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Dragon Age Origins or Sims 3



Which one?! I can't make up my mind!




Dragon Age.

I have both and DA is much more fun than Sims3.

Bear in mind I'm not a big Sims fan so maybe I'm biased.



well... Sims 3 is fun, but there is no "stories" that is built in. You play the characters and the stories kinda "happen" but it is kinda fun to do stuff and see where your character goes (my wife loves it)

Dragon Age Origin is a bit more fun (IMO) since when you load up, you play and the story unfolds before you.




Dragon Age hands down.



Sims 3 is based off the idea that I really liked the original Sims game. The Sims is a blast to play with a friend sitting next to you.

I wasn't crazy about Never Winter Nights 2. Is Dragon Age more like Oblivion and WoW or closer to NWN2?




DA has a different interface than any of the others. You can play either real time or strategically so it's RPG/Strategy game.


General Specific

General Specific

Dragon Age




I found Dragon Age boring as a sin.



I found Dragon Age boring as a sin.
It can be boring if you don't like story base RPG :)

I read this many time on the Dragon age forum. Dragon Age is a STORY base RPG. This mean a lot of conversation and not much action. Kinda like Drama style. If you are the type who like to dive in with sword slashing and fighting, then Dragon Age is not your cup of tea (there is that but more talking and less fighting)




Gaming forum!




Sims is a girly game... are you a girly man Chaz?! ARE YOU?!




I haven't played Dragon Age, so bear that in mind.

Dragon Age probably has a much more compelling narrative and has a definite end.

Sims 3 is a lot of fun to experiment and literally DOES NOT END. It has infinite replayability. Which I guess hangs on whether yo like it to begin with.

I'd recommend getting Sims 3 if you've liked the series in the past, but not necessarily to the exclusion of Dragon Age. Even if you never buy any of the many expansions that are sure to come there is tons to go back to in that game.




Get them both. Never leave your house, again!




Just torrent the Sims, stop the insanity...




I'm trying to figure out how this is even a question. I mean, they're completely different games that are fun for completely different reasons. Do you want to play a story driven fantasy RPG or a fairly realistic open ended sitcom? If you don't know the answer to that, we can't help you.



I'm trying to figure out how this is even a question. I mean, they're completely different games that are fun for completely different reasons. Do you want to play a story driven fantasy RPG or a fairly realistic open ended sitcom? If you don't know the answer to that, we can't help you.
I think he wants both but only have enough money for one. Soooo........ trying to get a second/third opinion on which one to get first and get the other one later ;)




I guess. In the interest of helping to make a decision, I'll add my vote to the "Get Dragon Age" side. Especially since you're more likely to run into spoilers for the Dragon Age story the more you wait.




I love the Sims 3. I've wasted much of my youth playing it as well as its previous versions.

Get Dragon Age.




Sims 3 is great when you make a house full of people you know, maybe from the internet. People get excited and it becomes a huge event everytime you give them an update on their progress.

But eventually you'll get bored and the updates will stop, soon you'll stop playing it all together and wonder why you didn't buy Dragon Age in the first place. :devil:




Sims 3 is great when you make a house full of people you know, maybe from the internet. People get excited and it becomes a huge event everytime you give them an update on their progress.

But eventually you'll get bored and the updates will stop, soon you'll stop playing it all together and wonder why you didn't buy Dragon Age in the first place. :devil:
Or you try and do it never having played the game again and get ridiculed for your n00biness.




Sims 3 is great when you make a house full of people you know, maybe from the internet. People get excited and it becomes a huge event everytime you give them an update on their progress.

But eventually you'll get bored and the updates will stop, soon you'll stop playing it all together and wonder why you didn't buy Dragon Age in the first place. :devil:



I found Dragon Age boring as a sin.
It can be boring if you don't like story base RPG :)

I read this many time on the Dragon age forum. Dragon Age is a STORY base RPG. This mean a lot of conversation and not much action. Kinda like Drama style. If you are the type who like to dive in with sword slashing and fighting, then Dragon Age is not your cup of tea (there is that but more talking and less fighting)[/quote]

So is it more like Final Fantasy (which I hate) or like Metal Gear Solid (which I love)?

I know I'll like Sims 3 because I likes The Sims, but Dragon Age looks like it'd be worth checking out. I wasn't crazy about NVN2 because I couldn't figure shit out so much. Is the learning curve for Dragon Age pretty steep?

I can afford both, but that's beside the point. My PC game purchases are few and far between. I don't like wasting my money on a piece of shit game I won't play for more than a week (fucking Pirates of the Burning Seas!).



