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EA to charge for (extended) game demos




From Gamasutra via Slashdot:
Analyst: EA To Release Paid DLC Prior To Packaged Game Launches

"The PDLC would be sold for $10 or $15 through Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, and would essentially be a very long game demo,"

"I think that the plan is to release PDLC at $15 that has 3-4 hours of gameplay, so [it has] a very high perceived value, then [EA will] take the feedback from the community (press and players) to tweak the follow-on full game that will be released at a normal packaged price point."

""EA’s view is that the PDLC costs a lot less to develop (essentially, it’s the first few levels of the full-blown game), and they have the opportunity to fix whatever needs to be fixed in the packaged product that is released a few months later, whether that entails doing more of what people like or doing less of what they don’t like."

In an update to the story an EA VP spouted a lot of marketing speak for "we want to charge you as much as we can, without having you think we're nickel and diming you to death" and concluded with "None of the proposals call for charging consumers for traditionally free game demos."

Does this whole thing strike anyone else as monumentally stupid? Sadly, I think that it will probably succeed, at least for a while, but good gravy. The major game companies want us to pay to be part of a beta test / demo, pay again (full price) for the game, and then pay again for "DLC" which is already on the disc! What really gets me is that they call the paid demo a "low-cost marketing tool". Is that low-cost to the company or to the consumer? I'd say it's a new low for people to pay for a chance to be a marketing tool, but T-shirts and athletic shoes have been doing that for quite a while. Maybe I should be surprised it's taken the video game industry this long to catch on that people are willing to pay money to help sell a company's product.




This will not work unless they give people who buy the "extended demo" which sounds more like a Beta, btw, a very good discount when buying the full game.




hahaha, yeeeahhh not gonna pay for it




The trend towards more and more paid DLC is starting to irritate me.




This is getting me mad.

To me DLCs should be free. I consider it a form of advertisement for their game. Instead of spending millions to advertise games, advertise with incredible free DLC to enhance the game to justify the $50-60 bucks they ask.

Pay $15 for a longer demo? WTF, I'll simply torrent their shit and give them the finger.



Frankie Williamson

In today's news, EA to charge for longer demos. In other news, Frank to not buy them.

Just vote with your wallets. I wish more people would.


I hate that shit. It's the fact that most people seem to think like that and that being why pricks like Bobby Kotick are winning.



In other news, I still am not playing single player online games (constant connect DRM), here's Dave with the weather, Dave!



The trend towards more and more paid DLC is starting to irritate me.
This is why I really stopped playing games that weren't MMORPG's..

Companies start charging for DLC, which should have either been free content from the start or enough rolled into one big pickage to be sold as an expansion pack. As more and more games move to an rpg style of playing (i.e. weapon / item / ability "unlocks" in CoD) or some system or constantly purchasing new stuff, its just not a way I wish to play games.

I came from the generation that bought a complete game on the copy of the game you bought. No gimped demo version no DLC thats already on the install disc but you have to pay for later, just a good old fashioned complete game you paid for totally when you first bought the game.

Then again, this is EA. I've not bought an EA product since ea_spouse enlightened the world on EA's business practices on making its workers grind out development until it literally would make them sick / ill. So no skin off my back, already a product I won't purchase, this just reinforces that belief.




The sad thing is that on consoles DLC already costs money even when it's free for the PC this might actually work.

The trend towards more and more paid DLC is starting to irritate me.
This is why I really stopped playing games that weren't MMORPG's..

Where they just take your money and only give you new stuff once in a while...



The sad thing is that on consoles DLC already costs money even when it's free for the PC this might actually work.

The trend towards more and more paid DLC is starting to irritate me.
This is why I really stopped playing games that weren't MMORPG's..
Where they just take your money and only give you new stuff once in a while...[/QUOTE]

And you can talk to other people. Also the City of Game franchise is up to release 17 in a few days with a brand new graphics engine, new zones, revamped marketing system, more exploration unlocks, plus issue 16 brought a ton of new features including players being able to make their own stories and share them with others FOR FREE, not as a separate story bonus micropayment. Remember though in the OP we are talking about charging for demos, Star Trek Online, City of..., EVE, and other MMO's give demos for free. Will you get new content on your demo? Sources say no.


Kitty Sinatra

Also the City of Game franchise is up to release 17
Is anything after character creation fun yet?




There's other ways around it other than just not playing single player games, or torrenting their shit. You can just wait until the game comes out, check reviews, and decide what's worth it then. Or, wait for the price to drop.

