a well contained story with a great ending. Joss isn't the best at bringing back characters who're dead.

IE, any character he brought back in buffy, INCLUDING buffy.
Yeah, mostly this. I liked the show, but it really was a nicely contained story and really doesn't need adding to.
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