Early Spring: I have been asked to once again act as overseer for the small fortress of Boltshanks. Because my first go around as overseer was such a peaceful and enjoyable experience I agreed.
The first order of business is to properly outfit our military. Azurephoenix has selected a good bunch of recruits that seem to know which way to hold their weapons however the weapons are lackluster bronze and copper for the most part and their armor is just as bad copper mail seems to be the mainstay of the army. That will not due.
Of course the main problem is that we haven't found any viens of any metal but copper a metal that all that is dwarfish inside of me bucks at ever considering it an acceptable armor making metal. However seeing no better alternatives I commisioned our armorer to make Breastplates, greaves, helms and gauntlets for as long as he had material or until he became a legendary armorer whichever came first and he set about his goal with admirable stoutness.
I also began the long and arduous job of straitening out work orders and getting industry humming.
I've also began digging fresh new rooms for the migrants that will no doubt soon be bashing down our gate as well as several suites that will be set aside for the military.
Early Summer: The armor working is coming along well he is up to adequate and most of our proud military dwarves have equiped themselves with breastplates. I've also made weapons from stronger metals to replace the copper weapons.
Our tanner went into a bit of a strange mood and took over our leatherworks. She emerged a few days later with a rather fetching Headveil and grand new insites into the occupation of tanner. I was of course overwhelmed with the results. I traded for several bins of cloth from the Elves. And other than a child getting kidnapped by a goblin which didn't even make his parents unhappy I would say it was a perfectly pleasant summer.
Autumn: Our Mason was possessed by a strange force and created a microline bed something that my other 2 legendary masons claimed was impossible. It's not worth as much as one would think but still it's a usable bed.
My Autumn turned deadly when one of our fisherdwarves saw an ambush of Goblins moving against our fortress. I rallied the military who after a short break went outside to fight them off. it was a bit of a shitshow. several of the goblins were killed swiftly but then one speargoblin was badly injured and forced to flee. As he fled he was able to injure the feet of the two dwarves pursing him before he was put down. And then just as I thought the danger had passed our annual caravan from the dwarf homes approached our fortress and emerged right into the middle of another goblin ambush.
Somehow I know I'm going to be blamed for this.
The caravan was carved up by the marksgoblins. Two of the guards were killed an entire wagon was killed and a merchant and his horse were sent into a berserk rage before the goblins were driven off. I assigned my marksdwarves to put the horse down as Dwarvenly as possible.
Which as standard is a two month long beatdown with their bare fists. Punching and biting the horse as it drifts in and out of consciousness before it mercilessly passes away after beating all the teeth out of it so that it can't properly fight back.
Oh and a master Armorer was part of the last migrant wave meaning that our combination weaponcrafter and armorer has just lost half of his portfolio a blow for his career I'm sure but a large bonus to the fort as a whole.
Due to our hard work we have been declared a barony I have humbly accepted the honor of being the new ruler of this land.
Winter: I've ordered our military to wear no clothing after noticing that our military hasn't worn any of the gauntlets, boots or helms that have been made since they were wearing cloth. One of the injured dwarves has lost the ability to stand without a crutch. I haven't removed him from the military since he should die as he lived hobbling to his certain death.
Oh and we seem to have aquired a vampire.
With a little bit of investigation it turns out it was the absurdly well trained fisherdwarf that came in with the last migrants. I've assigned him to be the champion hoping that he can train up our military before the next overseer decides what to do with him.
Overall nothing much happened over the winter. I've began a project to wrap the entire area in weapon traps so that future goblin attacks will take damage before they get near the fortress. And hopefully stop another caravan from being slaughtered.
Oh and another Tanner made another neat leather artifact. Terrible utterly terrible.
I'll post the save when I get home tonight.