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eating crow about champions online




I admit, my first 10 minutes of this game left a very negative impression, which i posted about here.

I gave it a second chance (as I often do, since first impressions can be wrong), and now I'm sad that the open beta ends tomorrow. I'm having a lot more fun in that game than I was in DDO. Lots of content, lots of quests. Zones are huge. Graphics are pretty nice. PVP arenas are fun as all get out (I got the perk "Ceiling Cat" in the arena by staying up on the roof and laser-eye-beaming opponents to death all of one match :D).

The servers just went down, and I was all "waah!"

TL;dr: The game is actually pretty good.




I have been having a blast this game and will be playing many a toon.




I just only got a chance to play it for a few hours. I made one hero (Which I think came out pretty awesome and wish I had a pic to show) and went through the tutorial.
I need to figure out a better keyboard scheme. I don't like the one that comes standard, but at the same time I don't know how many buttons I'll actually need access to in the end.
Can someone tell me exactly how game combat works? So far I just run up and hit stuff with my sword. I have two attacks. One seems to be just an automatic attack. The other just kinda hits once but doesn't seem to do any more damage than the first attack would. I also notice a power bar that goes down, but never significantly enough to run out of energy during a fight.

I'm also blown away by the enhancement items. Mostly because I don't know what stats are necessary for my class, and exactly how many of what types of items I can equip.

And I certainly hope I can level up eventually. I got through the tutorial and had to quit about the time I was 6th level and had just run past the guys who train your crafting skills. I have yet to come across the guy that you can train and level up with.




Its sounds interesting, If I had a box suitable for gaming I might have given it a try. Sounds like they sorted out the problems they had at the start of the beta (i.e. not giving the gold release version).




some attacks are "charged' attacks..meaning you can hold down the attack button for longer to do more damage.
The longer you hold, the more energy they take up.

Some attacks do little damage, but give you energy back.

One way of doing things is to use the energy-giving attack until your bar is full, and then fire off a few full-powered charged attacks.

Note that you can also have some attacks going at the same time as other attacks. I haven't really figured out the rule yet as to why some attacks can't go at the same time, but some can.