But then I don't neeeeed to play Bioshock 2 off the bat. Actually, since people have been complaining about it, I can wait a bit longer :D




The only way they will learn is if people refuse to buy them and I for one refuse to pay for an extended demo.




The sad thing is that on consoles DLC already costs money even when it's free for the PC this might actually work.

The trend towards more and more paid DLC is starting to irritate me.
This is why I really stopped playing games that weren't MMORPG's..
Where they just take your money and only give you new stuff once in a while...[/QUOTE]

And you can talk to other people. Also the City of Game franchise is up to release 17 in a few days with a brand new graphics engine, new zones, revamped marketing system, more exploration unlocks, plus issue 16 brought a ton of new features including players being able to make their own stories and share them with others FOR FREE, not as a separate story bonus micropayment. [/QUOTE]

15$ a month is not what i'd call free...

I just found it funny that his big act of rebellion was proving to them that people will pay additional money on a regular basis as long as you offer a little more stuff from time to time...

Remember though in the OP we are talking about charging for demos, Star Trek Online, City of..., EVE, and other MMO's give demos for free. Will you get new content on your demo? Sources say no.
Never said that MMO's where worse, mind you.



Well Grue, I've been playing it nonstop for past three years so I'd have to say, all of it, especially bot or thug masterminds, your mileage may vary.
@Li3n, The expansions are at no extra charge, and you brought them up first.




But then I don't neeeeed to play Bioshock 2 off the bat. Actually, since people have been complaining about it, I can wait a bit longer :D
I'm waiting for Bioshock 2 as well. I didn't buy the first game until it was $15 (and later it dropped to $10, then $5). I imagine the price will drop for Bioshock 2 as well, and there might even be a bundle of the game that includes all the DLC.




Yeah, i'm sure there are no expansions that you have to buy for any MMO's... but i was thinking more along the lines of content patches...

But really, this only dilutes the fact that i was mocking Mav's rationale.



The trend towards more and more paid DLC is starting to irritate me.
This is why I really stopped playing games that weren't MMORPG's..

Yet MMOs are going down the same path. Sub based games with additional item shops are a thing that's happening now, with Cryptic leading the way in shameless greed it seems (Do you still have to pay for respecs in the CO store? :rolleyes:), but even big daddy Blizzard isn't immune to it's siren call it seems.

All game companies are getting greedier no matter what genre they produce.



I've only played WoW for like a week, as I recall they charge for their expansions.



Frankie Williamson

Not that I particularly enjoy defending WoW, but man, the content difference between WoW and Cowhatever is immense.

And Villains wasn't free when it was first released.




The only way they will learn is if people refuse to buy them and I for one refuse to pay for an extended demo.
This is really the beginning and end of it. Companies only do this sort of thing because they have reason to believe it will work. Don't want it, don't buy it.

Don't even complain about it. There's nothing to complain about, because if you don't want to pay for an extended demo, there's still the traditional free demo that EA says they're not getting rid of, and the actual game. If enough people don't buy it, companies will stop doing it, because there won't be any money from it.




So....instead of paying people to playtest their games they are having the playtesters pay THEM?

No thanks. I can't see anyone being dumb enough to fall for this.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Kidding! fucking morons will eat this shit up!



So....instead of paying people to playtest their games they are having the playtesters pay THEM?

No thanks. I can't see anyone being dumb enough to fall for this.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Kidding! fucking morons will eat this shit up!
When I read it, that is what I was thinking.

People paying the company to pretty much beta test the game and FIX issues so the game can be popular and sold but no "money return" to the tester. At least testers used to be paid for testing and R&D the game.




So....instead of paying people to playtest their games they are having the playtesters pay THEM?!
I doubt there is an "instead" in there. Just because someone buys their way into the beta test won't make them a good tester, so I imagine they'll keep their regular folks.

This is a purely marketing move to make more money off the die-hard-can't-waits, IMHO.



So....instead of paying people to playtest their games they are having the playtesters pay THEM?!
I doubt there is an "instead" in there. Just because someone buys their way into the beta test won't make them a good tester, so I imagine they'll keep their regular folks.

This is a purely marketing move to make more money off the die-hard-can't-waits, IMHO.[/QUOTE]

True, but you sometimes get some good testers. This is why open/close beta testers are usually in large numbers. Diamond in the rough ;)

so instead of that, they are using viral marketing AND beta testers AND get paid for it (the company) it is a win-win for the company.
