Dreidel flash game

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Staff member
In time for Chanukah, here's a dreidel game on line!


(it seems to come up shin for me each time, though. Broken?)

And yes, I went looking for a Flash-based dreidel game.

Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,
I made it out of clay!
And when it's dry and ready
With dreidel I will play!
Those kids are jerks. Call me stupid will you.

If only there was some way to gloat when I won their little game.
Thanks, that was fun.

As a kid my mnemonic for what each letter meant (back when I could read Hebrew) was "none," "gimme," "half," and "shit."


FUCKING DREIDEL! I would always lose to my cousins playing that fucking thing! I've hated the dreidel game ever since I was 6! GRRRRRRRRRR!! Those damn computerized versions of my cousins are bringing back horrible memories. AGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!


Staff member
haha, that was pretty entertaining, except for baby Barack Obama giving me shit >: (

Also, fun learning about the dreidel, etc!
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