Dragon Age 2 - Drama Erupts

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Today, I logged on Steam and saw the pre-order sale ad. I quickly clicked it and as I hovered on the pre-buy button I noticed something.... this wasn't the SE of the game... just the normal version.

Upon verification, it seems like the SE of the game was available on all online retail stores except for Steam, which EA has already earned a reputation of being the last of the big pubs to "get on board" as their online store directly competes with Steam.

This of course caused a LOT of drama, posters have been banned and many threads locked. The forums are heavily moderated and I've been keeping track... heck, I even posted it with my Bioware nickname (not traceable to me however) and it seems that Bioware is caught flatfooted by this tactic


Personally, I want the SE on Steam unless I find a real nice price. Heck they are selling the normal edition the same price as the SE and you don't have all the bells and whistles, you got "other stuff" which they put in the SE afterwards anyways. Basically, paying more for less.

Anyone else looking forward to DA2?

2 months to go!


Everything I've read about Dragon Age 2 sounds like a step back from the original, which I'm playing now. you had so many options with ultiple stories and charater motivations based on the various origin stories, and in 2, you only get 1 guy (or girl), and 1 story. I'll stick with Dragon Age: Origins, and wait to check out the game oncw it lowers in price. I am curious to see how it does, however.
My problem is that it sounds too much like what Mass Effect did... and we already have ME for that, don't we. Otherwise there's nothing stopping them from giving Hawke as many possible backgrounds as they want (limited to human i guess, but imo that's ok if he actually has family that takes part in the campaign story). Damn, an e-mail from your mom wasn't nearly enough in ME2... at least the option of calling her would have been nice.
I'm actually looking forward to tis BECAUSE it's more like Mass Effect.

Don't get me wrong, I picked up DA:O (finally) this Sunday, and have only played it for like 10 hours. But to me it seems that giving up the flexibility of six different origin stories for that of ONE character who actually has a voice will be an overall less-immersion-breaking experience. One that I'll clearly like, seeing as ME2 is probably my favourite game ever.
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Yes, i too enjoy all my games to play the same...

It's not like they aren't already hiring loads of voice actors for the game, why can't they just make a voice for each race... or even use the same voice but record dialogue for all... if money is the problem then just hire less famous voices (man, i saw Robot Chicken a few days ago and all i could think of was "that's Joker").

I think the real reason they're doing it is because they want to tell a story in a more film like way, and it's much easier if you only have to craft that 2.5 times (gender/alignment combo).


which as I said, feels like a step back. DA:O had basically the same story no matter what you played, only with multiple begginnings and endings, and maybe one or two minor things throughout, but the middle for the most part remained the same.
Well ME had the same story with some differences depending on some stuff too... what i was getting at was about giving the PC a more defined personality that drives the story...

Not to say that they couldn't do that for multiple characters and different races, just that they probably felt that would take too much effort.Which is indeed a shame, but what are you gonna do...


Well... with custom mods and such, the fanbase can probably put something really good together :)
I am just hoping they don't go with the ME way of handling combat specifically with AI I really hated ME's setup and I have yet to fiish it because it aggrivates me so.
I will admit to being a little worried about the changes (even though I loved ME) but, then I remember that this is Bioware. This company has pretty much guaranteed that I always buy every game they put out, because I've loved them all.*

*all of their pc games, at least. I'm looking at you, Sonic rpg
One thing is for sure, they ain't getting a sale from me with the way they went about with this. It's very disappointing.

I'll still play the game, they just won't get a sale that I was willing to give,. I do not like being fucked with.
One thing is for sure, they ain't getting a sale from me with the way they went about with this. It's very disappointing.

I'll still play the game, they just won't get a sale that I was willing to give,. I do not like being fucked with.
You don't think that to be a little (or extremely) self-entitled? Clearly, not selling the game in one of the many possible ways of selling their product is done solely to fuck with you.
As a consumer I'm very meticulous in where I invest my money and I feel that Bioware/EA hasn’t been perfectly honest to their Steam clientele. For $60 I should have what I’d like, on the platform I want. I've been given sloppy seconds, hours after their deal expired on "select" places then they said, it couldn't be done, the reasons were weak. If the game exists in such a form with the bells and whistles that convenes to me, giving it to small retailers and reserving it to their personal online store is a slap in the face to those who know better. Their harsh moderation on the subject really indicates that something is up. ANYTHING about this on their forums is quickly killed off.

My choice is simple, don’t buy the game. I want to play it and I shall… they simply won’t get a penny for it. I don’t like being ripped off and being taken for a fool.

You may not agree with me but hey, that’s your perogative.

I just hope they don’t fuck this up for ME3. (sorry for the red, the fucken boards sucks since the update)
The only real reason I find your stance unsavory is the pirating. If you are really that upset with them, then don't play the game. But because you don't agree with their sale practices, you're going to illegally obtain the game and enjoy it.

