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Staff member
Anyone else going?

I'm going as Gabe from Penny Arcade with my friend as Tycho.

I may also attempt to make a Harvey Birdman: Attourney at Law costume if I'm not lazy.

I figured if any other Halforumites were going we could meet up and represent! :falldown:
I may be going. If I go, I may go as a WH40k inquisitor.

I'm guessing there's only one dragon con so I'm not at risk of referring to the wrong location/time?
It's pretty likely I'll be there, since I live in Atlanta anyway. Not sure if I'm doing a costume, but the current idea is if I do one to go as Eddie Riggs from Brutal Legend. I'm also contemplating a Doc Brown since my hair is short and poofy, would just need to temp-dye it white.
CynicismKills said:
doomdragon6 said:
I can't wait to possibly meet two of you. :retard:
It's mainly a money thing at this point. Also I might be going to a friend's wedding instead, so there's that too.
Ditto on the money thing, both to buy the pass and to get the materials for the costume ~_~. And transportation too, since I have no car and I'm an hour away from atlanta (tho a few friends are going so hopefully I'll get the rides).


I may go on a day trip to go there. My mom actually wants to go and has no idea what to expect. We have family in Atlanta that we's stay with and just go Sat & Sun.
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