Edit: odd jail time and crimial activities

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I would love to see what is consider a "yawn" I think the article is a bit misleading and probably more like the guy making noise.

But I didn't know that you could get upto 6 month for contempt of court.

-- Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:58 pm --

Here is another one... A man caught wearing underwear..... that are not his..

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/08/ ... 5433.shtml

This is what gets me.
Deputies charged a 47-year-old man with burglary, theft, criminal trespass and possession of illegal fireworks.
glad wearing women's underwear is not a crime.
On a slightly related note, my home state of Florida has the highest number of juveniles sentenced to life without parole for non-homicide (i.e. no one killed) crimes in the nation. More, in fact, than every other state put together.

Go team Florida!



Chibibar said:

I would love to see what is consider a "yawn" I think the article is a bit misleading and probably more like the guy making noise.

But I didn't know that you could get upto 6 month for contempt of court.
Contempt of court is actually a pretty serious deal. Judges can pass it out pretty easily too, which is why I get a bit ticked when courtroom dramas have the people sitting in erupt into conversation every five minutes.
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