If you want the game enough to play it, you could buy it from their store. If their policies are fucked up enough that you decide to give them the finger, then play something else. There's no shortage of good games coming out this year, and I'm sure plenty of them are available on steam.
He could just borrow it from a friend you know... that's what i'm gonna do with DA:O once i'm done with ME2...

Of course according to publishers that's pirating too...
If it comes down to it I'll pick up the SE from EA since I already have all their EADM infrastructure on my computer due to owning the Sims 3 and five expansions.
I'm confused, what is the drama about? They didn't offer the special upgrade when you pre-order via Steam like they did in other places and in their forums they are clamping down on people complaining about it?


thats exactly whats going on, and the special edition costs the same as what Steam is charging for the non-SE.
thats exactly whats going on, and the special edition costs the same as what Steam is charging for the non-SE.
Currently on Steam DA2 costs the same price as DA2 everywhere else so I'm not sure what you are talking about. EA did a promotion where if you pre-ordered then you got the SE for the same price and that ended a few days ago. Is that what you are referring to or am I missing something on Steam?
1. EA puts the game up on pre-sale almost everywhere except for Steam, 2 versions of the game is provided one is a standard version one is a SE with the DLC and soundtrack.
2. Deal expires.
3. A few hours later the deal appears on Steam however, it is NOT the SE edition but the normal version, set at the price of the SE and thus without all the bells and whistles.
4. Steam users are upset that they are getting proverbially a gimped version of the game and have been SPECIFICALLY targeted in such a fashion.
5. A massive outcry appears on all forums, the Bioware and EA forums heavily moderates them and shuts them down.
6. News appears on most game news websites, more gamers are upset by the decision.

If you aren’t a Steam user, all is well if you are, they have specifically fucked you over and you’ll need to adapt or check your options. This is basic retail wars 101 and EA is already known as being the last “big pub” to get on board on Steam and their selection of games, very limiting.
Did you also know that if you buy the game online off the EAstore your online license can expire? Check that.
That last bit is why I have such a big problem with the EA store. I don't even know if I can get Spore back if I wanted.

...Not that I want to, but still.
1. EA puts the game up on pre-sale almost everywhere except for Steam, 2 versions of the game is provided one is a standard version one is a SE with the DLC and soundtrack.
2. Deal expires.
3. A few hours later the deal appears on Steam however, it is NOT the SE edition but the normal version, set at the price of the SE and thus without all the bells and whistles.
4. Steam users are upset that they are getting proverbially a gimped version of the game and have been SPECIFICALLY targeted in such a fashion.
5. A massive outcry appears on all forums, the Bioware and EA forums heavily moderates them and shuts them down.
6. News appears on most game news websites, more gamers are upset by the decision.
That makes more sense, I still don't get the uproar when it was available at so many other places, but it does sound annoying. The bolded part I don't get though, when you say "the deal" appeared on Steam, what deal? All I see is the regular edition at the same price as everywhere else. Thats not a deal its just standard pre-order right? So basically they just didn't give Steam users the super awesome pre-order deal that most retailers got?
Pretty much and they put the Steam users at the same price tag for the SE the other retails got... but they got less for their value.
Pretty much and they put the Steam users at the same price tag for the SE the other retails got... but they got less for their value.
Well I would disagree with your wording. They didn't put the SE at standard pricing they offered it as an upgrade from some retailers if you pre-ordered to, you know, get you to pre-order. When that special deal was done it just went to the normal price everywhere. It's annoying and for the life of me I can't figure out why they would ignore steam users like that, seems like a stupid business model. Have they said why they chose to not the upgrade offer it to steam users?
Nope. Some mod said that people were on "vacation" and when asked if it'll happen, they were unsure and didn't want to piss of the "smaller retailers".


This thread is woefully lacking in lesbian/gay/threesome drama, which is what I expected this thread to be about.
I was unaware they were going the ME process on Dragon Age 2, and that actually makes me rather happy. To be honest I rarely play a game more then once. I recently started to try playing DA:O using another origin story, but I can't seem to bring myself to it because the rest of the game will just be the same, with a few changes to dialogue and motivations in certain areas. (I mentioned before that I can't even bring myself to play the bad guy unless forced, so that route is usually closed to me.)

Mass Effect was perfect in that it allowed me to make a character and really define his personality in a "cinematic" way. You see a situation and choose what you want to do and you watch your guy really play it out rather then stand there like a wooden mannequin while everyone reacts like you said something.

I would be perfectly fine if, rather then full on origin stories, they just improved the system used in ME that allowed you to form a specific background. I guess I need to read up more on the game this month since it is coming out so soon.

This thread is woefully lacking in lesbian/gay/threesome drama, which is what I expected this thread to be about.
Hey, you ever notice that Jade Empire was the only game that allowed you to have a threesome? Wtf is with that? I so wanted some Warden on Morrigan on Leiliana action.
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