I found Dragon Age boring as a sin.
It can be boring if you don't like story base RPG :)

I read this many time on the Dragon age forum. Dragon Age is a STORY base RPG. This mean a lot of conversation and not much action. Kinda like Drama style. If you are the type who like to dive in with sword slashing and fighting, then Dragon Age is not your cup of tea (there is that but more talking and less fighting)[/quote]

So is it more like Final Fantasy (which I hate) or like Metal Gear Solid (which I love)?

I know I'll like Sims 3 because I likes The Sims, but Dragon Age looks like it'd be worth checking out. I wasn't crazy about NVN2 because I couldn't figure shit out so much. Is the learning curve for Dragon Age pretty steep?

I can afford both, but that's beside the point. My PC game purchases are few and far between. I don't like wasting my money on a piece of shit game I won't play for more than a week (fucking Pirates of the Burning Seas!).[/QUOTE]

well... if that is your taste, I would say Sims 3 since it has a higher replayability.

Dragon Age is a story base game (like Metal Gear Solid) there are TONS of conversation choices and decisions. There are combat, but not as "epic" IMO like other games. Replayability is around 2-3 times (playing all different origin to get some different beginning story and some "ending" difference - so I'm told)

Sims 3, you can download all the new stuff (player made since EA made cost money... bleh!) and control your little minions to your heart content. Also the new Sims 3 expansion looks VERY promising (we are getting that)

I am sure as the community get "better" with the tools for Dragon Age, we will see many many expansion side stories like Fallout 3 (which has MASSIVE replayability) but right now we have limited add on (cost money) and graphical changes.



Does Dragon Age let you play gnomes?



Does Dragon Age let you play gnomes?

nope... human, dwarves, and elves only.



Does Dragon Age let you play gnomes?

nope... human, dwarves, and elves only.[/QUOTE]

Damn it. i like my sprites, gnomes, and halflings!



Does Dragon Age let you play gnomes?

nope... human, dwarves, and elves only.[/QUOTE]

Damn it. i like my sprites, gnomes, and halflings![/QUOTE]

sowwy..... no halfling either.




If I could play halfling I would already own that game...



screw both I bought Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. ;-)




I can't imagine a more dull experience than playing the Sims. I got 1 with my gateway about 6 years ago and I thought it was the stupidest, most boring game. But that's me.




Not just you Fade, I can't stand the gameplay on them either. GF loves em though.



I can't imagine a more dull experience than playing the Sims. I got 1 with my gateway about 6 years ago and I thought it was the stupidest, most boring game. But that's me.
I liked Sims: Making Magic, mainly because by working on your magic skill you could enchant stuff and make some pretty funny scenarios.



Frankie Williamson

I've gotten so much out of Dragon Age so far. Right now I'm working on a retexture/weapon mod that adds weapons based on my and some real life friend's WoW characters. Like my warrior's two-handed axe, my friend's rogue's daggers, another friend's staff, etc. The textures are easy enough to manipulate, I just haven't figured how to add the items to the game in any way other than just having them be on Bodahn or just straight plopped into your inventory. I want them to be random elite or boss drops. Dragon Age is fantastic.



Sims. Dragon Age is more pretentious crap from Bioware's idiot machine

/Bitter that there will never be another Planescape game.




Sims 3 is great when you make a house full of people you know, maybe from the internet. People get excited and it becomes a huge event everytime you give them an update on their progress.

But eventually you'll get bored and the updates will stop, soon you'll stop playing it all together and wonder why you didn't buy Dragon Age in the first place. :devil:
On the plus side you can always find inventive ways to kill all those sims of the people you know...




Sims 3 + Sims World Adventure. Played DA but after having played through all the Origin stories it lost its appeal to me.

But i totally approve of you buying Modern Warfare 2



So in additon to Modern Warfare 2, I buckled down and bought Dragon Age (against every fiber in my being not to). Turns out I was right. It sucks. Generic graphics and, brother, it is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRING!




You stupid fucker. Dragon Age is great.




So in additon to Modern Warfare 2, I buckled down and bought Dragon Age (against every fiber in my being not to). Turns out I was right. It sucks. Generic graphics and, brother, it is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRING!
You have no soul.



Frankie Williamson

So in additon to Modern Warfare 2, I buckled down and bought Dragon Age (against every fiber in my being not to). Turns out I was right. It sucks. Generic graphics and, brother, it is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRING!
You have no soul.[/QUOTE]

You stupid fucker. Dragon Age is great.



I was expecting a free roaming world like Oblivion. It's lame. The story is compelling but man, I was expecting better graphics than 2006 at best.




if you don't like it, box it back up and mail it to me :)




I was expecting a free roaming world like Oblivion. It's lame. The story is compelling but man, I was expecting better graphics than 2006 at best.

