Dragonbyte Tech RPG Monster Game

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Staff member
If you remember, at one point I tried to put a Monster-style RPG on the boards but it died an untimely death when the developer sucked and was never around.

Now, though, the one I mentioned for Dragonbyte is in Alpha testing and it looks great! On their site right now it's very limited, but here's a video showing how you can make monsters on the Admin side. And there are BILLIONS of combinations. Once the game gets going, you'll be able to either capture monsters, breed monsters and stuff like that.

This is part 1 and we should be getting the beta version very soon. Once it's through Alpha testing, three sites will be beta. One is Dragonbyte, one is a site that won a contest..and one is us.

So stay tuned, people. This one is gonna rock your fucking socks off!



Staff member
If all goes as planned, Dragonbyte plans on releasing the Beta test TOMORROW! I'm hoping it goes as planned. When we get the beta loaded here I will make sure that it has its own tab instead of under the "fun & games" and I'll create a thread in the Board Requests and Bugs forum. When you make a post there, please make sure we know whether you found a bug or if you are requesting a certain function or feature. Again, we are one of 3 test boards...so try and break the shit out of it. Find every exploit you can to cheat the system and hack the fuck out of it. It's the least we can do. :D


Staff member
Beta does not come with monsters pre-loaded so I'm building them right now.

Soon, my pretties, soon!


Staff member
Okay, it's open and ready for business. I want you to remember & know the following things:

  1. It's a beta. It's not a finished product. You are helping to test this for the developers. Because of this we may be doing occasional wipes.
  2. I have to add EVERYTHING! And by everything I mean the places on the map, the monsters and their stats, the enemies and their stats, the exp tables, the attacks the monsters all get, etc. I have put some stuff in and God knows how balanced it all is at this time. It may be very unbalanced so please don't just throw shit at my head.
  3. IF YOU ENCOUNTER AN ERROR OR BUG!!! I'm going to be making a thread in the Bug Reports forum. Please post them there and I'll pass them on. Screen prints are helpful.
  4. IF YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION!! I'm going to be making a thread in the Bug Reports/Suggestions forum. Please post in that thread. Anything posted here may not be addressed.
  5. Stats are all relative to other monsters. Strength is physical attack, Intelligence is magical attack, Endurance is physical defense & Willpower is magical defense. Physical attacks GENERALLY use Stamina while magical attacks GENERALLY use Focus. Some attacks may use both.
  6. Right now breeding monsters is not available, nor is fighting other people's monsters. But these are coming. Also, there are no item shops or NPCs. These are also coming up.
  7. Right now everything is very, very basic. I will be adding stuff all the time so you can basically watch the thing growing day by day.
  8. I will be redoing the Google Document so people can create monsters.
  9. When creating your monster, you can scroll down and see what the monster will look like. The body type is determined by the monster type you choose, and then you choose your monster's head, arms, legs and the color of each. Right now you have to use HTML/Hex color codes, but that's going to change.
Any more questions you have you can post them here. Time to have fun!
How often can we heal our monster's? I ask cause I did a few battles and after each one I was able to heal my monster but after another fight it would not let me heal my monster anymore. I don;t know if it matters but the fight I was in did not really end I was fighting a bear and I ran out of stamina so I refreshed the page cause I could not attack and after I refreshed I was not in the fight anymore and I could not get back to it nor could I heal my monster anymore.


Staff member
You can heal out of battles RIGHT NOW as many times as you want after the fight is over. If you run out of focus or stamina you can defend and it'll regenerate.

---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 AM ----------

Also, did you try and hunt again?
I just tried to hunt again and it did take me back to the fight I was in. I ended up losing the fight but at least i am healed now.
Your stamina doesn't seem to refresh when you defend. It will let you attack again after a time or two, but your stamina doesn't display as being any higher. When I attacked again it updated the stamina.
Your stamina doesn't seem to refresh when you defend. It will let you attack again after a time or two, but your stamina doesn't display as being any higher. When I attacked again it updated the stamina.

I have the same issue


Also it seems kinda annoying that some times I can win a fight with no problem and other times every attack misses and I get creamed. It just seems weird that I have a lv. 2 dragon against a lv. 1 brown bear and lose. I also noticed that defend does not seem to lower the enemies attack it just raises your stamina. Listed below is a record of one of my fights and I have had quite a few end up like this (where I miss half the time if not more)

[10:49:54] [Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 4 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Miss [Brown Bear]
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 11 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Hit [Brown Bear] 9 Damage
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 7 Damage
[Volvagia] Defend
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 7 Damage
[Volvagia] Defend
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 4 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Miss [Brown Bear]
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 5 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Miss [Brown Bear]
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 6 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Miss [Brown Bear]
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 3 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Miss [Brown Bear]
[Brown Bear] Claw Miss [Volvagia]
[Volvagia] Bite Hit [Brown Bear] 5 Damage
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 2 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Hit [Brown Bear] 5 Damage
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 7 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Hit [Brown Bear] 6 Damage
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 3 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Miss [Brown Bear]
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 7 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Hit [Brown Bear] 8 Damage
[Brown Bear] Claw Hit [Volvagia] 2 Damage
[Volvagia] Bite Hit [Brown Bear] 5 Damage


Staff member
Right now what I'm working on is balancing the monsters versus the enemies you meet. I made spreadsheets with all the monsters and their stat gains, etc. Seems I had the Xolossus powered WAY up and the Sireen way down. Fixing that now. Not sure how it's going to affect your monsters if they've already been played but I don't care so there.

Actually the Xolossus is a motherfucker in the physical the way I have him set up. He sucks against magic but I don't have a lot of magical monsters right now.

The drake is just overpowered.

Balancing this is gonna be HARD!!
My Drake can't hit anything half the time and when he does it is a coin toss on whether my lv. 3 Drake will do more, less or the same amount of damage as a lv. 1 brown bear


Staff member
Let me get the list of attacks for you.

---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 PM ----------

If I need to tweak some of these I can.

---------- Post added at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:25 PM ----------

And just to get an idea, each level your monster gets a certain amount of points to each stat. Here's the averages for all 5 species for level 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 & 100.

As you can see, the Drake is way above average and needs to be pared back. The Xolossus isn't that much further behind.
I just think that bear is overpowered. I beat him once out of every 5 or 6 tries as a level one drake. He takes a whole lot less stamina to attack sure he deals 1 or 2 less damage when he hits than me but he hits alot more often than I did.


Staff member
Okay. So it's more the bear than the creatures then. Working on it now.

---------- Post added at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------

I upped the % chance to hit with a bite to 67% and lowered the stamina per attack with it to 5.

Let me know if it's more even or if it's too easy now.

---------- Post added at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:59 PM ----------

I upped the % chance to hit with a bite to 67% and lowered the stamina per attack with it to 5.

Let me know if it's more even or if it's too easy now.


Staff member
I have kept the strengths of the Starting creatures the same and just changed how easily they level. Sireens will get levels quickly and Drakes will take a lot more. The order of difficulty is: Sireen -> Lizard -> Canus -> Xolossus -> Drake.

Here's how you figure them out. To make level 2 the progression is: Sireen (80 xp) -> Lizard (90 xp) -> Canus (100 xp) -> Xolossus (110 xp) -> Drake (120 xp). After that it's a jump of 10% per level. So to make level 3 a Sireen needs 88 xp while a Drake takes 132. For level 4 the Sireen is 96 while the Drake is 145. The Drakes will be able to kill higher level creatures and get more xp so this should even out...I hope.
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