Ed Power, writer of 'My Cage' comic. Ask me anything.

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Ed Power Cage Writer

Yeah, you can ask 'What the hell is My Cage?' and 'Why does your comic suck so much?'.

I post on Comics Curmudgeon. I can take it. :D

(BTW: 'My Cage' is a syndicated comic strip from King Features Syndicate:

http://mycagecomic.com/ )
Hey there, welcome to the forums, hope you stay for a long time, hope you enjoy yourself. :)

(Oh, and watch out for the grues)

Do you have favorite webcomics? Which ones? Why are they your favorites?
Similarly, do you dislikecertain webcomics? Again, which ones and why?


Staff member
[oldjoke] Are you prepared? [/oldjoke]

And yes, welcome. Look around, have fun, don't mention steaks, for the love of God DON'T MENTION STEAKS.

How'd ya find your way here?
How long have you been a writer? Do you have formal education on it or just decide one day "I'ma write a comic"?

I ran a webcomic for about 12 strips but decided I couldn't be a writer for it, s'why I'm interested :)


Staff member
Where did the ideas for your comic come from?

Are there any characters you totally relate to or are totally opposite of?
Are you a tastemaker? (Also, what is a tastemaker?)

Seriously though, glad to have you hear Ed!
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