Sorry MagicMan, but you are an idiot.




Man, Shannow. You ARE a total dickwad!








I never get why people rip on the graphics of this game so much. Looks fine to me o_o



Frankie Williamson

The game was in development for like 200 years so it took a hit in the graphics department. I don't agree with how much people rip into it's visuals also however. Except when it comes to the brown ass teeth. So grody. I downloaded the HD texture mods and such to sharpen it up quite a bit and it looks far better.

If he bought it on consoles, I can see the complaints though. Christ, compared to the PC the console versions are fucking hideous.




He has it on PC, oh and he's complaining because it's not "Oblivion/Fallout" pretty.

Which of course, is a valid complaint as those games really set the bar HIGH for graphic settings.



Frankie Williamson

I dunno, I think most of the graphics look better than Oblivion. The monsters definitely do and the armor models and textures definitely look far better. Oblivion has the edge environmentally but that's only really because Oblivion uses more colours than brown.



I never get why people rip on the graphics of this game so much. Looks fine to me o_o
Cause you'd expect a more recent game on the lines of Dragon Age to have good graphics. This seriously looks like Pirates of the Burning Sea, Medieval version. And I'm sorry, when it comes to RPG's, my opinion is that their saving grace is the need for amazing graphics.

I should have bought Paper Mario Wii for a better RPG. Oh well, I still have the glory of Modern Warfare 2. Now that's a fucking awesome game.




Seriously? Man my eyes must be fucked or something because it looks nearly on par with Oblivion to me. Models a bit less, faces a lot better.
I guess we differ a lot on the RPG basic needs though, since I'd like it to focus on story and gameplay with top of the line graphics as something nice but mediocre being fine enough.

Take Oblivion for example, awesome graphics, lame assed story, mediocre gameplay. The thing that always saves the TES series are the mods and the free roaming/exploring. Else it'd be the shittiest RPG ever made.

On MW2: Awesome single player. Though sadly not more then an afternoon long. Haven't really touched multiplayer yet.



Seriously? Man my eyes must be fucked or something because it looks nearly on par with Oblivion to me. Models a bit less, faces a lot better.
I guess we differ a lot on the RPG basic needs though, since I'd like it to focus on story and gameplay with top of the line graphics as something nice but mediocre being fine enough.

Take Oblivion for example, awesome graphics, lame assed story, mediocre gameplay. The thing that always saves the TES series are the mods and the free roaming/exploring. Else it'd be the shittiest RPG ever made.

On MW2: Awesome single player. Though sadly not more then an afternoon long. Haven't really touched multiplayer yet.
I haven't bothered with the single player yet. In my eyes you buy MW2 for the multiplayer. As for Dragon Age. It's not a terrible RPG, but I fail to see where it's the greatest game ever made like some game reviews are making it out to be. A great game is something like Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. When it came out it was top of the line in story, graphics, music, gamplay...

Graphics are a huge part of my gaming experience, as for many others. It's not that the graphics are bad for Dragon Age, they're just tired and outdated. If you play Star Wars KOTR, you'll notice that the faces, etc... are similar to Dragon Age. Dragon Age is more polished but it's a big rehash of the same shit. No innovation. You even said it, the graphics are on par with Oblivion. How old is Oblivion already? Three going on four. When Oblivion came out its graphics were amazing. It was an innovative game.

WoW doesn't have great graphics, but they're amazing to look at. The color schemes work together to create something living, instead of the same old bland browns you see in Everquest/ Dragon Age. I'm looking forward to Diablo 3 as my next "RPG" experience. Until then, I'm going to shy away from things like Dragon Age. They're snore fests. I should have gone with Sims 3.




Ah well, Dragon Age 3 doesn't innovate. It was never it's intention either though. Mostly it's a basic game that has taken all the proven concepts of RPG's and mixing them into one game.

Groundbreaking it is definitely not, but personally I like the dialogue heavy RPG's and on the highest difficulty combat at least, is far from a snorefest :p

I do agree on WoW, it has terrible graphics, but the style makes it work and really gives it life. From the trailers released so far, Diablo 3 seems to follow in the same vein, so I'm really looking forward to seeing that world as well.

I got bored with Sims 3 really really fast though, but I guess that's more the concept being boring after so much time spent on the previous ones. It was just more of the same, but with options removed that the other instalments had already.
Every new Sims upgrade seems to be a downgrade until they bring out the game packed with 4-5 addons.




Graphic whore...



Graphic whore...

Hey if you want to relive 1988 again, be my guest. I'll keep enjoying my HDTV and hi-res games thank you.




screw both I bought Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. ;-)

And that is a great game. But listen here, numbnuts..Dragon Age is also great, and apparently you are going to need to take a brick upside your skull to make you see the light of day!

---------- Post added at 09:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------

Graphic whore...

Hey if you want to relive 1988 again, be my guest. I'll keep enjoying my HDTV and hi-res games thank you.[/QUOTE]

And once more, you are a fucking idiot.



screw both I bought Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. ;-)

And that is a great game. But listen here, numbnuts..Dragon Age is also great, and apparently you are going to need to take a brick upside your skull to make you see the light of day!

---------- Post added at 09:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 AM ----------

Graphic whore...

Hey if you want to relive 1988 again, be my guest. I'll keep enjoying my HDTV and hi-res games thank you.[/quote]

And once more, you are a fucking idiot.[/quote]

Listen here, El Diablo. You may be a fighting chicken and all, but them fightin' words ain't gonna make me change my mind.

@Lion: Is graphics whore supposed to be an insult or something?




Listen here, El Diablo. You may be a fighting chicken and all, but them fightin' words ain't gonna make me change my mind.
Why would you want to watch TV with the stereo on?




@Lion: Is graphics whore supposed to be an insult or something?
I'm implying you put out for hi-def graphics (this was too long for a tag unfortunately)



@Lion: Is graphics whore supposed to be an insult or something?
I'm implying you put out for hi-def graphics (this was too long for a tag unfortunately)[/QUOTE]

hi-def graphics are a major criteria for any game.




And hookers.



And hookers.

Well that goes without question.




It is kind of funny, I played both games. Dragon Age I enjoyed more in the end, as I always loved classic RPGs, even with all the dialogue. At some points the dialogue did get overly heavy (Orzammar, spent three hours just in the damn city talking to people), but I felt it really let it tell a story rather then just have fight, after fight, after fight.

Sims 3 I enjoyed a ton also, but when something happened that actually annoyed me so much I have yet to go back. I made an amazing house by a river in one of the towns, worked as as a journalist, and finally decided I wanted to get a wife for my little avatar. Met some woman as a protest in front of town hall, she was married already, but I stole her away! muahahahaha, then we got married and I found out she was 5 days away from becoming an elder, and I was still a brand new adult. I was so disappointed by that I actually stopped playing, I was going to be unable to do the things with the character I wanted to do.




@Lion: Is graphics whore supposed to be an insult or something?
I'm implying you put out for hi-def graphics (this was too long for a tag unfortunately)[/quote]

hi-def graphics are a major criteria for any [STRIKE]game[/STRIKE]nookie.[/QUOTE]





It is kind of funny, I played both games. Dragon Age I enjoyed more in the end, as I always loved classic RPGs, even with all the dialogue. At some points the dialogue did get overly heavy (Orzammar, spent three hours just in the damn city talking to people), but I felt it really let it tell a story rather then just have fight, after fight, after fight.

Sims 3 I enjoyed a ton also, but when something happened that actually annoyed me so much I have yet to go back. I made an amazing house by a river in one of the towns, worked as as a journalist, and finally decided I wanted to get a wife for my little avatar. Met some woman as a protest in front of town hall, she was married already, but I stole her away! muahahahaha, then we got married and I found out she was 5 days away from becoming an elder, and I was still a brand new adult. I was so disappointed by that I actually stopped playing, I was going to be unable to do the things with the character I wanted to do.

....you got snagged by a cougar! hahahahaha



It is kind of funny, I played both games. Dragon Age I enjoyed more in the end, as I always loved classic RPGs, even with all the dialogue. At some points the dialogue did get overly heavy (Orzammar, spent three hours just in the damn city talking to people), but I felt it really let it tell a story rather then just have fight, after fight, after fight.

Sims 3 I enjoyed a ton also, but when something happened that actually annoyed me so much I have yet to go back. I made an amazing house by a river in one of the towns, worked as as a journalist, and finally decided I wanted to get a wife for my little avatar. Met some woman as a protest in front of town hall, she was married already, but I stole her away! muahahahaha, then we got married and I found out she was 5 days away from becoming an elder, and I was still a brand new adult. I was so disappointed by that I actually stopped playing, I was going to be unable to do the things with the character I wanted to do.

....you got snagged by a cougar! hahahahaha[/QUOTE]

A poor cougar at that! You're supposed to bag rich ones, foo!




A poor cougar at that! You're supposed to bag rich ones, foo!
Oh now that was not a problem. She was married to a guy and lived in the massive beach house in the south. She was a doctor and when we married I got a nice bonus of money in my account and a woman that banked hardcore each time she went to work. If only she was not going to retire in only a few days. :p
